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81. Segalman Group: Self-Assembling Plastic Electronics structural studies in neurochemistry, protein evolution and automated crystallization techniques http://www.cchem.berkeley.edu/~rasgrp | |
82. Crystallography Reports http://www.maik.ru/journals/cryst.htm |
83. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Crystallography Reviews English language reviews on topics in crystallography and crystal growth, covering all theoretical and applied aspects of biological, chemical, industrial, mineralogical and physical crystallography. http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/0889311x.html | |
84. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS crystallography REPORTS (Kristallografiya), ISSN 10637745 CODENCYSTE3. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lev A. Shuvalov, Professor, Shubnikov http://www.maik.ru/cgi-bin/journal.pl?name=cryst&page=main |
85. Mineralogy Database Extensive mineral database containing crystallography, chemical composition, physical and optical properties, Dana classification, Strunz classification, mineral name origins, mineral locality information, and alphabetical listing of all known valid mineral species. http://webmineral.com/ | |
86. Nature Of 3D Structural Data Some molecules have been studied both by crystallography and by solution NMR, andin these cases the agreement has been excellent. XRay crystallography. TOC. http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/experimental_methods.html | |
87. European Journal Of Mineralogy Publishes original papers, review articles and short notes dealing with all mineralogical sciences, which include primarily mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, crystallography and ore geology, as well as applied and technical mineralogy or any related field. http://www.schweizerbart.de/j/ejm/index.htm | |
88. Protein Crystallography Facility Group At The SRS light harvesting complex, Protein crystallography. College of Biology Medicine. CCP4supports an integrated suite of programs for protein crystallography. http://www.dl.ac.uk/SRS/PX/ | |
89. Evidence For 2-Chain Helix In Crystalline Structure Of Sodium Deoxyribonucleate Rosalind E. Franklin and R.G. Gosling present an analysis of data from Xray crystallography which indicates differences between the A and B structures of DNA. 577K PDF. Nature http://www.nature.com/nature/dna50/franklingosling2.pdf |
90. Crystallography At SDSC crystallography at SDSC. Support for Societies. The Page. Miscellaneous.A Crystallographic Benchmark (old). crystallography Elsewhere. http://www.sdsc.edu/Xtal/Xtal.html | |
91. Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biophysics Macromolecular structure and function, and related research on complexes using Xray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, computational biology, electrostatics and bioinformatics at Columbia University, NY. http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gsas/biochem/areas.html | |
92. Crystallography crystallography most often refers to the experimental methods used todetermine the arrangement of atoms in solids. More traditionally http://kosmoi.com/Science/Chemistry/Crystallography/ | |
93. ECA - SIG5 Home Page Special Interest Group No. 5 of the European Crystallographic Association. http://www.lcm3b.uhp-nancy.fr/ecasig5/ | |
94. (IUCr) LaTeX Style File And Templates A class for submissions to the International Union of crystallography journal. The page also has a BibTeX style, documentation, and a template. http://journals.iucr.org/a/services/latexstyle.html | |
95. Crystallography Now crystallography Now. A web page dedicated to the memory of Kyparissos Stephanos(18571917). WHAT IS THIS PAGE ABOUT, AND WHAT IS A WALLPAPER PATTERN? http://www.oswego.edu/~baloglou/103/seventeen.html | |
96. Katedra Krystalografii Studies of structures and phase transitions. http://alpha.uni.opole.pl/pracowniaang.html |
97. Oxford Cryosystems Company specialising in cryostats and software for xray crystallography. Includes information about products, the company and contact details. http://www.oxfordcryosystems.co.uk/ | |
98. XX Congress Of The International Union Of Crystallography We are working to make your visit to Florence unforgettable from boththe scientific and the cultural viewpoint. We look forward http://www.iucr2005.it/ | |
99. Molecular Structure Laboratory The laboratory deals with molecular structure by employing both experimental techniques, such as Xray crystallography, and the methods of computational and quantum chemistry. http://faculty.virginia.edu/molecular-structure/ | |
100. EPSRC National Crystallography Service Welcome. to the web site for the EPSRC UK National crystallography Service.The Service is an amalgamation of resources at two centres http://www.soton.ac.uk/~xservice/ | |
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