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Crop Production: more books (100) |
141. Hemp: Specialty Crop For The Paper Industry In 1994 a four year research program to evaluate the feasability of the cultivation of hemp (Cannabis sativa L., Cannabinaceae) as a raw material source for the paper industry was finalized. Three aspects, primary production, pulp processing, and paper production, based on an integrated chain model from farm to factory were studied. Author Anthony Capelle. http://www.globalhemp.com/Archives/Academic_Research/specialty_crop_paper.html | |
142. Amit Biotech crop protection and production focused products, with manufacturing facilities in West Bengal, Cuddalore, and Ahmedabad, India. http://www.amitbiotech.com/ |
143. **Organic Vegetable Production Crop Protection And Insect Nets** Makers of nonwoven crop covers for organic vegetable production, protect against insects, other pests, and the elements. UK. http://www.gromax-int.com/ | |
144. Error 404 Information on herbaceous plants with underground storage organs such as bulbs, corms, and tubers. Oriented primarily towards commercial growers, forcers, and retailers. production statistics, crop specific guidelines for major geophytic plants such as tulips, daffodils, and lilies. Clemson University. http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/hort/sctop/geophyte/webpage.htm | |
145. Harvesting, Retting And Fiber Separation Summary of a feasibility study on industrial hemp production in the US Pacific Northwest, dealing with current information and research on hemp harvesting, retting and fiber separation when the crop is grown for fiber. From the US Department of Agriculture. PDF document. http://www.globalhemp.com/Archives/Government_Research/USDA/ages001Ee.pdf |
146. Agri-Basics | About A.B. A group of independent soil, crop and livestock experts based in the United States who specialize in balancing animal rations and supplying products to meet production goals. There is some information on products and services on the site, and a members area. http://agribasics.com | |
147. Flax Production In North Dakota Flax production in North Dakota history and use, growth and development, growing the crop, ND flax variety descriptions, pest control, harvesting and storage, and seed flax straw. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/crops/a1038w.htm | |
148. Malavalli Power Project Pvt. Ltd. Biomass Power Plant in India showcasing use of low density crop residues as commercial fuels for energy production. http://www.mpppl.com/ |
149. Vegetable Crop Management Information on the commercial production of garlic, sweet corn, yellow storage onions and carrots. http://www.extension.umn.edu/specializations/horticulture/Vegecrop.html | |
150. Cedar Basin Crop Consulting Home Farming consultant guide to services including mapping, crop planning, soil testing, crop scouting, manure management program planning, and production costs analysis. http://www.cedarbasin.com/ | |
151. Cornell University Guidelines For Vegetables Detailed notes on vegetable production with the emphasis on integrated crop management techniques. Click on Index to view main contents page. http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/recommends/ |
152. Vegetable Horticulture Program The Southwest Florida Research and Education Center provides Florida with research and extension information, specifically in the areas of vegetable transplant production and stand establishment. crop budgets and cover crops also included. http://www.imok.ufl.edu/veghort/index.htm | |
153. Vegetables All aspects of vegetable production are covered including factsheets, newsletters, crop updates, pest and disease control and statistics. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/hort/vegetable.html | |
154. Vegetables Data from the National Agricultural Statistics Service on fresh market vegetables, strawberries and melons including area harvested, yield and production, by season and by crop from the larger states. http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/nassr/fruit/pvg-bb/ | |
155. International Ag Labs, Inc. Offers laboratory services, product development, consulting services for agronomic situations from quality of crop to production problems. Minnesota. http://www.aglabs.com | |
156. Cotton For Nonwovens - Nonwovens - Cotton Incorporated Extensive technical article on cotton in relation to its use in the nonwovens industry. crop growing, ginning and classification. Properties, chemistry and morphology. Nonwoven production processes and cotton fiber selection and use. Diagrams and tables. From Cotton, Inc. http://www.cottoninc.com/NonWovens/homepage.cfm?PAGE=41 |
157. United Agri Products Site has company profile and contact information, they specialize in crop and animal production markets. http://www.lovelandindustries.com/ | |
158. Chapter 11 Organic Production This is part of Cornell's 'Integrated crop Pest Management Guidelines for Commercial Vegetable production'. Limited amount of information but contains useful links and references. http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/recommends/11frameset.html |
159. Pacific Seeds Specialists in the research, production, marketing and distribution of a diverse range of crop varieties, including sunflower, grain and forage sorghum, maize, sweet corn, popping corn, soybeans, canola, grazing oats, and an assortment of temperate pastures. http://www.pacificseeds.com | |
160. Crop Profiles - Sweetpotato A section from an online publication, Sustainable Practices for Vegetble production in the South http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/sustainable/peet/profiles/c18swpot.html | |
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