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81. Phenomenology And Cognitive Science Phenomenology and cognitive science. http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/pcs/pcs.html |
82. ESCOM Translate this page Welcome to the home page of ESCOM, the European Society for the cognitive sciences of Music. Click Here for EnglishText. Bienvenue http://musicweb.hmt-hannover.de/escom/ | |
83. SUNY At Buffalo: Center For Cognitive Science For a detailed brochure about the Center and its members or for other information regarding cognitive science at the University at Buffalo, the Center for http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/cogsci/ | |
84. Cogsci.umn.edu/millennium/home.html The Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive The Federation Of Behavioral, Psychological, and cognitive sciences. Click on the Capitol to Enter. http://cogsci.umn.edu/millennium/home.html |
85. Cognitive Science At The University Of Edinburgh Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Cognitive/Research_Groups http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/school/ | |
86. Cognitive Science - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia cognitive science. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. wing of modern linguistics. cognitive science? The term cognitive in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_science | |
87. UPenn Institute For Research In Cognitive Science University of Pennsylvania Institute includes topic areas, areas of research, faculty listings and publication links. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~ircs/research/index.html |
88. Eurisco - European Institute For Cognitive Sciences And Engineering Meet us. EURISCO International European Institute of cognitive sciences and Engineering. The European Institute of cognitive sciences http://www-eurisco.onecert.fr/ | |
89. Intelligent Systems Program At The University Of Pittsburgh The ISP is an interdisciplinary program, a center for advanced education and research in artificial intelligence and some related areas of cognitive science. http://www.isp.pitt.edu/ |
90. Trends In Cognitive Sciences Essential reading for those working directly in the cognitive sciences or in related specialist areas, Trends in cognitive sciences provides an instant overview of current thinking for both experts and newcomers to the field http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/tics | |
91. Cognitive Science - Exeter The Home of cognitive science at the University of Exeter. In 1991, the single honours degree in cognitive science was formed at the University of Exeter. http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/cogsci/welcome.html | |
92. French, Robert M. Connectionism and philosophy of cognitive science (Univ. de Li¨ge, Belgium) http://www.fapse.ulg.ac.be/Lab/Trav/rfrench.html |
93. Workshop On Creative Systems A workshop associated to the ICCBR 2001 conference, Vancouver, Canada (Deadline 11 May, 2001) http://creative-systems.dei.uc.pt/CS01Workshop/ | |
94. Website Moved The. Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and cognitive sciences. website has been moved to http//www.thefederationonline.org. Please make a note of it. http://www.apa.org/federation/ | |
95. ICL: Interactive Cognition Lab - UCSD Cognitive Science Researches fundamental topics needed for designing interactive environments. Areas of research, affiliations, virtual tour of the lab, projects, staff, and publications. http://interactivity.ucsd.edu/ | |
96. AICS 2001 : 12th Irish Conf. On Artificial Intelligence And Cognitive Science 2001, September 57, Maynooth, Ireland. http://www.cs.may.ie/aics | |
97. Canadian Undergraduate Journal Of Cognitive Science The Canadian Undergraduate Journal of cognitive science is an electronic journal published by the cognitive science Student Association at Simon Fraser http://www.sfu.ca/cognitive-science/journal/ | |
98. Minds And Gods Conference University of Michigan Culture and Cognition Program and John Templeton Foundation sponsored conference. Excellent cognitive science of religion bibliography, session abstracts, and photographs. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 2830, 2002. http://www.icc.isr.umich.edu/Mindsandgods.html | |
99. Main Body Page Homepage; Canadian Undergraduate Journal of cognitive science. Vancouver Studies in CogSci. Cogs 300 and Cogs 100 offered next in Spring 2005. Details. http://www.sfu.ca/cognitive-science/ | |
100. Penn Philosophy Department Homepage Department of Philosophy Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - BA (and joint undergraduate programs in cognitive science, Logic and Computation, Politics and Economics, and Visual Studies), MA/JD, PhD, PhD/JD, PhD/MD http://www.phil.upenn.edu/ | |
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