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Cell Biology: more books (100) | ||||
141. The Dictionary Of Cell And Molecular Biology domain names and web hosting and url forwarding from V3. The Dictionary of cell and Molecular biology. A dictionary for modern biology Click here to continue. http://on.to/dictionary | |
142. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Functional Plant Biology A journal for publication of biochemistry, biophysics, developmental biology, cell and molecular biology, plantenvironment and plant-microbe interactions, and the integration of these areas. http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/102.htm | |
143. The Cell Sorter domain names and web hosting and url forwarding from V3. The cell sorter. A resource centre for the new biology Click here to continue. http://on.to/cellbiology | |
144. Japanese Society For Plant Cell And Molecular Biology Offers new information on the basic research and the applied technology of plant tissue culture, plant molecular biology, plant cell engineering and related field. With journal published quarterly. http://www.kazusa.or.jp/ja/plant/jspcmb/English/English.html | |
145. UCLA Department Of Molecular, Cell And Developmental Biology Departmental website with the information on the faculty, and seminars at University of California, Los Angeles. http://www.mcdb.ucla.edu/ | |
146. Phytomorphology An International Journal of Plant Sciences which includes reviews and articles on topics such as plant biology and cell structures. http://phytomorphology.tripod.com | |
147. Biotechnology And Bioprocessing Training Program Classes include cell culture methods and scaleup strategies, fermentation methods, separation and purification strategies, and techniques in molecular biology - from Penn State University. http://www.outreach.psu.edu/Biotechnology/ |
148. Dr Chromo's School: The Biology Of A Cell Outlines the structure and functions of a cell and its components. http://www.iacr.bbsrc.ac.uk/notebook/courses/guide/cell.htm | |
149. OAC Biology This site gives an overview of the OAC biology (Advanced Placement) course. The units covered are biochemistry, energy and the living cell, photosynthesis, genetics, and the theory of evolution. http://members.tripod.com/beckysroom/ | |
150. Cell And Developmental Biology Graduate Program Details of course and related links at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark. http://lifesci.rutgers.edu/~cdb/ | |
151. Henderson Laboratory Home Page, Faculty Of Pharmacy, University Of Toronto Research on the molecular biology of programmed cell death in the mammalian CNS, mechanisms of neural target innervation, and molecular therapeutics aimed at enhancing motor neuron function. From the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Canada. http://www.phm.utoronto.ca/~jeffh/henderson.htm | |
152. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Research activities include cell differentiation, embryonic development, gene expression, and transcriptional regulatory mechanisms. Located in Houston, Texas. http://www.mdanderson.org/DEPARTMENTS/biochem/ | |
153. MedBioWorld: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cell Biology & Molecular Biology Journals Links to biochemistry, biophysics, cell, and molecular biology journals. http://www.medbioworld.com/journals/biochem.html |
154. Molecular Biology Of The Cell. Table Of Contents 3rd edition, of book by Alberts et al published in 1994, accessible for free from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, MD. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowTOC&rid=cell.TOC |
155. Welcome A manufacturer of apparatus for microbiology, molecular biology and cell culture e.g. safety gas burners, computer colony counters, eletrophoresis units, roller bottle incubators and RULLA test devices. http://www.schuett-labortechnik.de/Welcome/welcome.html | |
156. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology Part B Biochemistry And Molecular Biolog This journal covers biochemical and molecular biology aspects of metabolism, enzymology, regulation, nutrition, signal transduction, promoters, gene structure and regulation, metabolite and cell constituents, macromolecular structures, adaptational mechanisms and evolutionary principles. http://www.elsevier.com/inca/publications/store/5/2/5/4/6/5/ | |
157. Insect Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Neurochemistry, hormone and pheromone biochemistry, enzymes and metabolism, hormone action and gene regulation, gene characterization and structure, pharmacology, immunology and cell and tissue culture. http://www.elsevier.nl/cgi-bin/cas/tree/store/ib/cas_free/browse/browse.cgi | |
158. Biochemical Journal - Browse Contents Covers all aspects of biochemistry, and cell and molecular biology. Free access to fulltext archive (articles published before december 31, 2001) http://www.biochemj.org/bj/toc.htm | |
159. The Frisén Lab @ The Karolinska Institute Department of cell and Molecular biology. Studies on the development of the nervous system and the continued neurogenesis from neural stem cells in the adult. | |
160. LUMEN Histology Home Page Histology. Loyola University Health System. cell and Molecular biology Lessons. Part 1 Epithelium and Simple Glands, Practical 1A, Practical 1B. http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/Histo/frames/histo_frames.html | |
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