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1. WWW Chemistry Resources WWW chemistry Resources. Please note that the new Virtual Library chemistry site is located at http//www.liv.ac.uk/chemistry/Links/links.html. CONTENTS. http://www.chem.ucla.edu/chempointers.html | |
2. Links For Chemists / Virtual Library Chemistry Section Maintained by the University of Liverpool, this free, searchable chemistry index carries in excess of 8,250 chemistry resources in over 75 chemical categories. http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/links.html | |
3. Rader's CHEM4KIDS.COM Learn about chemistry including matter, atoms, and reactions. Includes online quizzes. http://www.chem4kids.com/ | |
4. Eric Weisstein's World Of Chemistry site last updated Sat Jan 24 122324 2004 CST. 495 entries, 603 crossreferences, 31 figures, 0 animated graphics, 0 live Java applets, and counting download policy FAQs MAY 10, 2004. This http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/chemistry | |
5. Chemistry Hypermedia Project - Home Page Online educational hypermedia for general chemistry, analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, optics, and electronics. The chemistry Hypermedia Project. On-line resources for students, educators, and scientists Alphabetical Index. General chemistry. Analytical chemistry. Analytical Instrumentation http://www.chem.vt.edu/chem-ed/vt-chem-ed.html | |
6. UCLA Department Of Chemistry & Biochemistry The UCLA chemistry Biochemistry Department has a tradition of excellence and is ranked among the best in the country, as evidenced by the quality of its http://www.chem.ucla.edu/ | |
7. Chemistry.org: American Chemical Society - ACS HomePage ChemCenter is an informative resource for the chemistry community. http://www.chemistry.org/ | |
8. Chemistry.org: American Chemical Society - ACS HomePage Go. ACS, World of chemistry. choose in ). . Where can I find chemistry.org/kids the new kid-friendly chemistry Website from the ACS? . http://www.acs.org/ | |
9. Links For Chemists Links for Chemists Links for Chemists, as part of the WWW Virtual Library, is a index of more than 8 400 chemistry resources found on the web. Users can browse the sites, which are organized into http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/links.html |
10. Chemistry: WebElements Periodic Table This is the home page of WebElements, chemistry s periodic table (periodic chart) of the elements on the WorldWide Web. Find information http://www.webelements.com/ | |
11. Atmospheric Chemistry Air Quality Glossary Definitions in this glossary were initially generated by the students in a senior level class studying air quality and atmospheric chemistry at Sam Houston State University during the spring of 1995 http://www.shsu.edu/~chemistry/Glossary/glos.html | |
12. Chem4Kids! Chem4Kids! This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained for grades 4 to 10 as part of the KAPILI.COM website, introduces visitors to the basics of chemistry. chemistry topics available on this site http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.chem4kids.com/&y=020D9397FF07AE5 |
13. Chemistry chemistry articles, homework help, demonstrations, news, periodic tables, educational resources, suppliers, and annotated links are presented. HowTo GuideChemical Structures ArchiveWorked chemistry Problemschemistry GlossaryArticles ResourcesGeneral Subscribe to the About chemistry newsletter. Search. chemistry http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://chemistry.about.com/&y=027405E4378D8 |
14. NIST Chemistry WebBook chemistry WebBook. Frequently asked questions; Version history; A Guide to the NIST chemistry WebBook A guide to this site and the data available from it. http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ | |
15. FORWARDING ... Contents, some abstracts and sections online. http://www.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/match/Welcome.html | |
16. Chemistry.org Science That Matters - Brought To You By The American chemistry.org Science that Matters brought to you by the American Chemical Society http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.acs.org/&y=024C356FD5F153C2& |
17. Welcome To The NIST WebBook chemistry WebBook. Welcome to the NIST chemistry WebBook. The NIST chemistry Reference Data Program. The NIST chemistry WebBook contains http://webbook.nist.gov/ | |
18. Research Projects Philosophy Of Chemistry From the home page of Joachim Schummer, who teaches the subject at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. The text elaborates pecularities of chemistry in various philosophical aspects and in comparison to other sciences and technologies. http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~ed01/jsprojek.htm |
19. NIST Chemistry WebBook NIST chemistry WebBook The NIST chemistry WebBook provides users with easy access to chemical and physical property data for chemical species through the Internet. The site is organized by http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/&y=026BE4 |
20. MDeA's Chemistry Fun Page The ultimate site for chemistry humor. It contains chemistry jokes and chemical puns. Disclaimer Some knowledge of science is required. http://www.angelfire.com/md2/chmfunpage/index.html | |
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