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81. Flash Math Creativity Flash Math creativity from friends of ED is all about what you do in your spare time, just take little ideas and mess around with them. http://www.friendsofed.com/fmc/ | |
82. The North American Centre For Interdisciplinary Poetics - NACIP A webbased forum for free exchange on matters pertaining to interdisciplinary creativity. Housed at York University, Toronto. http://www.poetics.yorku.ca | |
83. Www.creativesparks.org/ Womenfolk Of creativity, Inspiration and QuiltingWomenfolk is a place of inspiration for women where women s creativity is encouraged. Creative On creativity and Living in Balance. ~ a http://www.creativesparks.org/ |
84. The Writing Life Find the writer in all of us and banish writer's block with authorinstructor-mentor Jessica Page Morrell's tips and techniques on writing and creativity. http://pages.ivillage.com/bcjessica/ | |
85. Exploring The Creative Process - Women Creativity Articles on the nature of creativity, how creativity is processed in the brain and ways for women to develop their creativity. Exploring Women s creativity. http://www.womenfolk.com/creativity/ | |
86. Quantum Decision Making -- Becoming The Empowered Decision-maker Intuitive decision making to enhance teambuilding, leadership, innovation, and creativity for individuals, corporations, and organizations. http://www.intuitive-qdm.com | |
87. !!!The Study Of Design!!! - Beth Cherry Information pertaining to design fundamentals, inspiration and creativity, and the business of design. http://www.thestudyofdesign.com/ | |
88. ExpersOnª Innovation For Entrepreneurs, Business Plans, New Product Development Innovation tools, publications, techniques, and creativity enhancing resources for inventing . http://www.expertson.com/Innovation/innovation.html | |
89. Map The Future:Home Page Kerch McConlogue, coaching with creativity and invention women, entrepreneurs, and executives in the arts and sciences. Clients with ADD are my passion. http://www.mapthefuture.com | |
90. Arts And Creativity: UNESCO Culture Sector Arts and creativity Developing the proper environment for artistic creativity. Promoting creativity and allowing it to flower in http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php@URL_ID=1404&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTI | |
91. Acacia Leadership Consulting -- Helping Small Businesses Successfully Transition Helping executive leaders engage the knowledge, experience and skills to achieve creativity, innovation and sustainable success. http://www.acacia-consulting.com/ | |
92. CREATIVITY, The Literary Charity creativity is a literary charity. We assist individuals in schools creativity, The Literary Charity. creativity, The Literary Charity, works http://www.webspawner.com/users/theliterarycharity/ | |
93. Art And Music Resources for teaching art and music, with links to art history, tools and techniques, creativity and reference sites. http://www.angelfire.com/mo/sasschool/musart.html | |
94. Creativity Incorporated A Philadelphia based organization that is noted for training business leaders in creative problem solving, whole brain technology, and creativity team techniques. We offer Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) evaluations for organizations or individuals. http://creativityincorporated.com/ | |
95. Glot-Bot: The Application Of Genetic Algorithms Towards The Creation Of A Functi Using genetic algorithms to create English words. http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jkunken/glot-bot/ | |
96. CNN.com - Study Confirms Sleep Essential For Creativity - Jan. 21, 2004 Health. Study confirms sleep essential for creativity. Story Tools. creativity also appears to be enhanced in the process, he said. http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/01/21/sleep.creativity.ap/ | |
97. Your Thoughts Are Very Powerful Part of a book about spirituality. Chapter 4 is about creativity and has some writing exercises. http://www.gla.ac.uk/~gbza22/ch4.html | |
98. Art For Healing.org - A Non-profit Organization Facilitating Painting Classes An A nonprofit organization committed to facilitating Art for Healing painting workshops for children and adults suffering from illness, grief, or stress. California. http://www.art4healing.org | |
99. SwetsWise: Login interactive creativity by joakim borgströmInteractive creativity by Joakim Borgström http://www.swetswise.com/link/access_db?issn=1462-6268 |
100. EAGADS HOME A unique approach using horses to improve nonverbal communication, team work, problem solving, creativity, management skills, confidence, strength, and morale. Located in Utah. http://www.eagads.com/ | |
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