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         Climate Change:     more books (98)
  1. Climate Change: Picturing the Science by Gavin Schmidt, Joshua Wolfe, 2009-04-06
  2. Financing Education in a Climate of Change (10th Edition) by Vern A. Brimley, Rulon R. Garfield, 2007-03-17
  3. Financing Education in a Climate of Change (9th Edition) by Vern Brimley, Rulon R. Garfield, 2004-04-14
  4. Climate Change in the Adirondacks: The Path to Sustainability (Published in Association With the Wildlife Conservation Society) by Jerry Jenkins, 2010-05-01
  5. Why We Disagree About Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity by Mike Hulme, 2009-05-25
  6. Preparing for Climate Change (Boston Review Books) by Michael D. Mastrandrea, Stephen H. Schneider, 2010-10-31
  7. The Climate Crisis: An Introductory Guide to Climate Change by David Archer, Stefan Rahmstorf, 2010-01-29
  8. What We Know About Climate Change (Boston Review Books) by Kerry Emanuel, 2007-09-30
  9. The Rough Guide to Climate Change, 2nd Edition by Robert Henson, 2008-02-04
  10. A Climate for Change: Global Warming Facts for Faith-Based Decisions by Katharine Hayhoe, Andrew Farley, 2009-10-29
  11. Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social Change
  12. Carbon Finance: The Financial Implications of Climate Change (Wiley Finance) by Sonia Labatt, Rodney R. White, 2007-04-06
  13. The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate by Andrew Dessler, Edward A. Parson, 2010-03-31
  14. Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach by William James Burroughs, 2007-11-26

141. The Discovery Of Rapid Climate Change - Physics Today
The Discovery of Rapid climate change. Only within the past look for. Spencer Weart. How fast can our planet s climate change? Too slowly
');  document.write(' Search advanced search Table of contents Past issues Links to advertisers ... Virtual Journals Article The Discovery of Rapid Climate Change Only within the past decade have researchers warmed to the possibility of abrupt shifts in Earth's climate. Sometimes, it takes a while to see what one is not prepared to look for. Spencer Weart How fast can our planet's climate change? Too slowly for humans to notice, according to the firm belief of most scientists through much of the 20th century. Any shift of weather patterns, even the Dust Bowl droughts that devastated the Great Plains in the 1930s, was seen as a temporary local excursion. To be sure, the entire world climate could change radically: The ice ages proved that. But common sense held that such transformations could only creep in over tens of thousands of years. Much earlier in the 20th century, some specialists had evidence of abrupt climate change in front of their eyes. The evidence was meaningless to them. To appreciate change occurring within 10 years as significant, scientists first had to accept the possibility of change within 100 years. That, in turn, had to wait until they accepted the 1000-year time scale. The history of this evolution gives a good example of the stepwise fashion in which science commonly proceeds, contrary to the familiar heroic myths of discoveries springing forth in an instant. The history also suggests why, as the NAS committee worried, most people still fail to realize just how badly the world's climate might misbehave.

142. Environmental Defense
Although we still have much to learn about climate change, the threat is so serious that we cannot delay acting. Greenhouse gas

official site for UN Climate Secretariat Kyoto protocol, COP4 in Buenos Aires, world emissions data
What's New 17 June 2004
World Day to Combat Desertification
9 - 11 June 2004
Interactive workshop for journalists on Carbon Finance and the Global Carbon Market 5 June 2004
World Environment Day
1 - 4 June 2004
Renewables 2004 Conference, Bonn

22 May 2004
International Day for Biological Diversity
21 May 2004
GEF approves 25 projects with total value of nearly $1B
14 May 2004
Draft Implementation Plan for the Global Observing Systems for Climate open for review
23 April 2004
Reporting on Climate Change

User manual for the guidelines on national communications from non-Annex I Parties. Available in English, French and Spanish 23 April 2004 Brazilian Proposal event at SBSTA 20 21 March 2004 Convention in force for 10 years Message on the 10th anniversary of the entry in to force of the UNFCCC Other additions Vacancies Notifications - Messages Message to Parties SB 20 notification Notification: Meeting of the Group of 77 and China prior to SB 20 Message to Parties ... Expression of Interests Press Releases Press briefing: Kyoto Protocol workshop on "Joint Implementation" projects, 27 May, Moscow.

144. Climate Change Levy (CCL)
climate change Levy (CCL). Jump to other links in this section climate change 11 KB). climate change Agreements and Directed Utilities.
search site help useful links recent updates news centre ... Consultations
Climate Change Levy (CCL)
Jump to other links in this section: Climate change is widely recognised as one of the key environmental challenges facing all countries today. There is growing scientific consensus on the potential impacts on climate of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The impact may vary starkly across the world, with rising sea levels and flooding in some regions at the same time as water shortage and famine in others. Already, in England four of the five warmest years in the 340 year record have occurred in the last decade. But we could see a very much greater rise over the course of the next century unless action is taken to reduce significantly greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change is a global problem requiring actions on a global scale. At the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 the developed countries agreed a voluntary target to return their emissions of greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2000. The UK is one of the few countries on course to achieve that target. At Kyoto in 1997, the developed countries agreed a legally-binding commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 per cent below 1990 levels over the period 2008-2012. The EU Member States collectively agreed to a 8 per cent reduction at Kyoto. The UK's contribution to this target has been set at a 12½ per cent reduction on 1990 levels in emissions of a basket of six greenhouse gases.

145. Centre For Science And Environment (CSE) Home Page
International consortium dedicated to promoting democracy and sustainability. Headquartered in New Delhi. Campaign topics include biodiversity, climate change, air pollution, water pollution, forest management, rainwater harvesting, and people and wildlife .
Global Green Governance Pollution Monitoring Lab ... CSE Publications What happend to our right to clean air? Climate change, global warming, who takes all the decisions? Applying scientific research to study pollution in air, water and soil The way to sustainable industrial growth Good health and clean environment. Two sides of the same coin Taking environment into classrooms, worldwide Campaign to make water everybody's business Books, monographs, documentaries, images and much more... CSE Main Site... About CSE Down To Earth Campaigns Programmes Newsletters In the News Library CSE Store WHAT'S NEW AT CSE Sign up for our fortnightly newsletter Industry pays a pittance
for the water it uses, and
Caught in a socio-
economical transition,
what is the future of these forest patches?
In-depth coverage and additional resources
water Prospects map of Delhi

Detailed block-wise hydro-
geological data Small farmers are constantly innovating with sustainable irrigation Seven experts on the CoP-9 negotiations in Milan, Italy (Dec. 1-12)

146. William H. Calvin's Books, Articles, And Talks (Brains, Evolution, And Climate)
Atlantic Monthly article reviews the abrupt (less than a decade transition) climate changes of the past, analyzes the role of the Gulf Stream's thermohaline circulation switching modes of operation, and presents three scenarios for the future, including potential methods for stabilizing the flipflop tendencies.
The page that you were seeking at has moved to the server at to whose homepage you will
soon be forwarded. William H. Calvin

147. Climate Change Saskatchewan
Welcome to climate change Saskatchewan. This website is your gateway to information about climate change in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Welcome to Climate Change Saskatchewan. This website is your gateway to information about climate change in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada. Through this site, learn more about how climate change affects Saskatchewan, connect with others in Saskatchewan and around the world and find advice on how you can take action. Check out The Saskatchewan Story to understand the challenges posed by climate change to Saskatchewan's economy, environment and people.
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148. Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ
The Conference is convened by the Russian Federation and supported by International organizations involved in climate change problems.

Main goal, topics and sections of the Conference

United Nations Resolution

Russian Organizing Committee

Actions schedule
Summary Report

The Conference is convened by the Russian Federation and supported by International organizations involved in climate change problems. The initiative of convening the Conference was taken by V. Putin, the President of
the Russian Federation.
News: September 25, 2003 the page of the Press Centre of Conference is open. September 24, 2003 in section "Presentations" the Additional scientific program of Conference is submitted. September 09, 2003 sections "Conference program" and "Presentations" are changed and added. Second Announcement was published on June 24, 2003. A list of plenary reports and standards for execution of theses are presented Section Visas and Accommodation lists services of the travel agency EPIC TRAVEL authorized as an Official Agent for preparation and conduction of the Conference by the National Organizational Committee for World Climate Change Conference

149. API - Global Climate
A detailed examination of global climate change and related economic and science issues from the American Petroleum Institute web site.
The Big Picture
(What it's all about) The Science
(More research is needed) The Costs
(They're big) API's Position
(What we think) Voluntary

(The way to go) Other Views
(What others think)
Test Your
Climate Change

(Here's a quiz) Links and Other Resources (related websites and research materials)
For the past 140 years, U.S. oil and gas companies have been helping to improve the quality of life in the United States by making it possible for people to live in harmony with our nation's variable and, sometimes, not-so-friendly climate. Our products keep homes warm in winter and cool in summer. They help parents get their children to school and themselves to work. We supply the fuels that help farmers sow and reap their crops and transport them to market. Oil and natural gas are ingredients in medicines, crop fertilizers, fabrics, and plastics. Airplanes fly, trains roll down the tracks, and buses speed along the highway powered by our products. In short, the energy born of oil and natural gas products enables all of us to live our lives with relative ease and comfort, year-round, through all kinds of weather. Recently, scientists have been debating whether the burning of oil and natural gas products and coal are affecting the climate of our globe and

150. AlterNet: Caffeinated Climate Change
Bill McKibben In The Day After Tomorrow, Hollywood gives climate change the Independence Day treatment; will this disasterin-a-day version give everyone

151. GLIMS: Global Land Ice Measurements From Space
U.S.G.S. research project using the world's glaciers to monitor climate change.
GLIMS: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space
Using the World's Glaciers to Monitor Climate Change


Recent Updates
GLIMS Update: request for list of GLIMS abstracts/papers GLIMS Update: GLIMS Workshop in Oslo, Norway GLIMS Update: IGS meeting and GLIMS workshop reminder Previous Updates GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space) is a project designed to monitor the world's glaciers primarily using data from the ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and reflection Radiometer) instrument aboard the EOS Terra spacecraft, launched in December, 1999. "Glim" is an archaic Scottish term that means "a passing look; a glimpse; as much as is seen at a glance." In a future historical perspective, we may well look back on GLIMS and other early-21 st Century remote-sensing of Earth's glaciers as a glim of a passing or changing phenomenon. We are continuing to acquire an annual image (clouds permitting) of all the world's glaciers and to build the infrastructure for GLIMS:
  • a set of software tools that we can apply to the tracking of glaciers'
      areal extent location of snow line at the end of the melt season velocity field location of terminus
    a network of centers around the world that will monitor the glaciers in their regions

152. Climate Change
Select topics climate change. This provides information on issues, position papers, and viewpoints on climate change in India. More on climate change in India.

Vulnerability of Indian agriculture to climate change and globalization

National Strategy Study for CDM Implementation in India

TERI's initiatives Current research
Web site on Climate Change in Asia


The greenhouse problem is created due to excessive accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and chloroflurocarbons (CFCs). Except for CFCs the rest of the gases occur naturally together making up less than 1% of the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution, though anthropogenic activities such as energy generation from fossil fuels and deforestation activities have been increasing the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases beyond their natural levels, resulting in an enhanced greenhouse effect. This has caused an increase in global temperatures, a phenomenon known as global warming. This warming can be amplified through positive feedback, such as increases in water vapour, or reduced through negative feedback, such as increases in stratospheric aerosols. The sum of all these potential changes is referred to as climate change. Measurement records suggest that the world has already warmed by 0.3 to 0.6 °C since 1860 and the last two decades have been the warmest. Evidence is getting stronger that the warming being experienced at present is anthropogenically induced. The

153. The Pembina Institute For Appropriate Development
Campaign to tell Canada's governments that climate protection should be their first priority. Information on climate change and renewable energy. Project of the Pembina Institute's climate change Program and Energy Watch.

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    Wind power potential in Alberta justifies new transmission line, says Pembina
    Representatives of the Pembina Institute will make a presentation at the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board pre-hearing meeting today, which... More... Energy conservation could save Ontario $14 billion: new study A study released today by the Pembina Institute and the Canadian Environmental Law Association titled Power for the Future: Towards a Sustainable Electricity System for Ontario... Pembina Institute speaks up for renewables at Western Governor’s North American Energy Summit Chris Severson-Baker, Director of the Pembina Institute’s Energy Watch program, emphasized the importance of ending North America’s reliance on fossil fuels ... More...
  • 154. - Archives - Climate Change Alert
    climate change Alert. It s The Emissions, Stupid. Ultimately, Abrupt climate change is a report for the Department of Defense. But not entirely.
    // should be one of: opinion, news, blogs, progressive, pass, home // var prevents rollover actions for the current page. var currentImg='home';
    Climate Change Alert
    Patrick Doherty spent a decade in the field of international conflict resolution, working in the Middle East, Africa, Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus. First Paul O’Neill , now Andrew Marshall. Marshall has just blown the lid off another Bush administration can of worms—namely, its unwillingness to acknowledge and address the massive threat posed by global climate change. Marshall is the founding director of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, a quiet but powerful think tank within the Pentagon. In 2001, Marshall was tapped by George W. Bush to lead the Pentagon’s military review that largely defined the scope of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s “transformation” agenda. Marshall, whose ONA has served every president since Nixon, introduced the term "revolution in military affairs." In an article published Jan. 26 in Fortune magazine, Marshall released the findings of an unclassified report—written by Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall of the Global Business Network—entitled "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security."

    155. Cerulean Environmental Strategies LLC
    Consultancy services in environmental sustainability, alternative energy, and climate change.

    156. 7(y) Causes Of Climate Change
    (y). Causes of climate change. Figure 7y1 illustrates the basic components that influence the state of the Earth s climatic system.

    157. World Resources Institute
    committed to change for a sustainable world believes that change in human behavior is urgently needed to halt the accelerating rate of environmental deterioration. Site has resources on climate change, forest resources, international environmental economics, biodiversity, coastal and marine resources, trends and indicators, and sustainable agriculture.

    WRI's 4-star rating from Charity Navigator
    World Resources 2002-2004: Decisions for the Earth: Balance, voice, and power Working 9 to 5 on climate change: ... EarthTrends May 21, 2003
    WRI applauds movement on
    Kyoto Protocol May 19, 2003
    New analysis bolsters poor as source of innovation
    June 1, 2004
    (invitation only)
    "Environment, Trade and Development: A conversation with José María Figueres, CEO World Economic Forum"
    July 22-24, 2004
    2004 BELL Conference: Building a Sustainable City through Sustainable Enterprise
    December 12-14, 2004
    WRI Conference: "Eradicating Poverty Through Profit: Making business work for the poor"
    Last updated: Updated weekly Receive email when this page changes

    158. Climate Change Research Center
    Welcome to the climate change Research Center! At The University of New Hampshire, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and
    Welcome to the Climate Change Research Center!
    At The University of New Hampshire
    Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space

    Morse Hall, 39 College Road, Durham, N.H. 03824-3525
    Phone: 603-862-1991, Fax: 603-862-2124, Email: The Climate Change Research Center (CCRC) is devoted to the retrieval and interpretation of global change records that document climate (response and forcing), biogeochemical cycling, atmospheric chemistry, unique atmospheric phenomena (e.g. extreme events, volcanic events, biomassburning) and the influence of human activities on our environment. Our Center is developing a series of such records from atmospherically teleconnected high latitude (e.g., Antarctica, Greenland and Canadian Arctic) and low to middle latitude sites (e.g., Asia and North America) in order to investigate a variety of global change problems. In 1985 the Glacier Research Group (now CCRC) helped to develop the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (EOS). EOS is a multi-disciplinary research institute dedicated to obtaining a scientific understanding of the Earth system and its environment in space. CCRC personnel develop solutions to global geoscience problems through multi-disciplinary efforts involving mathematical modelers, atmospheric chemists, geochemists, biogeochemists, statisticians, oceanographers, anthropologists and physicists. CCRC CONTRIBUTIONS TO GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH CCRC Brochure CCRC Past Projects CCRC Recent Projects ... N.H. State Climatologist

    159. Energy: Topic
    Presents news, publications and statistics from OECD's work on energy, climate change, transport and nuclear energy.
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    Transport Sustainable Development Energy About Statistics Information by Country The International Energy Agency (IEA) is a forum for co-ordinating the energy policies of 26 industrialised countries. The IEA addresses all types of energy sources. The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) specialises in nuclear-related issues and brings together 28 OECD Member countries. What's new NEA Press Releases 24-Sep-2001 NEA press releases are available on the Agency's main website, Archives are also available. IEA Press Releases 09-Feb-2004 IEA press releases are available on the Agency's website, 12-Nov-2002 More news and events Top Don't miss Nuclear Energy Agency International Energy Agency Contact Us Site Map Editor's Choice Nuclear Energy Today Nuclear Energy Today aims to provide in a simple, short and clear style, authoritative and factual information on the main aspects of nuclear energy in today’s world. Written for a broad readership, primarily policy makers, as well as interested members of the public, academics, journalists and industry leaders, this publication will contribute to a better understanding of this source of energy.

    160. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Now The Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Chan
    Now the Pentagon tells Bush climate change will destroy us · Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war · Britain will be Siberian in less than 20,12374,1153530,00.html
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    In this section Stardom is a gas for Brad and Leo
    Putin throws lifeline to Kyoto as EU backs Russia joining WTO

    Scientists hand Putin weapon to kill Kyoto treaty

    Corporates warm to climate change
    New front opened in fight against climate change

    Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years Threat to the world is greater than terrorism Mark Townsend and Paul Harris in New York Sunday February 22, 2004

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