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61. AJ's Wiltshire Weirdness Gallery Photographs focusing predominantly on crop circles. http://www.dolomite.ndirect.co.uk/weirdwilts/ | |
62. Photo 1 Of 77, Crop Circles Decoded - ImageEvent com/news/news.cfm?ID=443 catagory=environment Linda Moulton Howe has done a terrific job of analyzing the series of Chilbolton crop circles that appeared from http://imageevent.com/cropcirclerational/cropcirclesdecoded | |
63. Forschungs Gesellschaft Kornkreise E.V. crop circles from Germany. Most articles have an English translation. http://www.fgk.org/ | |
64. CSICOP Crop Circle Experiments 2002 CSICOP crop circles Experiments. Kevin Christopher CSICOP Public Relations Director. August 15, 2002. SI . Skeptics crop circles. http://www.csicop.org/hoaxwatch/cropcircles.html | |
65. Presentation Enter into the secrets of UFOs, crop circles, and the SFiles . http://slidingstones.free.fr |
66. Crop-Circle Plant Research By Levengood; Investigative Files (Skeptical Briefs J who wrote several articles and books advocating the vortex hypothesiswas increasingly forced to conclude that great numbers of crop circles, especially the http://www.csicop.org/sb/9606/crop_circle.html | |
67. Glastonbury Symposium - Investigating Crop Circles And Signs Of Our Times Leading annual conference on crop formations and related issues, in Glastonbury, SW England, July/August. http://www.glastonburysymposium.co.uk | |
68. Watcher Website - Cydonia, Secret Mars Link To Myth & Ancient & Pre Adam History Links from angels, aliens, UFOs and crop circles to Mars and satan. http://www.mt.net/~watcher/ | |
69. CROP CIRCLES And EXTERATERRESTRIALS By Brainstrains.com EMAIL SENATEEMAIL PRESIDENT BUSH. crop circles THE BEST OF THE WEB. updated 03/26/03 UFO PHOTOS, VIDEOS, DOCUMENTS, AUDIO http://www.brainstrain.cropcircle.iwarp.com/ | |
70. Phenomenon - The Crop Circle Page crop circles. This critically. A very good book which gives a clear and imartial view of the phenomenon. More books about crop circles . http://www.stateoftheart.nl/phenomenon/frames/subjects/cc/cc.htm | |
71. Sightings UFO Sightings UFO Reports Aliens Ufos Aliens Ufos Ufology Alien Abduct UFO research, sightings, reports, theories, merchandise, organizations. Hangar 18, Area 51, crop circles, extraterrestrials, Roswell crash. http://qtm.net/~geibdan/bookmrk2.html | |
72. CropCircleAnswers.com : Crop Circle Research - Crop Circles - Crop Signs - Crop crop circles, crop circle lights, crop circle answers, crop circle sites, crop circle links, crop circle theories, crop circle information, crop circle http://www.cropcircleanswers.com/ | |
73. Crop Circles Research Of Truth crop circles 2003 Woodborought Hill 2003. crop circles Video Scroope Wood 2003. crop circles Video Walkers Hill 2003. crop circles Video South Field 2003. http://www.cropcircles.it/ | |
74. Oregon UFO Review Home Dedicated to the scientific investigation of the UFO phenomenon. Oregon UFO sightings, plus info and pictures of recent and past Oregon sightings, cattle mutilations, crop circles, and UFO lore. http://www.oregonuforeview.com | |
75. Cropcircle Anomality Website Edited and designed by Dirk Wessels scientific articles, anomality specifics and crop circles and etheric energies. http://www.xs4all.nl/~icircle/dcircles/ | |
76. WEB PAGE TRANSFERED The Centre for Crop Circle Studies has been investigating crop circles since its inception in 1990 http://www.aviation-uk.com/CCCS/active/ccc2home.htm | |
77. Swirled News crop circles, corn circles, crop formations Swirled News gives you the latest news, reviews, controversial opinion and incisive commentary on this amazing http://www.swirlednews.com/ | |
78. Dutch Cropcircle Website Reports and articles about Dutch crop circles. http://home.hetnet.nl/~cropcircle/ | |
79. Busty Taylor Crop Circle Home Page BUSTY TAYLOR CROP CIRCLE PAGE. The study of crop circles A proclamation initiative. CROP CIRCLE AND UFO RESEARCHER, AND PHOTOGRAPHER UPDATED May 6th 2004. http://www.busty-taylor.com/cropper/98busty2.htm | |
80. Crop Circles: Artworks Or Alien Signs? Email this story. Sponsored in part by. crop circles Artworks or Alien Signs? crop circles first appeared in the fields of southern England in the mid-1970s. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/08/0801_020801_cropcircles.html | |
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