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81. Small Farms :: Oregon State University Provides small scale farmers with practical information about crop production, marketing and other topics of interest. Includes links to information on farm direct marketing, crop and livestock enterprises, sustainable agriculture, rural living, and water quality improvement information. http://smallfarms.oregonstate.edu/ | |
82. General Information - Crop Production - Manitoba Agriculture And Food General Information crop production. back_button.gif (411 bytes). Successfulcrop production depends on a number of inter-related factors. http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/cropproduction/faa01s00.html | |
83. Greenhouse And Alternative Crop Production - Programs And Services - Manitoba August 2003. Programs Services. Greenhouse and Alternative crop production.PURPOSE OF PROGRAM/SERVICE Provide information on varieties http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/programs/aaa01s05.html | |
84. Institute Of Arable Crops Research Conducts basic, strategic and applied research in biological and related sciences, integrating these to optimise crop production systems. Site describes the work of the institute and provides maps of how to get to its sites. http://www.res.bbsrc.ac.uk/ |
85. The Economic Impacts Of Bioenergy Crop Production On U.S. Agriculture The Economic Impacts of Bioenergy crop production on US Agriculture. Report preparedfor the US Department of Energy and the US Department of Agriculture. http://bioenergy.ornl.gov/papers/misc/eco_impacts.html | |
86. The Economic Impacts Of Bioenergy Crop Production On U.S. Agriculture The Economic Impacts of Bioenergy crop production on US Agriculture. MarieE. Walsh production. 2.3 crop production Costs. Enterprise budgets http://bioenergy.ornl.gov/papers/wagin/ | |
87. Simplot Grower Solutions Offers crop production needs, agriculture and technology information, news, weather, and management tools to members. http://www.simplot.com/agriculture/solutions/ |
88. Ecology.com - In Space, Agriculture Develops Roots An advanced AstroCultureô plant growth unit is helping scientists gain newinsights about how to improve food products including crop production. http://www.ecology.com/ecology-today/astroculture/ | |
89. Vegetables (ACIS) Researchbased, desert crop production information on all aspects of vegetable growing including management, pests and diseases, irrigation, and economics. http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/ | |
90. Crop Production And Protection AUB letter head. crop production and Protection. http://www.aub.edu.lb/~webpubof/research/23report/agri/cpp.htm | |
91. Crop Production National Centre, crop production. Chief Adviser Carl Åge Pedersen. The NationalCentre, crop production is divided into a number of professional sections http://www.lr.dk/applikationer/kate/viskategori.asp?ID=lr00300002000010001401 |
92. Cover Crops In Crop Production Systems Cover Crops in crop production Systems. For more information on the use of covercrops in your crop production system contact your local Extension office. http://outreach.missouri.edu/extensioninfoline/farms/cover_crops.html | |
93. Micronutrients In Crop Production MICRONUTRIENTS IN crop production. 200006-01. Micronutrient deficicienciesare easy to treat but difficult to diagnose. The symptoms http://www.fftc.agnet.org/library/abstract/nc128a.html | |
94. Monsanto Canada | Advantages | Reduce Your Tillage | Effective Costeffective crop production. Studies show that yields produced ina reduced tillage system are equal to or better than those grown http://www.monsanto.ca/advantages/reducetillage/costeffective.shtml | |
95. BASF AgSolutions Offering solutions to crop production challenges with information and tools that will help you farm better. http://www.farmlinepartners.com |
96. UAP | Canada's Crop Protection & Crop Production Connection UAP is pleased to bring a wide range of proven crop production productsto the agricultural and horticultural marketplace across Canada. http://www.uap.ca/ |
97. Fertilizer Use And Crop Production This site has information on soil testing, fertilizer recommendations, micronutrients, plant tissue analysis, organic soils, calculation of fertilizer rates and manure. http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/cropproduction/faa04s00.html#_1_3 |
98. Crop Production - Industry Fact Sheet - Hoover's Online crop production. Companies Partners. Buy Reports and Books. crop productionFinancial Analysis Profiles (BizMiner, Dec 23, 2003, Business Reports). http://www.hoovers.com/crop-production/--HICID__1015--/free-ind-factsheet.xhtml | |
99. Space Station Challenge - Activities Offers teachers and students a chance to examine a number of basic principles and concepts in plant biology and crop production through hands on experiments using a simulated Biomass Production System. http://www2.cet.edu/iss/activities/farminspace.asp | |
100. University Of Manitoba: Organic Crop Production On The Praries: Home Course in Organic crop production. Organic crop production on the Prairies. Sept.Dec. 2004. Credit 3 Aug. Non-Credit 1 Sept. $381.00. $85.00. Jan. - Apr. http://www.umanitoba.ca/afs/organic_prairies/ | |
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