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181. The Mainz(Germany) Nonlinear Dynamics Bibliography Maintained by Peter E. Beckmann, Johannes Gutenberg Universit¤t. http://www.uni-mainz.de/FB/Physik/Chaos/chaosbib.html | |
182. Ordo Malleus - The Ends Justify The Means Follows Inquisitor Nathaniel Creed of the Ordo Malleus through his journeys. Black Templars, mutants, Night Lords, the Tau, Genestealers and chaos Cultists all stand in his way. http://ordomalleus.tripod.com | |
183. BBC News | UK | Chaos As Hundreds Queue For US Flights Many transatlantic passengers remained stranded at UK airports in spite of the resumption of flights to and from the US. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_1546000/1546075.stm | |
184. Self-Organizing Systems: A Tutorial In Complexity Tutorial on processes and patterns of organization and complexity in natural systems complex adaptive systems, criticality, the edge of chaos. By Ethan Decker, University of New Mexico. http://www.ncst.ernet.in/kbcs/vivek/issues/13.1/sos/sos.html | |
185. Creatures Of Chaos - A Selection Of Creatures From Fantasy Realms A selection of creatures from fantasy realms including monster descriptions, pictures and animated files. http://www.nascr.net/~jcburd | |
186. Chaos Magic chaos Magic articles and essays of all varieties. http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/chaos/index.htm | |
187. All-Reviews.com Videogame Review: Urban Chaos The bottom line is that the controls are messy, and the mandatory fights are as enjoyable as stabbing your testicles. If you set foot anywhere near some enemies, you will be locked into an endless, worthless brawl that often ends in your death. This game is just not fun. Review by Tom Allen with rating. http://www.all-reviews.com/videogames/urban-chaos.htm | |
188. Gravity Translate this page mail@mosche.de. http://www.mosche.de/ |
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