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21. ADW: Crustacea: Information Home Kingdom Animalia Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum crustacea. Subphylumcrustacea (crustaceans). crustacea (Online), Animal Diversity Web. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/arthropoda/crustacea.html | |
22. AquacrabServices Consultants in the construction and management of aquaculture facilities suitable for a range of finfish and crustacea. Company information, products and services. http://users.tpg.com.au/users/lodgment/aquaserve.htm | |
23. Crustacea crustacea. Submit Your Website crustacea.Net. International society with the purpose to advance the study of all aspects of the biology of crustaceans, and to enhance the exchange of information among persons interested in them. biologyx.com. crustacea. Submit Your Website crustacea.Net. Provides an interactive information retrieval system for the world crustaceans http://www.biology-x.com/biology-x/crustacea.html | |
24. ADW: Crustacea: Classification Home Kingdom Animalia Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum crustacea. Subphylumcrustacea (crustaceans). Information; Pictures; Specimens; Classification. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/classification/Crustacea.htm | |
25. Arctic Ostracode A searchable database of information on ostracodes, a group of bivalved crustacea preserved in the sediments of the Arctic Ocean. http://geochange.er.usgs.gov/pub/PRISM/ostracodes/arctic/Contents/FGDCmeta.html |
26. Crustacea, Natural History Museum Of Los Angeles County crustacea. Research conducted We estimate that our crustacea Collectionscurrently contain 45 million individual specimens. Our historical http://crustacea.nhm.org/ | |
27. Game, Poultry, Crustacea And Fine Foods From Land, Sea And Air Suppliers of game, poultry, crustacea and fine foods. http://www.landseaair.co.uk/ | |
28. Your Search: processing requests crustacea.net interactive keys. Home Introduction World crustacea Abbreviations How to use Intkey Announcements Workshops Copyright © Australian Museum, 1999 - 2002 An Australian Museum website http://www.i-une.com/cgi-bin/meta/search.cgi?lang=en&keywords=Crustacea |
29. Sorry Sorry. Due to bandwidth constraints, this is gone. http://crustacea.nhm.org/~dean2/crab.html | |
30. Crustacea Taxonomy reference information. http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Crustacea&contgroup=Arthropoda |
31. Crustacea crustacea. List Summary. Order Anostraca http://www.esg.montana.edu/dlg/aim/crustac/crustac0.html | |
32. SENCKENBERG - FIS - Crustacea Die Seite beschreibt die ¼ber 500.000 Exemplare umfassende Sammlung. Daneben werden auch einige Forschungsprojekte detailliert erl¤utert. http://www.senckenberg.uni-frankfurt.de/fis/crust.htm | |
33. Recognized Species Of Of Dinoflagellates And Affiliated Taxa That (ed.) The Biology of the crustacea, Vol. 6, Pathobiology. Differentiation of flagellatedspores in Thalassomyces ellobiopsid parasite of marine crustacea. http://www.vims.edu/~jeff/dinos.htm | |
34. IV Taller - Brachyura Workshop on crustacea, specially brachyura, held in Buenos Aires/Argentina (58 April, 1999) http://www.octopus.furg.br/taller | |
35. Museum Fuer Naturkunde Berlin Ein virtueller Rundgang durch die Sammlung der Krebstiere. Teilweise sind auch animierte Sequenzen verf¼gbar. http://www.museum.hu-berlin.de/home.asp?page=zool/samml/crus_rg01.htm |
36. Marine Wildlife Photographs - Crustacea II : Prawns And Shrimps British Marine Life Study Society. British Marine Wildlife Photographs1998 British Marine Life Study Society Portfolio crustacea II. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/BMLSS/portfol5.htm | |
37. FFS-Fachinformationen: Flusskrebse, Schutz Und Förderung Artenbeschreibungen verschiedener crustacea (Edelkrebs, Steinkrebs, Dohlenkrebs, Galizierkrebs, Kamberkrebs, Signalkrebs, Roter Sumpfkrebs, Kalilokrebs) mit Bestellm¶glichkeit von Fachbrosch¼ren. http://www.landwirtschaft-mlr.baden-wuerttemberg.de/la/LVA/FFS/Fachinformationen | |
38. Turkish Journal Of Zoology Ostracod (crustacea) Fauna of Lake E°irdir (Isparta). Abstract full paper is available in PDF format. http://mistug.tetm.tubitak.gov.tr/~bdyim/abs.php3?dergi=zoo&rak=0010-7 |
39. CRUSTACEA Translate this page breve. A new extension of the Domain of Ampullariidae, exclusivelydedicated to freshwater aquarium crustacea, to enter click HERE. http://users.swing.be/sw018249/ | |
40. CRUSTACEAà The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~capcr/ | |
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