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1. Graham Proudlove's Cave Biology E-mail List Graham Proudlove's cave biology Email List. An email discussion group for cave biology exists. I hope that we can use it for respectable scientific debate about all aspects of cave biology. http://www.utexas.edu/depts/tnhc/.www/biospeleology/cavebiolist.htm | |
2. Biospeleology (cave Biology) Texas Memorial Museum's web site on biospeleology. Information on the biota of caves, karst, and groundwater. http://www.utexas.edu/depts/tnhc/.www/biospeleology/ | |
3. New York University | Cave Biology Research Group Main. Cave adapted animals are classic examples of regressive evolution, losing their eyes and pigment over time. Gains in other sensory systems compensate for the absence of vision. The bases for these developmental changes are genetic. The Mission. cave biology Facts. Research Programs http://www.nyu.edu/fas/cave | |
4. Biological Recorder A UK based organisation addressomg all aspects of cave biology. Papers, contacts, email discussion list, grid coordinates converter. http://www.bcra.org.uk/biology/ | |
5. Illinois Natural History Survey, Biospeleology Web Site Links to other biospeleology sites cave biology ListServ and archives Biospeleologia del Piemonte, Atlante Fotografico Sistematico. cave biology Research Group ( New York University http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/~sjtaylor/cave/biospeleol.html | |
6. Utah Cave Biology NUTTY PUTTY. MISSION. CONSERVATION. GEOLOGY. MEETINGS. BIOLOGY. EDUCATION. IMAGES. VISITING CAVES Cave Biology. Underground Biology in Utah or a few cave locations; the pollution of a single http://www.caveutah.com/biology.htm | |
7. Cave Biology cave biology. There are several ways to look at cave biology and the ecology of Fisher Cave. The ecosystem approach is a useful beginning. http://www.missouri.edu/~jad4bc/biology.htm | |
8. Anchialine Caves And Cave Fauna - Biology Of Marine Caves marine cave biology, anchialine caves and cave animals, cave diving, marinebiospeleology, exploration and study of Yucatan and Bahamas caves. http://www.tamug.edu/cavebiology/ | |
9. Anchialine Caves And Cave Biology Peninsula of Mexico to carry out diving explorations and biological investigationsof the Ring of Cenotes, a 180 km diameter semicircle of water-filled caves. http://www.tamug.edu/cavebiology/index2.html | |
10. California Underground, Realms Educational materials and photographic tours on the formation and occurrence of different types of caves, cave biology, and cave conservation. http://www.museumca.org/caves/onli_realm.html | |
11. Cave Biology Group cave biology Group. Our Recorder, Graham Proudlove, and his team of expertswill be pleased to field your enquiries about cave biology. http://www.bcra.org.uk/sig/biology.html | |
12. Groundwater Biology Exhaustive collection of information about groundwater and cave biology. Checklist and bibliography for most taxa, distribution maps, images and useful links. Updated regularly. http://www.geocities.com/~mediaq/index1.html |
13. New York University | Cave Biology Research Group | Facts cave biology Facts, cave biology Facts Cave vertebrates are excellent modelsto study the genetics of abnormal eye development and metabolic variation. http://www.nyu.edu/fas/cave/facts.htm | |
14. Caving Canada Biospeleology Page Includes a directory of biospeleology researchers worldwide, Canadian cave biology directory, and many internet links. http://www.cancaver.ca/bio/ | |
15. Cave Biology, Sequoia And Kings Canyon National Parks cave biology. People usually visit caves for the adventure of a newsubterranean world or to see beautiful cave formations. But, below http://www.nps.gov/seki/snrm/wildlife/cave_biology.htm | |
16. The Biospeleology In Romania About past and present cave biology research in Romania, including information about specific caves. http://www.uib.no/People/nglbn/bio.htm | |
17. Jean Krejca, Vita Ralph Stone Award (National Speleological Society) spring 2001, for cave biologyresearch. Cave surveys and biological inventories were performed. http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/~sjtaylor/cave/mexico/jkvita.html | |
18. Onondaga Cave State Park - Cave Biology, Geology And History - Missouri State Pa cave biology, Geology and History. The History of Onondaga Cave Theland surrounding Onondaga Cave had been settled for some time http://www.mostateparks.com/onondaga/cavegeohist.htm | |
19. The EnviroLink Network - Anchialine Caves And Cave Biology Anchialine Caves and cave biology. Diving explorations of anchialine (marine) caveshave led to the disovery of numerous animals, previously unknown to science. http://www.envirolink.org/resource.html?itemid=110302104197&catid=3 |
20. Correction For Anchialine Caves And Cave Biology Correction for Anchialine Caves and cave biology. Your Name YourEMail Your suggested changes for this resource Current Info http://www.envirolink.org/incorrect-info.html?itemid=110302104197&itemname=Anchi |
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