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         Carbon-14 Dating:     more books (21)
  1. Carbon-14 Dating of Iron by N.J.Van Der Merwe, 1969-10
  2. Preparation of water sample for carbon-14 dating (Circular) by H. R Feltz, 1963
  3. Carbon 14 Dating of Iron by VanDerMerweNikol, 1969
  4. C480 Preparation of water sample for carbon-14 dating
  5. The carbon-14 dating of iron by Nikolaas J Van der Merwe, 1969
  6. Isotopes of Carbon: Radiocarbon Dating, Carbon-14, Isotopes of Carbon, Carbon-13, Carbon-12, 13c, Carbon-11, Carbon-8, Carbon-9, Carbon-10
  7. Carbon-14 dating by Willard F Libby, 1961
  8. Carbon 14 dating of some Arctic soils, (New Jersey. Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick. Mimeographed note) by John C. F Tedrow, 1958
  9. The extraction of collagen under the Modified Longin Method with subsequent treatment by ninhydrin for use in Carbon 14 dating by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry techniques by Russell Tarver, 1995
  10. Carbon-14 and Other Radioactive Dating Methods by George Howe, 1970
  11. Carbon-14 and other Radioactive Dating Methods by George Howe, 1970
  12. Radiocarbon Dating: Radiometric Dating, Radionuclide, Before Present, Beta Decay, Exponential Decay, Carbon-14, Age of the Earth, Environmental Radioactivity, ... de Vries, Calibration Curve, Half-Life
  13. Radiocarbon dating of archaeological samples (sambaqui) using CO"2 absorption and liquid scintillation spectrometry of low background radiation [An article ... Journal of Environmental Radioactivity] by M.L.T.G. Mendonca, J.M. Godoy, et all
  14. Carbon-14 dates and early man in the New World by C. Vance Haynes, 1967

81. R/P 38 Neanderthal = Nephilim? Carbon 14 Dating?R/P 38 Neanderthal = Nephilim? C
Neanderthal = Nephilim? Carbon 14 dating? Or Click here to return to Main Title Index .
Research Paper 38 Size 16 A4 pages. 106K Bytes.
Written by John Denton Nov 2001 Neanderthal = Nephilim? Carbon 14 Dating? Or Click here to return to Main Title Index
A speculative research paper examining current evidence available on Neanderthal man with comparison to references in early manuscripts of the Nephilim an ancient race of half-breed humans. The argument is presented that the scientific facts verify that the Neanderthal were in fact one and the same as the ancient warrior race the Nephilim. It is here proposed that an examination of the evidence and facts currently available on Neanderthal man reveal that they could well have been a race of half-breed humans referred to in some of the earliest manuscripts found as the Nephilim.
Neanderthal man has become an enigma to science once being hailed as the proof of the evolution of apes to modern man. He was considered to be the brutish ancestor link to man in the evolution chain, the intermediate stage between man and ape.
Now! Neanderthal is recognised by scientists as a contemporary of modern man living alongside humans having many human attributes. But amazingly with a LARGER brain than mans! Were they the Nephilim?

82. Dating Exhibit
This exhibit contains information on the various techniques used to determine the age of antiquities. Radiocarbon dating is a method of obtaining age estimates on organic materials Humans in
Index Radio-carbon dating is a method of obtaining age estimates on organic materials. It has been used to date samples as old as 50,000 years. The method was developed immediately following World War II by Willard F. Libby and coworkers, and has provided age determinations in archaeology, geology, geophysics and other branches of science. Radiocarbon determinations can be obtained on wood; charcoal; marine and fresh-water shell; bone and antler; peat and organic-bearing sediments, carbonate deposits such as tufa, caliche, and marl; and dissolved carbon dioxide and carbonates in ocean, lake and ground-water sources. Each sample type has specific problems associated with its use for dating purposes, including contamination and special environmental effects. While the impact of radiocarbon dating has been most profound in archaeological research and particularly in prehistoric studies, extremely significant contributions have also been made in hydrology and oceanography. In addition, in the 1950s the testing of thermonuclear weapons injected large amounts of artificial radiocarbon ("Radiocarbon Bomb") into the atmosphere, permitting it to be used as a geochemical tracer. To discover how long an organism has been dead (to determine how much C14 is left in the organism and therefore how old it is), we count the number of beta radiations given off per minute per gram of material. Modern C14 emits about 15 beta radiations per minute per gram of material, but C14 that is 5730 years old will only emit half that amount, (the half-life of C14) per minute. So if a sample taken from an organism emits 7.5 radiations per minute in a gram of material, then the organism must be 5730 years old. The accuracy of radiocoarbon dating was tested on objects with dates that were already known through historical records such as parts of the dead sea scrolls and some wood from an Egyptian tomb. Based on the results of the Carbon 14 test the analysis showed that C14 agreed very closely with the historical information.

83. Carbon 14 Dating
That s how the Carbon14 dating method works. The most famous example of the use of carbon14 dating was the testing of the Shroud of Turin.
C arbon is an element which is found in the molecules of all living things. But elements can come in various forms, called 'isotopes'. Isotopes have extra neutons in their nuclei, and are often unstable (radioactive).
T he element carbon has an isotope called carbon14. Carbon14 is formed in the upper atmosphere when cosmic rays strike , producing neutrons. These then interact with nitrogen to form carbon14.
C arbon14, although there isn't very much of it, mixes with ordinary carbon, and finds its way into living things when they absorb or eat their food.
T he ratio of carbon14 atoms to ordinary carbon atoms is constant. As long as the plant is alive, it continues to take in carbon of both types.
Black dots represent carbon, grey dots carbon14
B ecause carbon14 is radioactive, its atoms will spontaneously 'decay', or turn into some other element, every so often. This means that the carbon14 atoms in a substance are constantly disappearing. But as long as the plant is alive, it will continue to take in both carbon and carbon14 atoms, so the ratio of the two types in the plant remains constant.
O nce the plant dies, however

84. Carbon Dating
Carbon dating. The short summary. The theory The Theory. Carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon
Carbon Dating
The short summary
The theory

Are there things that can't be carbon-dated?

Can we prove that carbon dates are accurate?
For more information
The Short Summary
Carbon dating can be used on material which was living in the last few tens of thousands of years, and which got its carbon from the air. The method has become more accurate in the last few decades.
The Theory
Carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon. It is produced in the upper atmosphere by radiation from the sun. (Specifically, neutrons hit nitrogen-14 atoms and transmute them to carbon.) Land plants, such as trees, get their carbon from carbon dioxide in the air. So, some fraction of their carbon is C14. The same is true of any creature that gets its carbon by eating such plants. We can measure this in living things today. Suppose such a creature dies, and the body is preserved. The C14 will undergo radioactive decay, and after 5730 years, half of it will be gone. Eventually, all of it will be gone. So, if we find such a body, the amount of C14 in it will tell us how long ago it was alive.
Are There Things That Can't Be Carbon-Dated?

85. Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
Carbon 14 dating Calculator. To find the percent of Carbon 14 remaining after a given number of years, type in the number of years and click on Calculate.
Amateur Radio Biology Books ... Search This Site Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
To find the percent of Carbon 14 remaining after a given number of years, type in the number of years and click on Calculate.
Years C 14 halflife = 5730 Carbon 14 left = percent To find the years that have elapsed from how much Carbon 14 remains, type in the C 14 percent and click on Calculate. Percent C 14 C 14 halflife = 5730 Years = RADIO CARBON DATING LINKS: radiocarbon WEB-info
The OCR Carbon Dating Home Page

Carbon Dating

Carbon Dating
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86. Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
number of years and click on Calculate. Years Carbon dating Calculator Carbon 14 left = percent. To find the years that have elapsed
Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
To find the percent of Carbon 14 remaining after a given number of years, type in the number of years and click on Calculate. Years Carbon Dating Calculator Carbon 14 left = percent To find the years that have elapsed from how much Carbon 14 remains, type in the C-14 percent and click on Calculate. Percent C-14 Carbon Dating Calculator Years = More about Carbon Dating
Many thanks to Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks for permission to use the following extract All carbon is not created equal. The same element can have different isotopes or atomic numbers-in effect, the weights of their nuclei differ. Carbon has three isotopes, known as carbon 12, carbon 13, and carbon 14, often called simply C-12, C-13, and C-14. The carbon in the carbon dioxide we breathe, for example, is about 99 percent C-12. The remaining one percent is virtually all C-13. That's fine, because the two isotopes are the same element. The very rare carbon 14 is another matter, though, because it is radioactive. By losing an electron, every atom of C-14 eventually will decay into an atom of N-14; that is, it will turn into ordinary nitrogen. As radioactive substances go, C-14 doesn't last long. Half of any number of atoms of carbon 14 will have become nitrogen 14 after 5730 years have passed. That's simply another way of saying that C-14 has a half-life of 5730 years.

87. Carbon 14 Dating: What Assumptions Should We Take?
Carbon 14 dating. Not my area of expertise but I am extremely interested in it. But first, I will discuss the basics of Carbon 14 dating. What is Carbon 14?
Navigate Home Molecular History Research Center Biology and Origins Astronomy ... Music of the Renaissance

Carbon 14 Dating
Not my area of expertise but I am extremely interested in it.
Don't take what is on this page as a scientific endeavor
I am only looking at the evidence and expressing my thoughts. Its a lot of fun to do!

Page 1 of 8
Page 1
  • Introduction
  • What is Carbon 14?
Page 2
  • How is Carbon produced?
  • Carbon 14 is in equilibrium
  • How is Carbon 14 used to date specimens and artifacts?
Page 3
  • Limitations of the Historical Sciences
  • Carbon 14 Dating is based on Assumptions
  • The Assumptions used in Carbon 14 Dating
  • Has the C-14/C-12 ratio (equilibrium) always been constant?
Page 4
  • Factors that could have affected past C-14 levels
    • World Carbon Inventory
    • Cosmic Ray Intensity
    • Geomagnetic Field Intensity
    • Water Content of the Outer Atmosphere
    Page 5
    • Is there any Data That Would Support the Above Assumptions of a global flood?
      • Anomalous fossil C-14 Dates
      • C-14 Age Profile of Ancient Sediment and Peat Accumulations
      Page 6
      • Does Coal have a residual level of C-14 left from before the Flood?
        • How Easy Is The Difference To Detect?

88. Carbon 14 Dating: What Assumptions Should We Take?
Carbon 14 dating. Not my area Page 3 Limitations of the Historical Sciences; Carbon 14 dating is based on Assumptions; The Assumptions used
Navigate Home Molecular History Research Center Biology and Origins Astronomy ... Music of the Renaissance

Carbon 14 Dating
Not my area of expertise but I am extremely interested in it.
Don't take what is on this page as a scientific endeavor
I am only looking at the evidence and expressing my thoughts. Its a lot of fun to do!

Page 6 of 8
Page 1
  • Introduction
  • What is Carbon 14?
Page 2
  • How is Carbon produced?
  • Carbon 14 is in equilibrium
  • How is Carbon 14 used to date specimens and artifacts?
Page 3
  • Limitations of the Historical Sciences
  • Carbon 14 Dating is based on Assumptions
  • The Assumptions used in Carbon 14 Dating
  • Has the C-14/C-12 ratio (equilibrium) always been constant?
Page 4
  • Factors that could have affected past C-14 levels
    • World Carbon Inventory
    • Cosmic Ray Intensity
    • Geomagnetic Field Intensity
    • Water Content of the Outer Atmosphere
    Page 5
    • Is there any Data That Would Support the Above Assumptions of a global flood?
      • Anomalous fossil C-14 Dates
      • C-14 Age Profile of Ancient Sediment and Peat Accumulations
      Page 6
      • Does Coal have a residual level of C-14 left from before the Flood?

89. Dating Exhibit
The accuracy of radiocoarbon dating was tested on objects with dates that were already Based on the results of the Carbon 14 test the analysis showed that C14
Index Radio-carbon dating is a method of obtaining age estimates on organic materials. It has been used to date samples as old as 50,000 years. The method was developed immediately following World War II by Willard F. Libby and coworkers, and has provided age determinations in archaeology, geology, geophysics and other branches of science. Radiocarbon determinations can be obtained on wood; charcoal; marine and fresh-water shell; bone and antler; peat and organic-bearing sediments, carbonate deposits such as tufa, caliche, and marl; and dissolved carbon dioxide and carbonates in ocean, lake and ground-water sources. Each sample type has specific problems associated with its use for dating purposes, including contamination and special environmental effects. While the impact of radiocarbon dating has been most profound in archaeological research and particularly in prehistoric studies, extremely significant contributions have also been made in hydrology and oceanography. In addition, in the 1950s the testing of thermonuclear weapons injected large amounts of artificial radiocarbon ("Radiocarbon Bomb") into the atmosphere, permitting it to be used as a geochemical tracer. To discover how long an organism has been dead (to determine how much C14 is left in the organism and therefore how old it is), we count the number of beta radiations given off per minute per gram of material. Modern C14 emits about 15 beta radiations per minute per gram of material, but C14 that is 5730 years old will only emit half that amount, (the half-life of C14) per minute. So if a sample taken from an organism emits 7.5 radiations per minute in a gram of material, then the organism must be 5730 years old. The accuracy of radiocoarbon dating was tested on objects with dates that were already known through historical records such as parts of the dead sea scrolls and some wood from an Egyptian tomb. Based on the results of the Carbon 14 test the analysis showed that C14 agreed very closely with the historical information.

GRANT BEY AND THE MISSING PYRAMID RELIC CARBON 14 dating THE GREAT PYRAMID Continued © Robert G. Bauval 2002 Published in Discussions in Egyptology, Oxford
© Robert G. Bauval 2002
Published in Discussions in Egyptology, Oxford, Volume 50, 2001
OVERVIEW In my previous article in DE 49 I narrated the story of the 'Dixon Relics' and how a 5-inch piece of cedar wood (which could be C-14 dated) had been 'lost'. I can now confirm that this relic has been traced to a Museum in Scotland. The story of this 'missing' Pyramid relic is intrinsically linked to Dr. James Andrew Sandilands Grant, better known in Egyptology as Grant Bey.
BACKGROUND not yet been retrieved by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Director-General of the Giza monuments, in spite of the many requests made by myself and others. It seems that Dr. Hawass disapproves of C-14 dating. Thus finding the 'missing' Dixon Relic i.e. the 5-inches piece of cedar-like wood is crucial, as it would resolve this impasse. A Library Angel By a strange twist of synchronicity, just as I had sent my article for DE 49, on the 9 May, caused by one of his servants, much that survived was donated to the Marischal Museum in Aberdeen.

91. Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
Carbon 14 dating Calculator presented by Earth Science Australia through the kind permission of the author Mark Gregory http// 14 Dating Calculator.htm
Carbon 14 Dating Calculator
presented by Earth Science Australia
through the kind permission of the author Mark Gregory

To find the percent of Carbon 14 remaining after a given number of years, type in the number of years and click on Calculate.
Years C 14 halflife = 5730 Carbon 14 left = percent To find the years that have elapsed from how much Carbon 14 remains, type in the C 14 percent and click on Calculate.
Percent C 14 C 14 halflife = 5730 Years = More about Carbon Dating In the 1940's Dr. Willard F. Libby invented carbon dating for which he received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1960. Above is a graph that illustrates the relationship between how much Carbon 14 is left in a sample and how old it is.
FastCounter by bCentral

92. Carbon 14 Dating
Carbon 14 dating. Creation Position. Many living things are not in equilibrium for C14 exchange; the shells of living mollusks show
Carbon 14 Dating
Creation Position Many living things are not in equilibrium for C-14 exchange; the shells of living mollusks show radiocarbon ages of up to 2300 years. The rate of carbon 14 radioactive decay may have been different in the past. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may have been different in the past. The assumption of a constant ratio of C-14 to C-12 is invalid; equilibrium would require about 30,000 years, and the C-14/C-12 ratio appears to be increasing still. Evolution Position The following was extracted from an August 27, 1996 post by Howard Hershey ( Additional information was added. Carbon exists in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, CO . It can be present either as stable carbon 12 or unstable carbon 14. Carbon 14 is formed from ordinary nitrogen 14 in the atmosphere by the action of cosmic rays. The cosmic rays produce neutrons which bombard the nitrogen atoms, resulting in a neutron being absorbed and a proton being ejected. The N-14 atom of 7 protons and 7 neutrons is transformed into a C-14 atom of 6 protons and 8 neutrons. The carbon-14 atom immediately combines with atmospheric oxygen to form carbon dioxide. A steady state results in which the rate of decomposition of carbon 14 is matched by the rate of formation of new C-14 by cosmic rays. The result is that carbon 14 is present as a constant percentage of the total carbon in the atmosphere, although it does change slightly depending upon the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the atmosphere. However, a correction can be made on the basis of carbon 14 readings on items whose age is known from counting tree rings and archeological records.

93. Carbon 14 Dating. The New Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002. carbon 14 dating. See radioactive dating. 1. The New Dictionary of Cultural
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy Earth Sciences PREVIOUS ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. carbon 14 dating See radioactive dating The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition.

94. Carbon 14 Dating
GardenWeb carbon 14 dating. carbon 14 dating. The selection and testing of undisturbed soils, buried materials such as wood, firepit
carbon 14 dating
carbon 14 dating
The selection and testing of undisturbed soils , buried materials such as wood , firepit remains, and other organic materials, for measurement of radioactive carbon 14 with a half-life of approximately 5,500 years, to determine the rough age of the selected materials.
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95. Sin And Carbon 14 Dating? - EvC Forum
Search nondiscussion board areas of site Dates and dating sin and carbon 14 dating? (Page 2 of 2). Author, Topic sin and carbon 14 dating? RAZD Member.

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Posts: 840
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Registered: Mar 2004 Message 16 of 16 03-24-2004 08:22 PM personal attack not justified sorry, but that is nothing but a personal attack (" ad hominum ") and not about the question asked. consider that the poster could be a child when answering any post and you might improve your attitude. we are limited in our ability to understand
by our ability to understand R ebel A A merican Z en D eist This message is a reply to: Message 15 by iLLmatic , posted 03-24-2004 08:15 PM Topic pages: Prev 2 Next All times are ET (US) next newest topic next oldest topic Administrative Options: Close Topic Archive/Move Delete Topic Hop to: Select a Forum or Archive List of Forums: Category: Main Topic Forums Welcome, Visitors! Proposed New Topics Proposed New Topics Discussion The Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy Big Bang and Cosmology Biological Evolution Dates and Dating Education and Creation/Evolution Faith and Belief Geology and the Great Flood The Great Debate Human Origins Intelligent Design Is It Science?

96. Carbon 14 Dating - Frequently Asked Questions
How accurate is radiocarbon dating? This provides a crosscheck. Then three are some other dating methods which can ion occasions provide a check.
How accurate is radiocarbon dating? For recent materials it usualy as accurate as a 200 year range but with older materials this range gets wider. Materials at the limit of the range that can be measured may only be dated to a 500 or 1000 year range. You will see some dates which quote only a +_ 10 or 15 years error. This reflects very good measurement of the isotope ratios. However there is a limit to accuracy which arises from uncertainty over the exact levels of the isotope ratios in the past which puts a higher limit on the really useful accuracy.
This is with the best materials and methods. With samples which are smaller than desirable or some of the less accurate methods the accuracy falls off.
Sometimes with trees that have been preserved intact a series of dates spread over 50 or more tree rings can be matched to wiggles in the calibration curve and very accurate dates can result. How can you tell if the date you give an object is correct? The only universal method is to do a second measurement on a second sample. Other ways are to have a series of dates which are in a stratigraphic order and check that the ages come out in the same order. The problem with a lot of samples is that the method tells you when the carbon was fixed from the atmosphere but that event may have been a long time before the sample came to be preserved and if that latter event is what you are trying to date there may be a time gap to be considered of indeterminate length. So for instance charcoal in an archaeological site could be from a shrub which grew over the 10 years prior to it begin burnt, or it could be from a piece of driftwood - wood from a large tree that grew 500 years previously.

97. Probe Answers Our E-Mail: Carbon 14
Probe Answers Our EMail What Is Carbon 14 dating? . What Carbon 14 dating essentially tests how long something has been dead. In
Probe Answers Our E-Mail
"What Is Carbon 14 Dating?"
What exactly is carbon 14 testing and what are its limitations? I will be explaining this to 7th graders.
This dating method is based on some crucial assumptions that are difficult to verify. First, it assumes that the rate of transformation of nitrogen to carbon 14 in the atmosphere is constant through time. It turns out that this has not been the case and scientists have found greater/lesser abundances of carbon 14 in times past yielding dates that are to young or too old respectively. Second, it assumes that there is no other source of carbon 14 in living things which has not been investigated very thoroughly. Another complication has been recent reports that indicate that supposedly ancient sediments are producing trace amounts carbon 14 where there should be none at all. By ancient I mean sediments that are traditionally dated as being millions of years old. (see and click on the article "Measurable C14 in Fossilized Organic Materials." Either the c14 dating method is worthless or these sediments are nowhere near as old as suspected. Hope this helps.

98. Carbon 14 Dating Process:: Term Papers And Essays :: Free Summary Of Paper #1721
Carbon 14 dating Process. This paper discusses the process of carbon 14 dating, its accuracy and usefulness. Paper 17211. of words 1,350. of sources 5.
Free Summary of Paper #17211

Carbon 14 Dating Process
This paper discusses the process of carbon 14 dating, its accuracy and usefulness. Paper #: # of words: # of sources: Written: Author: Research Author's background: We have been writing papers, reports, and essays for over 30 years. Our staff is composed of professional writers who write academic research for a living. You can count on our quality and experience.
From The Paper
"One of the common problems faced by historians, geologists, archaeologists and anthropologists is the estimation of the age of particular specimens. Historians are interested in such things as the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Anthropologists are interested in the age of jaw bones which were found at Olduvai Gorge in Tanganyika. Archaeologists are interested in the date of Ptolemy's sarcophagus. And geologists are interested in the age of the Earth. The answers for a long time evaded people. The best that geologists could do was come up with som sort of ordinal distinction: for example, they knew that the origin of the earth was an older event than the origin of the first rock and that the first rock was older than were the Rocky Mountains. Likewise, anthropologists could determine that Neanderthal man preceded Cro-Magnon, but still the exact age of these events ... "
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99. Giza On Line - Links - Carbon 14 Dating
Links Carbon 14 dating. Basis of the Method - Thomas Higham A very concise introduction to the radiocarbon method and methodology.
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100. Re: Carbon14 Dating (was Palm Leaf Books)
recipients of list ; Subject Re carbon14 dating (was Palm Carbon 14 dating would not be useful for books because of its wide
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