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101. LMSAL:Solar And Astrophysics Homepage Institute of Theoretical astrophysics, Oslo 02). Studying, Studying astronomy. astrophysics Library, astrophysics Library. Latest News from our institute, Institute Newspage. Internal http://www.lmsal.com/ | |
102. Paul Kondratko's Home Page Contains my scientific and school related publications, presentations and reference material for physics, astrophysics, and mathematics coursework. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~pkondratko/ |
103. Greg Kochanski Research results and papers in astrophysics and linguistics. http://kochanski.org/gpk/ | |
104. Department Of Astrophysics | Research At AMNH About us. The members of the Department of astrophysics conduct research programs in observational, theoretical, and computational astrophysics. http://research.amnh.org/astrophysics/ | |
105. Theoretical Astrophysics Program - University Of Arizona Graduate Student Research Prize in Theoretical astrophysics. Members of the Theoretical astrophysics Program. Other Astronomy and astrophysics WWW Sites. http://www.astrophysics.arizona.edu/ | |
106. NASA GISS: Software Tools Code for climate modeling, radiation, and astrophysics. http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/ | |
107. Webhead.com/WWWVL/Astronomy/ Melbourne astrophysicsHome. Contacts. Research. Events. Study. Local. astrophysics Data Centre. Astronomy Central. University of Melbourne astrophysics Group. http://webhead.com/WWWVL/Astronomy/ |
108. FITS Support Office A format adopted by the astronomical community for data interchange and archival storage. The FITS Support Office is responsible for documenting the FITS standard, participating in its evolution, and advising NASA astrophysics missions on how to present their data in FITS format. http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
109. Astrophysics At Stanford astrophysics at Stanford. Progress on upgrade of this facility is described here. astrophysics Seminars. CSSA seminars CSSA offers http://astro.stanford.edu/ | |
110. Irreversiblesystems A New Dynamics, with Newtonian Dynamics as a special case. Applicable in insect flight, and astrophysics. http://www.irreversiblesystems.com/ | |
111. The Astrophysics Visualization Archive | NVO @ Hayden Planetarium | American Mus A searchable, curated collection of scientific visualizations and animations relating to astronomy, astrophysics and space science. This educational component of the Virtual Observatory is intended for scientists, students and the general public. http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/hp/vo/ava/index.html | |
112. HyperPhysics Concepts Index astrophysics references. HyperPhysics, R Nave. Go Back. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/astro/astcon.html | |
113. Astrophysics EPrint archive since April of 1992. http://www.arxiv.org/archive/astro-ph | |
114. The WWW Virtual Library: Astronomy And Astrophysics Virtual Library Physics WWWVL Astronomy and astrophysics AstroWeb. AstroWeb, AstroWeb Astronomy/astrophysics on the Internet. http://www.astroweb.com.ar/ | |
115. Canadian Institute For Theoretical Astrophysics Nationally supported research centre. Find out about current research, upcoming seminars and job opportunities. http://www.cita.utoronto.ca | |
116. UW Particle Astrophysics Group Home Page The group concentrate on research into gamma ray and neutrino astrophysics, and nuclear emulsion physics. http://marge.phys.washington.edu/ | |
117. The Astrophysical Journal Founded in 1895 and published by the American Astronomical Society. It is devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomy and astrophysics. Quasars, pulsars, neutron stars, black holes, solar and stellar magnetic fields, Xrays, and interstellar matter. In addition, videos that complement specific issues are periodically available. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/ | |
118. SpringerLink: Astronomy And Astrophysics Editorsin-Chief C. Bertout, Paris; H. Habing, Leiden Letter Editor P. Schneider, Garching, Beginning with 2001 the journal Astronomy and astrophysics will be http://aa.springer.de/ | |
119. Integral Science Operations Centre space an ESA scientific mission dedicated to the fine spectroscopy (E/E = 500) and fine imaging (angular resolution 12 arcmin FWHM) of celestial gammaray sources in the energy range 15 keV to 10 MeV with concurrent source monitoring in the X-ray (3-35 keV) and optical (V-band, 550 nm) energy ranges. http://astro.estec.esa.nl/SA-general/Projects/Integral/integral.html | |
120. Service Of Abstracts At CDS Astronomy and astrophysics Astronomy and astrophysics Supplement Series . This service is part of a more general CDS bibliographic service . Introduction. http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html | |
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