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41. CryptoCumbria Cumbrian Cryptozoology A club for those with an interest in cumbrian cryptozoology and Fortean zoology. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/bransty/index.html |
43. Cryptozoology cryptozoology. cryptozoology is the study The first published use of the word cryptozoology was in 1959 by Lucien Blancou. As I work in http://www.crystalinks.com/cryptozoology.html |
44. WebRing: Hub Join the webring or see a list of member sites. http://b.webring.com/hub?ring=cryptoring&list |
45. Cameron's Cryptozoology Page Cameron s cryptozoology Page. For those unfamiliar with what cryptozoology is, cryptozoology is defined as the search for hidden animals. http://www.geocities.com/capedrevenger/ | |
46. The UnMuseum - Cryptozoology Click Here. cryptozoology. (Lost Worlds Exhibition). cryptozoology the study or search for previously unknown or hidden animals. http://www.unmuseum.org/lostw.htm | |
47. WebRing: Hub About this Ring. A webring for those Netizens who ve made sites devoted to cryptozoology, the study of unknown animals. WebRing Rating Survey. http://b.webring.com/hub?ring=cryptoring&list |
48. Cameron's Cryptozoology Page Split into two categories. The first deals with hoaxes, the second is a geographical listing of likely cryptids. Includes links and pictures. http://www.geocities.com/capedrevenger/index.html | |
49. MegaGo.com - ONE CLICK SEARCH ! Open Directory Science Anomalies and Alternative Science British Columbia Scientific cryptozoology Club - Provides information about the club and their efforts in the field of cryptozoology. http://monsters.webjump.com/ | |
50. Cryptozoology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia cryptozoology. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. cryptozoology is the prior to 1901. Notable topics of interest in cryptozoology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptozoology | |
51. X-Project Cryptozoology Archives A listing of articles covering cryptozoological topics. http://www.icidal.com/xproject/archives/cryptozoology/index.html | |
52. Cryptozoology cryptozoology. THE STUDY OF UNKNOWN, BIZARRE, MYTHOLOGICAL, AND ARCANE ANIMALS. cryptozoology; Cryptozoological Bibliography; Cryptozoological Links. http://www.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/cryptozoology.html | |
53. CryptoZoo Contains articles and a variety of cryptids, a definition of cryptozoology, theories, classifications, an image gallery, important cryptozoologists, and references. http://cryptozoo.monstrous.com/ | |
54. What Is Cryptozoology What is cryptozoology? Beast of Gevaudan, Hyena, Hyaena hyaena, France, 1996. * New Species/subspecies discovered to be identity of cryptid. Oceanic cryptozoology http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/megaraptor/what_is_cryptozoology.htm | |
55. Dale Cozort's Cryptozoology Page cryptozoology is the search for animals not yet recognized by Western science. Dale Cozort s cryptozoology Page (Bigfoot and the like). Table of Contents. http://members.aol.com/dalecoz/dale3.htm | |
56. Cryptozoology Items cryptozoology Books Last updated September 19, 1999. This is a listing of all the Bufo s WEIRD WORLD BOOKS titles for cryptozoology. http://members.aol.com/Weirdware2/bwwb-cz-master.html | |
57. Creature Chronicles An electronic version of Ron Schaffners newsletter Creature Chronicles . cryptozoology and Wildlife Phenomena. http://home.fuse.net/rschaffner/ | |
58. Cryptozoology cryptozoology the exploration into unknown or legendary animals. The Loch Ness Monster, La Chupacrbra, Bigfoot and more. cryptozoology. http://users.cihost.com/ata/zoo.htm | |
59. Publist An index of cryptozoology related publications. By Craig Heinselman. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/5103/publist.htm | |
60. 150 Cryptozoology Links cryptozoology Links. rights reserved. http//users1.ee.net/pmason/cryptozoology.html WHAT IS BIGFOOT TALKING ABOUT IN OHIO? FROM http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/main/bigsearch/cryptozoology.html | |
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