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41. Www.artbell.com/circles.html Crop Circle Cereal Creative Marketing Plan for Crop Circle Cereal TM crop circles are widely acknowledged as one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the twentieth century. http://www.artbell.com/circles.html |
42. :::::::...SHINYWEB...::::::: Gli antichi misteri da Atlantide agli Egizi, le foto vere dei folletti, l'isola di Oak, i templari, crop circles, le piramidi. http://www34.brinkster.com/shinyweb | |
43. 1500 Crop Circle Links Crop Circle Database. crop circles Parts 16. Go to Frames! crop circles are the most well known from England, but have been seen all over the world. http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/cropcircles/crop.html | |
44. Elfenland An introduction to elves and fairies, concentrating on celtic myth, crop circles, and elf lights. (In Dutch) http://www.elfenland.crouze.com/ | |
45. 600 Crop Circle Links crop circles Part 1. A 90 minute TV Special on crop circles which shows the circles themselves for all to see and presents the top crop circle researchers. http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/main/bigsearch/crop-1.html | |
46. The W-Files: An Archive Of Wisconsin Paranormal Activity A collection of the paranormal from Wisconsin. Covers UFO sightings, crop circles, ghost stories, bigfoot and many other stories of the strange that have been reported in the state. http://www.ufowisconsin.com/wfiles/ | |
47. Is Maitreya The Antichrist? One man's opinion of Maitreya, and an expos© of crop circles. http://home.sprynet.com/~eastwood01/yaknow.htm | |
48. "The Crop Circle Web Site." Click here. Over 10,000 crop circles have appeared worldwide since the 1980 s What does this have to do with crop circles? Click me to find out. http://thecropcirclewebsite.50megs.com/ | |
49. BBC - North East Wales Weird Guide - Weird Exploring hauntings, UFO sightings and crop circles in this area. http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/northeast/guides/weird/ | |
50. Crop Circles Book by Carolyn North describes crop circles with many photos. http://www.roninpub.com/crocir.html | |
51. Nebraska Farmer Discovers Crop Circles CNN http://cnn.com/2002/US/Central/10/05/offbeat.crop.circles.ap/index.html |
52. 0 All Crop Circles Images And Explanations French crop circle site with extensive photo archive. http://www.geocities.com/cropcircles_999/ |
53. Home February 1, 2004. CROP CREST. Browsing through Colin Andrew s new book, crop circles, Signs Of Contact, DCCCS Chairman Eltjo Haselhoff most certainly discovered http://www.dcccs.org/ | |
54. 'Signs' Revives Crop Circles Mystery CNN http://cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/Movies/08/02/cropcircles.ap/index.html |
55. The Lone Cryptic's View information on UFOs, Government conspiracies and the paranormal. View images of space, UFOs and crop circles. Report UFO sightings. http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/warminster/531/ | |
56. UFO, Un Grande Enigma Ancora Irrisolto Sito ricco di informazioni su Ufo, Roswell, Area51, crop circles e sui misteri e gli enigmi ancora irrisolti della storia. http://www.webtre.it |
57. Skeptical UFO-article - How To Make A Crop Circle Yourself, With Photos. Dansk hjemmeside om korncirkler. crop circles or just Crap Circles ? . decide yourself .. Worldwide, UFO enthusiasts have reported several crop circles. http://www.amtsgym-sdbg.dk/as/crop/ufofake.HTM | |
58. Crop Circles CropCircles Corner. has moved to this new, larger, no-ads site -. www.korncirkler.dk/cccorner. click here. http://www.geocities.com/jonah105/corner.html | |
59. HoveringObject Wearables Original paranormal shirts. UFO, crop circles, area 51. High quality tshirts for believers. http://www.hoveringobject.com |
60. :: Mystic Merlins Official Crop Circle Board Games :: / Welcome Mystic Merlins crop circle board games. Announcing. An interactive CD Video game on crop circles. THIS GAME WILL SPIN YOU ROUND CROPCIRCLE MYSTERY ADVENTURES. http://www.cropcircleboardgames.co.uk/ | |
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