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41. Visit To The National Resource Center For Cephalopods (NRCC) Visit to the National Resource Center for cephalopods (NRCC). Several of these floating cephalopods were hovering midwater and blankly staring into space. http://www.tonmo.com/articles/nrcc.php | |
42. Mollusks Lesson Plans And Activities bivalves animals with two shells such as clams, oysters, and scallops. cephalopods - soft bodied animals with no shell such as octopus, squid, and cuttlefish. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/5924/mollusks.htm | |
43. Cephalopods Home Marine Zoology Mediterranean cephalopods. . . . . Some cephalopods are able to emit the exact amount of light to disguise themselves as the shining waves. http://www.sportesport.it/cephalopods.htm | |
44. AMAZING CUTTLEFISH - Cephalopods Cuttlefish are softbodied marine cephalopods, with a large head ringed by tentacles and an internal cuttlebone. Cuttlefish display http://www.windspeed.net.au/~jenny/cuttlefish/cephalopods.html | |
45. The Living World Of Molluscs - Cephalopods Translate this page The Living World of Molluscs http://members.lycos.co.uk/Mollusks/kopffuesser.html | |
46. Cephalopods cephalopods. CLASSIFICATION GEOLOGIC RANGES. Class CEPHALOPODA. The cephalopods are a class of mobile mollusks, most of which are nektic or nektobenthic. http://paleo.cortland.edu/tutorial/Ceph&Gast/cephalopods.htm | |
47. LookSmart - Directory - Cephalopods cephalopods Scientific and anatomical breakdowns, multimedia clips, discussions, and profiles of cephalopods. of cephalopods. Includes publications and news. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us146762/us163854/us330207/us3 | |
48. Cephalopods cephalopods. The museum has several large nautiloids and ammonoids on display. Both modern and ancient cephalopods are included for comparison in this display. http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/museum/ceph.htm | |
49. Cephalopods.html Fish vs. cephalopods In marine environments, cephalopods clearly rank at the top of the Protostomes, in terms of size, intellegence, and trophic dominance. http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~brokawc/Bi11/cephalopods.html | |
50. Cephalopods Z this site WWW. cephalopods Intelligent evolution. All cephalopods are capable of swimming by jet propulsion. Archived news Alien http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/C/cephalopod.html | |
51. Cephalopods: Cuttlefish, Nautilus, Octopus And Squid Profiles - About Saltwater Although fascinating and intelligent animals, learn all you can about cephalopods, because they are not easy to keep in saltwater aquariums. http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/cephalopodcare/ | |
52. Cephalopods cephalopods Cuttlefish and octopi are masters of camouflage and can change color quickly. Both of these animals should be kept alone http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/categ.cfm?siteid=23&pCatId=500 |
53. ISGS Cephalopods Squids, octopuses, cuttlefish, and the pearly nautilus are among the cephalopods living in modern seas. All are members of the large phylum Mullusca. http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/fossils/cephalopods.htm | |
54. Cephalopods Contents Back Previous Next Names cephalopods cephalopods Highest class of molluscs, usually large, marine, with foot http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/dinos/de_4/5c60506.htm | |
55. Cephalopods In Cinema 20,000 TENTACLES UNDER THE SEA cephalopods IN CINEMA. By Roland C. Anderson. A very few movies show cephalopods sympathetically. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/tcp/awful.html | |
56. Cephalopods cephalopods A World Guide The main feature of this book is that it contains glossy photographs of every cephalopod species that has been photographed http://facultyofzoology.com/Cephalopods.html | |
57. Cephalopods - Class Cephalopoda cephalopods. Image (C) Kevin Davidson. cephalopods are a small class of mollusks arguably containing the most intelligent of all the invertebrates. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/animals1/cephalopod/cephalopod.html | |
58. Nearctica - Natural History - Mollusks - Cephalopods Mollusks. cephalopods. Click Here. Special Segments. It also has nice photographs of most of the major groups of cephalopods and some material on biology. http://www.nearctica.com/nathist/mollusks/cephalop.htm | |
59. Nearctica - Paleontology - Invertebrates - Cephalopods Invertebrates cephalopods. Click Here. Special Segments. LINKS TO WEB SITES ON FOSSIL cephalopods. Fossil Nautiloidea Page. Theo Engeser. http://www.nearctica.com/paleo/inverts/ammon.htm | |
60. Cephalopods The cephalopods of Guam. LA Ward. AbstractThe cephalopod fauna of Guam is reviewed and 21 species recorded from the island together http://www.uog.edu/up/micronesica/abstracts_35-36/15cephalopods.htm | |
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