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1. National Resource Center For Cephalopods Offers resources for cephalopod researchers. Includes photo gallery. http://www.nrcc.utmb.edu/ | |
2. CephBase - Cephalopod (Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish And Nautilus) Database CephBase is a dynamic databasedriven web page on cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus). Complete classification http://www.cephbase.utmb.edu/ | |
3. Virtual Silurian Reef -- Cephalopods CEPHALOPOD. cephalopods of today live only in seawater and include the squid, octopus and pearly nautilus. Cephalopod shells may be coiled, slightly curved, or straight, and all are characterized by http://www.mpm.edu/reef/cephalopod.html | |
4. Cephalopods: Cuttlefish, Nautilus, Octopus And Squid Profiles - About Saltwater learn all about identifying, raising, breeding, and caring for these marine cephalopods in captivity. the National Resource Center for cephalopods, here you will find a collection http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/cephalopodcare | |
5. The Cephalopod Page; Octopuses, Squid, Cuttlefish, And Nautilus The Cephalopod Page is an educational page devoted to cephalopods (nautilus, squid, cuttlefish, and octopus). Introduction to cephalopods. http://www.dal.ca/~ceph/TCP/ | |
6. Fossil Cephalopods In Utah A pictorial guide to some of the fossil cephalopods that can be found within the State of Utah, mostly Ammonoids, but many other cephalopods are pictured. Pictures of some collecting localities are also included. http://ammonoid.topcities.com/index.htm | |
7. The Cephalopod Page; Octopuses, Squid, Cuttlefish, Nautilus By James B. Wood The Cephalopod Page is an educational page devoted to cephalopods (nautilus, squid, cuttlefish, and octopus). The Cephalopod Page http://www.dal.ca/~ceph/wood.html | |
8. The Cephalopod Page; Octopuses, Squid, Cuttlefish, Nautilus By James B. Wood The Cephalopod Page is an educational page devoted to cephalopods (nautilus, squid, cuttlefish, and octopus). http://is.dal.ca/~ceph/wood.html | |
9. Recent Biomedical Uses For Cephalopods Recent Biomedical uses for cephalopods, 19871994. (If you have difficulty viewing this chart, please see Options for Viewing this Page.). http://www.nrcc.utmb.edu/uses.html | |
10. Trampas,jaulas,nasas Para Captura Y Pesca De Anguilas", Cangrejos,camarones,pulp A Spanish company which manufactures traps for shellfish and cephalopods. Site is in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and French. http://www.nasasmoreira.com/ |
11. The Cephalopoda Tree Of Life Pages Have Moved and very successful group of the Mollusca. cephalopods have been among the dominant large predators in the Two groups of cephalopods exist today The Nautiloidea with a few species http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/tree/cephalopoda/cephalopoda.html | |
12. Cephalopods At The National Museum Of Natural History cephalopods at the National Museum of Natural History. Yes, it s a cephalopod! See the following links for more information on cephalopods. http://www.nmnh.si.edu/cephs/ | |
13. Seabo International Limited A Hong Kong importer and distributer of frozen seafood including fish, shrimp, crab, cephalopods(molluscs) and shell. They also provides suckling pig, snake and frog legs. http://www.seaboseafood.com/eng/ |
14. Cephalopoda The following are major sources of information on cephalopods. Mangold, K. (editor)1989. 690pp. The following are recent compilations on cephalopods. http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Cephalopoda&contgroup=Mollusca |
15. TralfazWorld Includes webcam of Tralfaz the Octopus, photographs and other information about cephalopods. http://mysite.verizon.net/vze3zbpe/ | |
16. Nautiloid Cephalopods The Nautiloid cephalopods are the group of cephalopods that have a simple suture pattern to the shell is a living species of the Nautiloid cephalopods. As you can see in http://www.dc.peachnet.edu/~janderso/historic/nautil.htm | |
17. Coleoidea Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione and Katharina M. Mangold *. The Coleoidea contains all living cephalopods except for species of pearly nautilus. http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Coleoidea&contgroup=Cephalopoda |
18. The Octopus News Magazine Online Online community and news magazine about octopuses, squids, and other cephalopods. Offers fact sheets, TV programming, photos, and links. http://www.tonmo.com/ | |
19. CephBase CephBase CephBase is a collection of databases developed by the National Resource Center for cephalopods at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. The Web site provides "taxonomic http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://cephbase.nrcc.utmb.edu/&y=0261E33F8E |
20. Cephalopods CEPHALOPODA, GASTROPODA other Molluscs. cephalopods. CLASSIFICATION GEOLOGIC RANGES. Phylum Mollusca ( PrecambrianRecent) Class Cephalopoda ( Cambrian-Recent) Subclass Coleoidea ( Devonian-Recent) Subclass Nautiloidea ( Cambrian-Recent) The cephalopods are a class of mobile mollusks, most of which are nektic or nekto-benthic. cephalopods have a bilaterally symmetrical body, a prominent http://paleo.cortland.edu/tutorial/Ceph&Gast/cephalopods.htm |
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