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         Climate Change:     more books (98)
  1. Climate Change and Food Security: Adapting Agriculture to a Warmer World (Advances in Global Change Research)
  2. The Earthscan Reader on Adaptation to Climate Change (Earthscan Readers Series)
  3. Governing Climate Change (Global Institutions) by Harriet Bulkeley, Peter Newell, 2010-04-02
  4. Global Climate Change and U.S. Law
  5. Climate Change Science and Policy
  6. Smart Solutions to Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Benefits
  7. Adapting Cities to Climate Change: Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges by Jane Bicknell, David Dodman, et all 2009-06
  8. With Speed and Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change by Fred Pearce, 2008-03-03
  9. The Global Deal: Climate Change and the Creation of a New Era of Progress and Prosperity by Nicholas Stern, 2009-04-27
  10. Climate Change Law and Policy: EU and US Perspectives by Cinnamon P. Carlarne, 2010-11-19
  11. Politics of Climate Change by Anthony Giddens, 2009-05-04
  12. Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change (American and Comparative Environmental Policy)
  13. The Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate Change: A Complete Visual Guide by Juliane L. Fry, Hans-F Graf, et all 2010-03-08
  14. The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World's Greatest Challenge, Revised and Updated (Atlas Of... (University of California Press)) by Kirstin Dow, Thomas Downing, 2007-10-01

21. United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change
United Nations Framework Convention on climate change The United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC) is made up of parties of experts from all the countries involved. The role

22. Climate Change Programme
WWF climate change Programme, 12, May 2004 Stranded polar bears may be early warning sign of climate change Read more Features,
breadCrumbs("",">","index.cfm","None","None","None","0"); WWF Climate Change Programme Contents


Our Work

On the Ground
... Take Action Now
The Day After Tomorrow
Uncover the facts behind the fiction in the new Hollywood climate change blockbuster, "The Day After Tomorrow." Read our interview with Jennifer Morgan, Director of WWF’s Climate Change Programme, on her views regarding the movie Stranded polar bears may be early warning sign of climate change
The plight of a female polar bear and her two cubs stranded on a remote arctic island may be an early warning about the possible impact of climate change.
Power Switch! From coal to clean
With PowerSwitch! , WWF challenges the power sector - the companies producing electricity and the people guiding their decision-making - to become CO2 - free by 2050 in developed countries and make a major switch from coal to clean in developing countries. There's no shortage of solutions - we've just got to do it. Find out how
In the News 26, May 2004

23. Global Climate Change
Global climate change This World Wide Web (WWW) site describes global change as it relates to four parts of the earth the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the biosphere. The

24. David Suzuki Foundation: Climate Change
Canadian Climate Quiz and actions to take for clean air. One of the major programs of the David Suzuki Foundation.
Climate change: Impacts and solutions
When Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol last December, it opened the door to a cleaner future of innovative energy technologies. But to get there, Canada must now back its words with action. Solutions include phasing out coal plants, expanding renewable energy sources and public transit, and creating new efficiency standards for vehicles and buildings. Find out what you can do to help make a difference! May 20, 2004
Hollywood blockbuster puts climate change in the spotlight May 19, 2004
High gas prices indicate need for strong fuel efficiency standards News Archive
What's new
A new Hollywood blockbuster, The Day After Tomorrow , hits theatres May 28. The movie features a world ravaged by out-of-control global warming. While the movie is more about cutting-edge special effects than scientific facts, it underscores the fact that climate change is happening now. Learn more
Read a new report on urban sprawl and find out what you can do about it in your community. Understanding Sprawl explains why sprawl is a problem and contains a toolkit to help citizens protect their communities from sprawling development.

25. Global Climate Change: Research Explorer- The Exploratorium
US Global Change Research ProgramOur Changing Planet The Fiscal Year 2003 US Global Change Research Program and climate change Research Initiative PDF, 1.6 Mb Also available in hardcopy from
Climate is the average pattern of weather over the long term.
Overview of Climate Change Research

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home atmosphere hydrosphere cryosphere biosphere ... The Exploratorium

26. Climate Change: United Nations Environment Programme GRID-Arendal
climate change information from GRIDArendal, the United Nations Environment Programme information office.
GRID-Arendal Quick Search: Current rate of global CO emissions in tonnes per year, based on your computer's clock. ( Details Vital Climate Graphics
The impacts of climate change
As evidence accumulates that we may already be witnessing the early signs of global climate change, the need to communicate this issue to both policymakers and the general public becomes ever more urgent.
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Vital Climate Graphics: Africa Adverse impacts including extremes, are spread across the diverse environments of Africa, putting a huge proportion of the African continent at risk.
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Climate Change 2001

This web-site contains the full text and graphics from the four Climate Change 2001 reports by the IPCC's Working Groups. The web site was produced for the 7th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Marrakech, Morocco, 2001.
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27. Genesis Solcomhouse Home Page
A wide range of environmental and other topics presented, contains articles and photographs. Subjects include Antarctica, electricity, climate change, el nino, coral reefs and the ozone hole.
THE POWER FOR THE PEOPLE Aids Air Traffic Alaska Alaska Pipeline ... Wind Power Socrates (470-399 B.C.) Now in the houses with a south aspect, the Sun’s rays penetrate into the porticoes in the winter, but in summer the path of the Sun is right over our heads and above the roof so that there is shade If, then, this is the best arrangement we should build the south side loftier to get the winter sun and the north side lower to keep out the cold winds -Socrates as quoted by Xenophonin in Memorabilia "If Man is to survive, he will have learned to take delight in the essential difference between people and cultures" -Gene Roddenberry
Geomancy- the power of the Earth
Geomancy is the power that resides in the earth itself. Many ancient cultures had beliefs that adhere to this and their architecture reflected it. Mayan Earth Symbol Buildings are improved when their design defers to an order of the earth greater than the building itself. Solar energy is not a new concept , but an ancient one whose time is now. Our planet has limited resources that are being misused on an ongoing basis. Before Man harnessed the many forms of fossil fuels to heat and cool, design and location was a greater concern. Today the concern is how many houses can be squeezed onto a plot of land with no consideration of the natural resource that is available to all... The Sun We will enable the people to acquire the power of knowledge and the power of the Sun, the power for the people.

28. Caribbean: Planning For Adaptation To Global Climate Change
Designed to support the participating Caribbean countries in preparing to cope with the adverse effects of global climate change. Provides a calendar of events, maps, work in progress reports, includes contact information for the member countries, online comment and question form, links to governmental organizations and a history of the project.
Click on country name to proceed to the respective page
This project is designed to support the participating Caribbean countries in preparing to cope with the adverse effects of global climate change, particularly sea level rise in coastal and marine areas through: vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, and capacity building linked to adaptation planning. It is being executed through the cooperative effort of twelve CARICOM countries and participating institutions over a period of four years by a combination of national pilot/demonstration components and regional components. The project is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through The World Bank as implementing agency and is executed by the Organization of American States (OAS). The project is coordinated in the Caribbean through the Regional Project Implementation Unit (RPIU), which was established by the UWI Centre for Environment and Development (UWICED)
Visit the PAHO/CPC website for information on Climate and Health in the Caribbean
Last updated on March 7th, 2000.

29. NERC Rapid Climate Change: Home Page
A £20 million, sixyear (2001-2007) programme of the Natural Environment Research Council. The programme aims to improve our ability to quantify the probability and magnitude of future rapid change in climate, with a main (but not exclusive) focus on the role of the Atlantic Ocean's Thermohaline Circulation.
document.write("Unable to open external file") View the main
Marine Science

Rapid Climate Change ...
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MOC Monitoring AO
Joint AO and Web Portal Second "Science" AO Meetings 'Kick-off' meeting 2003 International links NOClim ASOF(East) ASOF CLIVAR ... FP6 WATCHER EoI UK links Hadley Centre Tyndall Centre DEFRA COAPEC Thematic Program ... Other NERC Thematic Programs
Welcome to the Rapid Climate Change home page
Rapid Climate Change (RAPID) is a £20 million, six-year (2001- 2007) programme of the Natural Environment Research Council. The programme aims to improve our ability to quantify the probability and magnitude of future rapid change in climate, with a main (but not exclusive) focus on the role of the Atlantic Ocean's Thermohaline Circulation. For What's New, Click Here The specific scientific objectives of the RAPID programme were agreed by the Rapid Climate Change Steering Committee and are detailed in the RAPID Science Plan Approximately £11M have been awarded to proposals that were submitted in response to the RAPID First round of funding . About £5M of this commitment is to design a system to continuously monitor the strength and structure of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation . This design effort is being matched by comparative funding from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) for collaborative projects reviewed jointly with the NERC proposals.

30. The Marshall Institute - A Guide To Global Warming - Questions And Answers On Cl
Questions and answers to basic global warming questions, from the George C. Marshall Institute.

31. The Observer | International | Now The Pentagon Tells Bush: Climate Change Will
Now the Pentagon tells Bush climate change will destroy us · Secret If climate change is a threat to national security and the economy, then he has to act.,6903,1153513,00.html
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The Guardian Front page Story index
Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years Threat to the world is greater than terrorism Mark Townsend and Paul Harris in New York Sunday February 22, 2004

32. Laboratory For Paleoclimatology And Climatology At The University Of Ottawa
Information about research in the analysis and modeling of climate changes and their impacts on ecosystems, with particular focus on Canada and the Arctic during the Holocene.
About U of O Prospective Students Students Services ... Research


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Department of Geography
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
CANADA K1N 6N5 Room SMD004 T:613-562-5800x1327 F:613-562-5145 E-mail: gajewski@aix1. About U of O Prospective Students ... Feedback If you are looking for additional information, please contact us Technical questions or comments about this site? Last updated: 2003.09.08

33. EUROPA - Environment - Climate Change
climate change. The European Union is at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change, one of the greatest environmental
en EUROPA European Commission Environment Policies ... Resources
Climate Change The European Union is at the forefront of international efforts to combat climate change, one of the greatest environmental and economic threats facing the planet and a top policy priority for Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström. The Earth’s average surface temperature rose by around 0.6°C during the 20th century and evidence is getting stronger that most of the global warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which cause emissions of carbon dioxide (CO ) and other 'greenhouse' gases. The EU wants all industrialised countries to take urgent action to reduce or limit their future greenhouse gas emissions in view of the consensus projection by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that global average surface temperatures will rise by 1.4-5.8°C by the end of this century if ‘business as usual’ continues. This temperature increase could trigger serious consequences for humanity and other life forms alike, including a rise in sea levels of an estimated 9-88 cm over the period that could flood coastal areas and small islands, and greater frequency and severity of extreme weather events. The latest monitoring data indicate that the European Union has delivered on its long-standing commitment to stabilise emissions of carbon dioxide (CO

Created to inform Canadians about the process of developing a national implementation strategy on climate change. Provides information, news and resources.

35. EUROPA - Environment - Climate Change - European Climate Change Programme
European Commission Environment - climate change - European climate change Programme (ECCP). climate change homepage. European climate change Programme (ECCP).
en EUROPA European Commission Environment Contact ... Climate Change homepage
European Climate Change Programme (ECCP)
Proposal for regulating certain fluorinated gases Second ECCP Progress Report - Can we meet our Kyoto targets?
  • Press release Executive summary pdf Full report pdf ... Final report on Forest-Related Sinks Introduction The European Commission has taken many climate-related initiatives since 1991, when it issued the first Community strategy to limit carbon dioxide (CO ) emissions and improve energy efficiency. These include: a directive to promote electricity from renewable energy voluntary commitments by car makers to reduce CO emissions by 25% and proposals on the taxation of energy products However, it is clear that action by both member states and the European Community needs to be reinforced if the EU is to succeed in cutting its greenhouse gas emissions to 8% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012, as required by the Kyoto protocol. The EU Council of Environment Ministers acknowledged the importance of taking further steps at Community level by asking the Commission to put forward a list of priority actions and policy measures.

36. M.J. Bradley & Associates, Strategic Environmental Consultants
Strategic environmental consulting firm dedicated to air quality issues, energy policy, climate change, electric vehicles, renewable energy, fuel cells and emission credit management.
You are here: > Home Member Services
Clean Energy Group

Environmental Energy Insights

The Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Coalition

U.S. Climate Policy Service

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NOxCAST 2004


Member Services Login Login ID: Password: Our key areas of expertise include the following: Energy and environmental policy Advanced vehicle technologies Greenhouse gas management Emerging energy technologies Emissions trading Environmental regulatory compliance Data management systems and website development To learn more about our services, contact us at: 47 Junction Square Drive Concord, MA 01742 Tel: (978) 369-5533 Fax: (978) 369-7712 E-mail:

37. Geographical Portal For Climate Change
A portal to geographical information on climate change allowing the user to search for thousands of geospatial data collections worldwide. Offers a sophisticated search function.
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38. The Green Lane - Global Climate Change / La Voie Verte - Les Changements Climati
Translate this page Enjeux et caractérisation du changement climatique au Canada. Actions entreprises ou proposées par

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Important Notices
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39. DRI Home Page
affiliated with University of Nevada; research programs focus on water resources and air quality, global climate change and the physics of the earth's turbulent atmosphere, and humanity's historic struggle to adapt to harsh environments.
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40. The Green Lane: Climate Change - Home
climate change is one of the most significant environmental challenges the world has ever faced. We are already seeing the effects of climate change in Canada.

What is the Kyoto Protocol?

Climate change is one of the most significant environmental challenges the world has ever faced. We are already seeing the effects of climate change in Canada. The potential impacts on our health, economy and environment require us to take action. With the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, the Government of Canada has made climate change a national priority, and is working closely with Canadians and the global community to meet this challenge. Within the federal government, climate change is co-managed by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Natural Resources. Other key players in this nationwide effort include several federal government departments, the provincial/territorial Ministers of Energy and Environment, municipalities, as well as scientists, industry, the business community and individual Canadians. The Budget 2003 investment of $2 billion over five years brings the Government of Canada's total investment in climate change action since Budget 2000 to $3.7 billion. This is in addition to a number of other measures that are designed to complement our actions on climate change. The achievement of our climate change objectives will become part of the way the Government of Canada does business. Our investments in infrastructure, in technology, in science, and in regional development will all be considered in terms of their impact on reaching our climate change targets.

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