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101. Virtual Crystallography Page The images you see spinning and morphing between shapes are animatedGIF images created by me, Albert Hines. They are built using http://www.novagate.com/~ahines/rocks/vir_cris.htm | |
102. Department Of Crystal And Structural Chemistry The department is focussed on crystallography with main research lines in protein and chemical crystallography. Personnel, publications, distributed software, map and other information of the campus. http://www.crystal.chem.uu.nl/ | |
103. Protein Crystallography Protein crystallography. 1. Protein crystal growth. Proteins are verysensitive to their environment and if treated in wrong conditions http://www.chem.pmf.hr/~dijana/procr/main.html | |
104. ::DataCentric:: Protein Crystallography, Protein Crystallization, Structure,prot DataCentric Automation specializes in the design and delivery of hightech systems for the laboratory and drug discovery markets, especially in the fields of protein crystallography, proteomics, and genomics. http://www.dcacorp.com | |
105. Our Pages Have Moved You will be automatically transferred to the new crystallography at the NSLSpage in 15 seconds or you may click on the link to go there directly http://www.x12c.nsls.bnl.gov/x12c/nsls_px.html |
106. Crystallography Resources Resources relating to crystallography, including Databases, Journals,Research Groups, General Resources, Societies and Software. http://www.netaccess.on.ca/~dbc/cic_hamilton/crystal.html | |
107. Argonne Structural Biology Center Operates a national user facility for macromolecular crystallography. http://www.sbc.anl.gov/ | |
108. Home Of The Groningen Protein Crystallography Group http://www.xray.chem.rug.nl/ | |
109. UBC Protein Crystallography UBC Protein crystallography. Brayer Laboratory. http://laue.biochem.ubc.ca/ |
110. SwetsWise: Login (IUCr) crystallography World WideIUCr Home Page crystallography World Wide. 21st January 1998 crystallographyWorld Wide Editor - Copyright © International Union of crystallography. http://www.swetswise.com/link/access_db?issn=1074-1542 |
111. Crystallography On OS X Making OS Xa viable Unix platform, crystallography Programs, Other Links ofInterest. Installing Xwindows. Use Fink to Install crystallography Software. http://www.chemistry.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/crystallography_on_OS_X.html |
112. CSCA Association bulletin and crystallography resources. http://www.xray.cz/xray/cryst.htm | |
113. Laboratory Of Crystallography: Home Translate this page beschreibungfehlt http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/crystal/ |
114. Reciprocal Net Home The Reciprocal Net project is still under development we hope to havedozens of participating crystallography labs online by 2004. http://www.reciprocalnet.org/ | |
115. Crystallography crystallography. Structure reports. International Union of crystallography, 1913 1973 (section B)/1990 (section A) A. Metals and inorganic compounds. http://www.library.adelaide.edu.au/guide/sci/Chemistry/cryst.html | |
116. NetSci: Crystallography Software Listing Welcome to NetSci s List of crystallography Software. Notice Benchmarkfor crystallography by the San Diego Supercomputing center. BREADTH http://www.netsci.org/Resources/Software/Struct/xray.html | |
117. X-tal Protocols Manual with information about (membrane) protein crystallization for Xray crystallography. http://www.xtal-protocols.de | |
118. SSRL Macromolecular Crystallography The Macromolecular crystallography Group at SSRL operates and develops five beamlinesproviding state of the art macromolecular crystallography facilities and http://smb.slac.stanford.edu/ | |
119. Index Of /hypermail/PROTEIN-CRYSTALLOGRAPHY .. ECSCD8 .. historical environment like Segovia. The Previous European Conferenceson Surface crystallography (and Dynamics) have been held in http://www.bio.net/hypermail/PROTEIN-CRYSTALLOGRAPHY/ | |
120. SCI-BITES: Journals Ranked By Impact: Crystallography Journals Ranked by Impact crystallography. Rank, 2001 Impact Factor. Impact 19972001.Impact 191-2001. 1, J. Applied Crystallog. (2.58), Acta Crystallograph. http://www.in-cites.com/research/2003/january_20_2003-1.html | |
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