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41. Texas A&M BWG - Home Includes campus faculty, staff, and students with research and educational interests in the expression of biodiversity data using new information technologies. http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/ | |
42. What Is Bioinformatics ? What is bioinformatics? bioinformatics is the application of computer technology to the management of biological information. Computers http://www.bioplanet.com/whatis.html | |
43. Artificial Intelligence And Heuristic Methods For Bioinformatics NATO Advanced Studies Institute. San Miniato, Italy; 111 October 2001. http://www.dsi.unifi.it/ai4bio/ | |
44. Untitled Document Masters, doctoral and nondegree post-doctoral fellowship training programs in bioinformatics, dental informatics, and health services. Course, traineeship, funding, application material, university information as well as Pittsburgh information and educational links provided. http://www.cbmi.upmc.edu/training_program/training.htm | |
45. Index Of / Molecular toxicology applied where preclinical products use gene expression technologies, proteomics and bioinformatics to improve screening. Toxicogenomic profiling for drug development in Santa Fe, NM. http://www.phase1tox.com/ | |
46. Bioinformatics.ca - Bioinformatics, Training, Jobs, Resources, And Research. bioinformatics.ca is a bioinformatics resource portal. On these pages you will find information on the bioinformatics certificate http://www.bioinformatics.ca/ | |
47. Boston University Bioinformatics bioinformatics at Boston University, searchSearch. The PhD Program in bioinformatics was approved by the Boston University Board of Trustees in May, 1999. http://bioinfo.bu.edu/ | |
48. The Bioinformatics Template Library (BTL) Provides the generic mathematical components that will allow programmers to more rapidly construct applications that model biological entities. http://people.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/~classlib/bioinf/BTL99.html | |
49. Please Change Your Links To Http//science.bio.org You May Click Please change your links to http//science.bio.org You may click on this link or wait 10 seconds to be directed there automatically. http://bioinformatics.phrma.org/ | |
50. Bioinformatics by P. Baldi and S. Brunak, MIT Press February 1998. http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/mitbook/mitbook.html | |
51. Bioinformatisk Breddningsmagister Magisterprogram med ¤mnesbredd i bioinformatik vid universitetet i Sk¶vde. Programinneh¥ll, utbildningsplan antagningsstatistik och f¶rkunskapskrav. http://www.ida.his.se/ida/program/spb/ | |
52. Bioinformatik.de Research and Education Online Courses and Tutorials Companies bioinformatics Software, Cloning Expression Service Centers, bioinformatics News. http://www.bioinformatik.de/ | |
53. Bioinformatics Centre, University Of Pune, India The bioinformatics centre (DIC) at the University of Pune, Pune provides an up todate and an accurate information in the area of Biotechnology with emphasis http://bioinfo.ernet.in/ | |
54. GENBRAIN BIOSYSTEM NETWORK: From Biological Science To Biosystem Science Research and links pertaining to transgenic animals, bioinformatics, genomic intelligence, and artificial biosystems. http://genbrain.webhostme.com/ | |
55. Bioinformatics.Net - Directory Of Bioinformatics And Molecular Biology Directory of bioinformatics and Molecular Biology Software for Sequence Analysis, Genomics and Proteomics. http://www.bioinformatics.vg/ | |
56. Bioinfo_glossary.html Alphabetical listing of terms defined related to gene sequencing, informatics and applied molecular biology. http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/~davis/Bio_326/bioinfo_glossary.html | |
57. Open Bioinformatics Foundation O B F Open bioinformatics Foundation. About us. July 29-30 2004 5th Annual bioinformatics Open Source Conference. Recent News ENTRIES. http://open-bio.org/ | |
58. Biotechnology Resources Lists high tech companies in such fields as bioinformatics, gene therapy and immunology. http://www.biotechnologycompany.org/ |
59. Welcome To BioInform -- The Integrated Informatics News Source BioInform is the weekly voice of the global bioinformatics community. Since 1997 BioInform has provided exclusive news and forward http://www.bioinform.com/ |
60. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH LABORATORY AT IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Resarch related to machine learning includes neural networks, automata induction, computational learning theory, data mining, knowledge discovery, bioinformatics. http://www.cs.iastate.edu./~honavar/aigroup.html | |
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