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41. Division Of Structural Biology And Biophysics Located within the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the University of Minnesota. Research includes crystallography and NMR. http://biosci.cbs.umn.edu/BMBB/structbio/index.html | |
42. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Crystallography Reviews A Taylor Francis Journal crystallography Reviews crystallographyReviews. Editor Moreton Moore, Department of Physics, Royal http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/0889311x.asp | |
43. Brenner Laboratory Research on the function of histidine triad hydrolases, and members of the nitrilase superfamily using enzymology, yeast genetics and Xray crystallography. Located in the departments of Genetics, Biochemistry and the Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~brenner/ | |
44. Astex Technology A structurebased drug discovery company pioneering the use of High Throughput X-ray crystallography (HTX) for the rapid identification of novel drug candidates through structural screening-based in Cambridge, UK. http://www.astex-technology.com | |
45. Discrete Tomography Theory behind combinatorial reconstruction of matrices from horizontal and vertical projections for interpretion of Xray crystallography coordinates, from Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Paris University, France. http://www.lri.fr/~durr/Xray/ | |
46. Crystallography Reports http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/cryst.htm |
47. Crystal Research And Technology Journal for experimental and industrial crystallography. http://www.CrystalResearch.com/ | |
48. Mineralogical Association Of Canada - MAC/AMC - Association Minéralogique Du Ca Information and activities to advance the knowledge of mineralogy and the allied disciplines of crystallography, petrology, geochemistry and mineral deposits. http://www.mineralogicalassociation.ca/ |
49. Chemical Crystallography Oxford: Home Crystals is a single crystal Xraystructure analysis software suite maintained byresearchers in theChemical crystallography Laboratory in Oxford and through http://www.xtl.ox.ac.uk/ | |
50. Crystallography Service - Links Ammonium Difluoroacetate, MSU Chemistry. crystallography Service. WWW Links forcrystallography Top of Links page University crystallography Laboratories. http://www.cem.msu.edu/~ward/cs_links.html | |
51. Rough Diamond Education, Diamond Valuations Diamond education course including crystallography and grading. http://www.diamondeducation.co.za/ | |
52. Crystallography - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia crystallography. crystallography most often refers to the experimentalmethods used to determine the arrangement of atoms in solids. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystallography | |
53. Distance Learning At Birkbeck, University Of London Researchled institution offering specialist advanced courses in biology, crystallography, earth sciences, geography, psychology and media studies disciplines. Includes course and enrolment information. http://www.bbk.ac.uk/distance/ | |
54. Glasgow Protein Crystallography Home Page The University of Glasgow has a long tradition in crystallography. From1942 to 1970 JM Robertson held the Gardiner Chair of Chemistry http://www.chem.gla.ac.uk/protein/Homepage.html | |
55. Techtrans' Technical Dictionary Patent terminology. Agriculture, biology, chemistry, crystallography, communications, computing, electronics/electricity, maritime, mechanics, medicine, military, nuclear physics, optics, paper making, oil production, pharmacy, semiconductors, signal/speech processing, aerospace, textiles, printing, xerography. About 75 pages. http://www.techtrans.com.fr/Glossary.PDF |
56. Software From Chemical Crystallography, GLASGOW Software from Chemical crystallography, GLASGOW. WinGX. Version 1.64of WinGX for MSWindows. Programs for the solution, refinement http://www.chem.gla.ac.uk/~louis/software/ | |
57. The Mineralogical Society Society for the advancement of mineralogy and its application to crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, environmental science and economic geology through support of meetings and publication of books, journals and monographs. http://www.minersoc.org/ | |
58. Welcome To The Central Laboratory Of Mineralogy And Crystallography (CLMC) The Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and crystallography, a department of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. http://www.clmc.bas.bg/ |
59. Crystallography crystallography. Please note Support for this service has been stopped.Use http//www.chemie.de/. instead. Subdirectories. References. http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/chemistry/index/cryst/ | |
60. Wiley-VCH - Crystal Research And Technology Crystal Research and Technology is an international journal examining all aspects of research within experimental, industrial and theoretical crystallography. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2223/ | |
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