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121. Regulatory Issues Of Crop Production: International Conference On Regulatory Iss Summary and selected information from the International Conference on RegulatoryIssues of crop production and their Implications for the Food Supply. . http://nutrition.tufts.edu/conferences/crop_production/ | |
122. NC State Commercial Floriculture-Floriculture Information Center The starting page for access to North Carolina State University's floriculture information. An organized site for detailed crop production information. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/floriculture/ | |
123. Pacific Agri-food Research Centre / Centre De Recherches Agroalimentaires Du Pac The centre researches crop production on mineral and peat soils under cool climate conditions. Listed are staff directory, studies and teams, reports, newsletters and links. http://res2.agr.ca/stjohns/ | |
124. Alfalfa Covers variety selection, plant growth, pest management environmental effects, cutting schedules, and other information on crop production and management. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/crops/uwforage/alfalfa.htm | |
125. We Back Biotechnology Site sponsored by Novartis to promote the benefits of biotechnology in corn and other crop production http://www.webackbiotech.com |
126. CPC Crop Pollination Consultants Consultants in the management of mason, honey, bumble, and leafcutter bees for crop pollination in green houses and field crops for seed and fruit production, based in Vancouver, Canada. http://www.beediverse.com/cpc | |
127. Crop Science crop Science publishes original research in crop breeding, genetics, and cytology; crop physiology and metabolism; crop ecology, production, and management; seed physiology, production, and technology; turfgrass science; crop quality and utilization; cell biology and molecular genetics; plant genetics resources; and pest management http://crop.scijournals.org/ | |
128. Circlespeak - A Journey Into Crop Circle Country Information about a crop circle documentary being made by a US independent production company. http://www.circlespeak.net/ | |
129. Welcome To Farm Business Software Systems, Inc. Integrated production/financial management systems for crop and livestock producers. http://www.fbssystems.com/ | |
130. Azrom Greenhouses Agricultural Innovations Vegetables Turn-key Project Design, engineering and production of greenhouses for many crop requirements and climatic conditions. http://www.azrom-greenhouses.com |
131. Commercial Vegetable Production Guides, North Willamette Research And Extension Related Links Other Vegetable production Guides. Other Agricultural Sites. OregonWeather. USDA Market Reports. Cross Commodity Cole crop Insect Control. http://oregonstate.edu/Dept/NWREC/vegindex.html | |
132. Planalytics Life Sciences Supply chain planning and assistance in managing production, inventories, logistics, and marketing of crop protection chemicals, fertilizers, seed, animal health products, pharmaceuticals, and processed food. http://www.planalytics.com/agriculture/ag_index.html |
133. Global Agri-Tech - Providing Practical Solutions To Agricultural Situations Wisconsinbased company providing research, planning, implementation and operation assistance for dairy, livestock, crop, equipment, or production projects. http://userpages.chorus.net/gmdanner | |
134. Sheep @ Purdue: Feeding The Lamb Crop There are a number of ways to grow and finish lambs. The type of feeding program will depend in large part on what area of the country one is located, what type of production system is utilized, what the marketing options are and, of course, what feed resources are available. http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/sheep/articles/feedlamb.html | |
135. Welcome To Crop Watch Gives advice about pest management, production recommendations, news releases, research updates, meeting notices, color photos and weather data for agribusinesses and producers within the state. By the University of Nebraska cooperative extension office. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/ | |
136. Ohio Crop Consultant, Independent Crop Consultants An organization of consultants that advise farmers, agricultural dealers and government agencies regarding crop, turf and horticultural production, and resource management. http://www.oaicc.org/ | |
137. RCE: Crop Rotational Budgets Updated versions will be posted when available. Conventional productionPractices; Integrated crop Management production Practices; http://aesop.rutgers.edu/~farmmgmt/ne-budgets/NEbudgets.html | |
138. Agronomy Journal Publishes articles relating to original research in oilplant relationships; crop science; soil science; biometry; crop, soil, pasture, and range management; crop, forage, and pasture production and utilization; turfgrass; agroclimatology; agronomic modeling; statistics; and computer software. http://agron.scijournals.org/ | |
139. Remote Viewing Crop Circles In 1992, PSI TECH was hired to examine function/purpose, and mechanics of the crop circle production. http://www.psitech.net/projects/cropcircles/ |
140. Harvest Master By Seamere Software Ltd Recording software for arable crop inputs and production. http://www.seamere.co.uk/ | |
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