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41. American Technical Ceramics - Enter American Technical ceramics Component and Custom Integrated PackagingSolutions for RF, Microwave and Telecommunications. http://www.atceramics.com/ | |
42. DEVICA Keramikgefässe Von Hervorragender Qualität About the history and hand or assembly style production of Devica pottery, from northern Portugal. http://www.devica.de/ | |
43. Ceramics Division Evaluated Data Contributions to the ceramics WebBook are greatly encouraged. If youknow of a suitable database, tool, or resource, please send http://www.ceramics.nist.gov/webbook/webbook.htm | |
44. Ceramics By The Ceramics Connection Home Of Jameson-Knox Designs And Fine Art De Features hand painted ceramic pottery by JamesonKnox Designs including oil pitchers, venetian pitchers and a collection of vases. http://www.designer-ceramics.com/ | |
45. Ceramics Division Home The mission of the ceramics Divisionis to work with industry, standards bodies,universities, and government laboratories in providing the leadership for the http://www.ceramics.nist.gov/ | |
46. Page Title Display of her sculptural ceramics and other clay work. http://www.members.tripod.com/~FionaHudsonCeramics/index.html | |
47. Magy Reist - High Fired Ceramics. Porcelain And Stoneware.Crystal Glazes,Celadon High fired ceramics with crystal glazes on porcelain and stoneware bodies. Site includes galleries and information about crystal glazes. http://home.datacomm.ch/magyk/ | |
48. About Search - Find It Now! About.com, Search Exact Match. Search ceramics . Sponsored Links. ceramicsHuge Selection of ceramics More. Search ThomasRegister.com Now! http://search.about.com/fullsearch.htm?terms=ceramics&IAM=URL_ceramics |
49. The Digital Museum Of Cornish Ceramics Features ceramics made in Cornwall and contains examples of the work produced, the potters' marks and background information. Includes contact details. http://www.cornishceramics.com | |
50. CERAMICS PAULUS FLORIZOONE Belgium company specializing in conservation and restoration of earthenware from prehistoric, Roman, medieval and post-medieval sites and producing replicas of archaeological finds. http://home.planetinternet.be/~pf323347/ | |
51. Moved Roman ceramics had to move. You can find us Here. http://home.rhein-zeitung.de/~rzentral/anadecom/newhome.htm | |
52. African Masks, Wooden Flutes, Copper Bracelets, Perfume Bottles, Chess Sets, Han Unique handmade gifts from around the world, such as Italian ceramics, African woodcarvings, masks, statuettes, perfume bottles, jewelry boxes, wind chimes, picture frames. http://www.a-world-of-handicrafts.com/ | |
53. Thermalceramics.com - Ceramic Fiber And Insulating Firebrick. thermalceramics.com. Offers high temperature insulation, heat containment,ceramic fiber, refractories, castables, insulating firebrick http://www.thermalceramics.com/ | |
54. Japanese Ceramics Short overview of the current state of traditional ceramic products. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID jp0124) |
55. Thermal Ceramics - A World Force In Heat Management Thermal ceramics is among the world s preeminent manufacturers of high temperatureinsulation, refractories and specialty products including ceramic fibers http://www.thermalceramics.com/home.html | |
56. Novamoda Ceramics Browser Redirect An international supplier of fashion decor, decorative tiles and cut tile borders. http://www.novamodadecor.com/ |
57. GE Advanced Ceramics Producer Of Advanced Ceramic (nonoxide) Powders Welcome to GE Advanced ceramics a worldwide leading producer of advanced ceramic(nonoxide) powders and hotpressed and chemically vapor deposited shapes. http://www.advceramics.com/ | |
58. Www.ceramics.org.tw Nonprofit organization for ceramic artists organized by the Chinese ceramics Association Taiwan . http://www.ceramics.org.tw/ |
59. Blue Muse Ceramics-- Directory Of Ceramics Supplies, Artists, Education And Idea Directory of ceramics supplies, artists, education and ideas http://members.tripod.com/~Fibergal/ | |
60. Metals And Ceramics Division The Metals and ceramics Division is a large, diversified materials research divisionwith programs that support all of the major energy technologies, including http://www.ms.ornl.gov/mchome.htm | |
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