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21. Bio-Xtal, Speeding Up Your Discoveries Provides crystallography services and recombinant protein production by means of Semliki Forest Virus. http://www.bioxtal.com/ | |
22. CaRIne Crystallography 4.0 CaRIne crystallography 1 software, 2 complementaryand compatible versions. For research and teaching. http://pro.wanadoo.fr/carine.crystallography/ | |
23. Crystallography Over 4339 mineral species descriptions are included in this HTMLlinkedtable of crystallography for all known valid mineral species. http://webmineral.com/crystall.shtml | |
24. StructuralGenomix: Home Page A drug discovery company utilizing a genomicsdriven, high-throughput stucture-based platform using X-ray crystallography. http://www.stromix.com | |
25. Cookies Required crystallography Reports, founded in 1956, publishes original papers, shortcommunications, and reviews on different aspects of crystallography. http://scitation.aip.org/cry/ | |
26. Oxford Cryosystems Manufacturer of open flow cryostats for crystallography, including the Cryostream . Also designs software for xray crystallography. Oxford, UK. http://www.OxfordCryosystems.co.uk/ | |
27. (IUCr) Applied Crystallography Online http://journals.iucr.org/j/journalhomepage.html | |
28. Texas Center For Crystallography At Rice University Serves as a multiinstitution resource in Texas for small molecule crystallographic research and education. http://python.rice.edu/~arb/CCD/Crystallographic_Analysis.html | |
29. MSU Chemistry - Crystallography Service The crystallography Service is the Michigan State University Department of Chemistry sprimary resource, not simply for performing crystal structure http://www.cem.msu.edu/~ward/crys_serv.html | |
30. Thayumanasamy Somasundaram | Associate In Research | Professional Website Information about protein crystallography, structural biology, India and Tamil language by a student at Florida State University. http://www.sb.fsu.edu/~soma/ | |
31. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal Of Chemical Crystallography http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1074-1542/contents | |
32. Steffen Weber Pages crystallography sofwares, applets and demos. Quasicrystals. http://jcrystal.com/steffenweber/ |
33. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Journal Of Chemical Crystallography http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1074-1542/current | |
34. ESM Software: Materials engineering software including materials properties databases, phase diagram collections, crystallography and thermochemistry. http://www.esm-software.com | |
35. PITT CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY HOME PAGE CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT XRAY crystallography LAB. UNIVERSITY of PITTSBURGH. Somecrystallography Servers. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library crystallography http://www.pitt.edu/~geib/ | |
36. Www.iucr.ac.uk/ www.iucr.ac.uk/welcome.html iucr.sdsc.edu/cwwtop/crystal.index.html crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems Introduction to crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems Writtenby Mike Howard - Illustrated by Darcy Howard. Part 1 Introduction. http://www.iucr.ac.uk/ |
37. Dr. Ken Ng -- University Of Calgary Xray crystallography of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases from positive-stranded viruses and carbohydrate-binding proteins. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Canada. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~ngk | |
38. Bob's Rock Shop: Introduction To Crystallography And Mineral Crystal Systems Introduction to crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems by Mike and Darcy Howard crystallographyis simply a fancy word meaning the study of crystals . http://www.rockhounds.com/rockshop/xtal/part1.html | |
39. GXRCC Home Page Bulletin boards; listing of courses and journals; significant collection of links to crystallographyrelated software, databases, links and materials. http://www.uga.edu/~biocryst/ | |
40. Crystallography And Biocomputing Staff, seminars, servers, databases combining macromolecular crystallography and biocomputing, at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK. http://www-cryst.bioc.cam.ac.uk/ | |
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