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61. A Level Chemistry Contains a teachers notes and quizes on each topic of the A Level chemistry course, as well as help forums and a live chat facility. This site has been constructed to provide help for students studing chemistry at A Level. http://www.alevelchemistry.co.uk | |
62. IGBP - International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Programme is focused on acquiring basic scientific knowledge about the interactive processes of biology and chemistry of the earth as they relate to Global Change. http://www.igbp.kva.se/ |
63. Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide An intuitive WWW resource guide for synthetic organic chemists. http://www.organicworldwide.net/ |
64. Computational Chemistry ICONEDiT is a program package that performs extended-H¼ckel molecular orbital and oscillator strength calculations on molecules. The complete program package can be downloaded, along with examples and a manual. BICON-CEDiT performs extended-H¼ckel crystal orbital and oscillator strength calculations on solids. The complete program package can be downloaded, along with examples a manual, and k-point sets. http://dcbwww.unibe.ch/groups/calzaferri/neu/compchem.html | |
65. Chemistry Resources chemistry Resources. This page links chemistry units to annotated web sites. Teachers and students can access these resources when http://www.dist214.k12.il.us/users/asanders/chemhome2.html | |
66. Institute Of Organic Chemistry - BAS Provides fundamental and applied scientific research, consulting and expert in the field of synthetic organic chemistry. http://www.orgchm.bas.bg/ | |
67. Hazardous Chemical Database. Search Display top 10 matches that score at least 10% . http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/erd/ | |
68. Food Science And Technology; A New Degree For The Applied Scientist Details on this new degree offered by the Department of chemistry, and Biological Sciences in the Faculty of Science. http://www.science.nus.edu.sg/Online/fst.html |
69. Analytical Chemistry http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/analytical/ |
70. Atlantic Analytical Laboratory, Inc. Independent commercial laboratory, experienced in analytical chemistry. Located in New Jersey. http://www.test-lab.com/ | |
71. AACC - American Association For Clinical Chemistry - Advancing Clinical Laborato medical society of clinical laboratory professionals, physicians, research scientists and other individuals involved with clinical chemistry and other clinical http://www.aacc.org/ | |
72. The Vaults Of Erowid Index of drugs, with physical effects, images, history, chemistry and law information for each. Articles and sections for wide variety of drug related material, including law, experiences, community, drug testing, spirituality, health, and artistic endeavors. http://www.erowid.org/ |
73. Virtual Chemistry http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/vrchemistry/ |
74. Tensiometers, Langmuir- And Langmuir-Blodgett Troughs For Surface Tension Measur Develops and manufactures instrumentation for surface chemistry, such as tensiometers and Langmuir troughs. http://www.kibron.com/ | |
75. Department Of Chemistry - University Of Oxford The Department of chemistry is the largest in the western world. Each doctorates. The Oxford chemistry course is second to none in quality. http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/ | |
76. Wiley-VCH - Ullmann's Encyclopedia From WileyVCH, a reference work detailing the state of scientific and technological knowledge in all areas of industrial chemistry. http://www.wiley-vch.de/home/ullmanns/ | |
77. Creative Chemistry - Fun Activities, Worksheets, Games And Revision Quizzes Worksheets and teaching notes for fun activities suitable for a chemistry club. GCSE question Welcome to Creative chemistry. Whether you http://www.creative-chemistry.org.uk/ | |
78. Artnavigator Photo processing chemistry, glas etching, glas malen, bleiverglasung, photo etching, fotogravure. Information in English, German or Dutch. http://artnavigator.tripod.com/ | |
79. Rolf Claessen's Chemistry Index Rolf Claessen s chemistry Index is the WWW portal for all chemists with thousands of links to freeware, discounted software, companies, free databses, online http://www.claessen.net/chemistry/ | |
80. Strategian: The Strategic Guide To Quality Information In Biology, Chemistry, Co s, ratings and links for a few top internet sites in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, medicine, physics, and psychology....... http://www.strategian.com/ | |
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