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         Arrhenius Svante August:     more detail
  1. ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST (1859-1927): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  2. Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Zweiter Teil. by Svante August Arrhenius, 1903
  3. Recherches Sur La Conductibilite Galvanique Des Electrolytes I, II by Akademisk; Arrhenius, Svante August Afhandling, 1884-01-01
  4. Chemistry in Modern Life. Translated from the Swedish and revised by Clifford Shattuck Leonard. by Svante August. ARRHENIUS, 1925-01-01
  5. CHEMISTRY IN MODERN LIFE by Svante August Arrhenius, 1925
  6. Électrochimie: Électrophorèse, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, Svante August Arrhenius, Conductivité Électrique, Oxyde (French Edition)
  7. Chimiste Suédois: Alfred Nobel, Svante August Arrhenius, Jöns Jacob Berzelius, George de Hevesy, Carl Wilhelm Scheele (French Edition)
  8. Naissance En Suède: Ulf Grahn, Svante August Arrhenius, Peter Forsberg, Stefan Edberg, Mats Wilander, Jonas Björkman, Elias Magnus Fries (French Edition)
  9. Lauréat Du Prix Nobel de Chimie: Ernest Rutherford, Wilhelm Ostwald, Ahmed Zewail, Svante August Arrhenius, Kurt Wüthrich, Kurt Alder (French Edition)
  10. Electrochimie: Électrophorèse, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, Svante August Arrhenius, Conductivité Électrique, Oxyde (French Edition)
  11. Swedish Chemists: Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Alfred Nobel, Johan August Arfwedson, Svante Arrhenius, Nils Gabriel Sefström, Jöns Jacob Berzelius
  12. Uppsala University Alumni: Carl Linnaeus, Anders Celsius, Johan August Arfwedson, Svante Arrhenius, Carl Xvi Gustaf of Sweden
  13. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science: Vol. XLI by Svante August and Others Arrhenius, 1896
  14. Recherches Sur La Conductibilite Galvanique Des Electrolytes by Svante August Arrhenius, 1884

41. Biographie Svante Arrhenius
Translate this page svante august arrhenius. Nobelpreis für Chemie 1903. für für dieTheorie der elektrolytischen Dissoziation. (Quelle http//www
Svante August Arrhenius Nobelpreis für Chemie für für die Theorie der elektrolytischen Dissoziation
Geboren am
19. Februar 1859
auf dem Gut Vik (bei Upsala) Gestorben am
2. Oktober 1927
in Stockholm Ausbildung:
  • 1876 - 1881 Studium der Naturwissenschaften an der Universität Upsala 1881 - 1884 Studium an der Universität Stockholm 1884 Promotion und Habilitation in Stockholm
Tätigkeit als Wissenschaftler:
  • 1884 - 1888 Privatdozent an der Universität Stockholm 1889 - 1891 Assistent an der Universität Leipzig ab 1891 Dozent für Physik an der Universität Stockholm
Hauptarbeitsgebiete bzw. -leistungen:
  • Bedeutende Arbeiten in der Elektrochemie (Dissoziation starker Elektrolyte; Säure-Base-Theorie) Arbeiten in der chemischen Kinetik (Arrhenius-Gleichung).

42. Arrhenius, Svante August
arrhenius, svante august. Swedish scientist, the founder of physicalchemistry. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Arrhenius, Svante August Swedish scientist, the founder of physical chemistry. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1903 for his study of electrolysis. In 1905 he predicted global warming as a result of carbon dioxide emission from burning fossil fuels. Arrhenius explained that in an electrolyte the dissolved substance is dissociated into electrically charged ions. The electrolyte conducts electricity because the ions migrate through the solution.
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arrheniusCorrosion Doctors Web site, svante august arrhenius (1859–1927).svante august arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859. His father

44. FECS Millennium Project - Arrhenius
19th Century. arrhenius, svante august Born Wik near Uppsala (Sweden),19 February 1859 Died Stockholm (Sweden), 2 October 1927.
FECS Millennium Project
100 Distinguished European Chemists
19th Century
Arrhenius, Svante August
Born: Wik near Uppsala (Sweden), 19 February 1859
Died: Stockholm (Sweden), 2 October 1927
Arrhenius was a brilliant student who learned to read at the age of three and graduated from secondary school as the youngest and brightest in his class. University studies in chemistry, physics and mathematics then followed in Uppsala where he also received his doctoral degree in 1884. His thesis on the galvanic conduction of electrolytes marked a breakthrough in chemistry because it explained the conductivity of the electrolytes by dissociation into positive and negative ions. This revolutionary theory was met with much opposition but became gradually accepted. The early proponents of the theory were W. Ostwald and J.H. vant Hoff who together with Arrhenius are considered as founders of modern physical chemistry. Arrhenius was rewarded in 1903 with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 1891 Arrhenius moved to the newly founded University of Stockholm where four years later his post was converted to a professorship in physics. In 1905 Arrhenius was appointed director of the Nobel Institute for Physical Chemistry in Stockholm. During his later years Arrhenius became increasingly interested in cosmic physics and the origin of life on earth. He suggested that life had begun when living spores had wandered through the empty space to earth. He was also one of the first scientists to study the influence of carbon dioxide on the earth's temperature, which is now known as the "greenhouse effect".

45. Svante August Arrhénius
Translate this page arrhenius, svante august». Encyclopédie Microsoft Encarta 97 CD-ROM. KCSNET.(Page consultée le 6 février 1998). svante august arrhenius, En ligne.

    Les changements climatiques
    re er cas, la concentration en CO e
    Pour la science [CD-ROM], n o 164. CD Sciences - Banque de textes scientifiques, CEDROM-SNi, Version 3.11, Outremont, Janvier 1993. Quatre-Temps [CD-ROM], n o 15, vol. 1. CD Sciences - Banque de textes scientifiques, CEDROM-SNi, Version 3.11, Outremont, Janvier 1993. , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: Global Warming , [En Ligne]. Adresse URL: , [En Ligne]. Adresse URL: Svante August Arrhenius , [En ligne]. Adresse URL: , [En ligne]. Adresse URL:
    , Sherbrooke, QC Liste - Chimie et chimistes Chimisterie Les mondes de CyberScol CyberScol

46. Arrhenius
Translate this page arrhenius, svante august (1859-1927), químico sueco que ayudó afijar las bases de la química moderna. Nació cerca de Uppsala

Arrhenius, Svante August

En 1889, Arrhenius también observó que la velocidad de las reacciones químicas aumenta notablemente con la temperatura, en una relación proporcional a la concentración de moléculas activadas. Arrhenius fue catedrático de Química de la Universidad de Estocolmo en 1895 y director del Instituto Nobel de Química y Física en 1905. Sus galardones y premios incluyen el Premio Nobel de Química en 1903. Escribió obras sobre química física y biológica, electroquímica y astronomía. En este último campo destacó por su idea de que la vida en la Tierra se originó por esporas vivas trasladadas a través del espacio por la presión de la luz.

47. Svante Arrhenius
svante arrhenius. svante august arrhenius (February 19, 1859October 2, 1927)was a Swedish scientist working on the border between physics and chemistry.
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Svante Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius February 19 October 2 ) was a Swedish scientist working on the border between physics and chemistry . Though sometimes classed as a physicist and sometimes as a chemist , he is best described as one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry Arrhenius was born at Vik (also spelled Wik or Wijk), Kalmar district, near Uppsala Sweden , the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. His father had been a land surveyor at the University of Uppsala , moving up to a supervisory position. At the age of three, Arrhenius taught himself to read, despite his parents' wishes, and by watching his father's addition of numbers in his account books, became an arithmetical prodigy. In later life, Arrhenius enjoyed using masses of data to discover mathematical relationships and laws. At age 8, he entered the local cathedral school, starting in the fifth grade, distinguishing himself in physics and mathematics , and graduating as the youngest and ablest student in At the University of Uppsala, he was unsatisfied with the chief instructor of physics and the only faculty member who could have supervised him in chemistry, so he left to study at the Physical Institute of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in

48. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Svante August Arrhenius
Translate this page Dossier svante august arrhenius. Scientifique suédois. Sciences et techniques,svante august arrhenius, Biographie en résumé Scientifique suédois.
Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer L'intégrale des Croquis laurentiens
Redécouvrez les plus belles régions du Québec, Anticosti les Iles-de-la-Madeleine l'Ile-aux-Coudres , le Témiscamingue , la Montérégie , les Laurentides , la Côte-Sud à travers le regard enchanté du frère Marie-Victorin , homme de science, poète et artiste. Sciences et techniques Svante August Arrhenius Biographie en résumé
Scientifique suédois. Lauréat du Prix Nobel de chimie en 1903.
Arrhenius. Détail d'une photo de groupe (circonstances non identifiées)
Crédit: U. S. National Library of Medicine - Portrait G. 77-5 (domaine public) L'évolution des mondes
Le destin, des étoiles. Etudes d'astronomie physique

On the Dissociation of Substances Dissolved in Water
Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie , I, 631, 1887. Traduction anglaise de H. C. Jones (Le livre interactif de chimie)
"On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground"

Philosophical Magazine
Development of the Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation
(discours de réception, Prix Nobel de 1
Conférences sur quelques thèmes choisis de la chimie physique pure et appliquée faites à l'Université de Paris du 6 au 13 mars 1911
Conférences sur quelques problèmes actuels de la chimie physique et cosmique Lettre de Arrhenius à Henri Poincaré, 19 décembre 1911

49. Svante August Arrhenius
1902 1904. svante august arrhenius. svante august arrhenius was born on February19, 1859, the son of svante Gustaf arrhenius and Carolina Christina Thunberg. Winners/s

50. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici_e_Ricercatori: Arrhenius,_Sva
Translate this page Top International Italiano Scienze Chimica Chimici e RicercatoriArrhenius, svante august (0) Vedi anche International Italiano
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina Principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Chimici_e_Ricercatori/Arrhenius,_Svante_August Top International Italiano Scienze ... Chimici e Ricercatori : Arrhenius, Svante August
Vedi anche: Svante August Arrhenius ¨ stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1903, per la Teoria della dissociazione elettrolitica. Questa Categoria ha bisogno di un Editore - Richiedila Open Site Code 0.5.3
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51. 2. Arrhenius, Svante August (Svenskt Biografiskt Handlexikon)
2. arrhenius, svante august,. fysiker och kemist. Född på Viks gods,Uppsala län, d. 19 febr. 1859. Den föregåendes brorson.
Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon
2. Arrhenius, Svante August
(1906) Author: Herman Hofberg Frithiof Heurlin Viktor Millqvist Olof Rubenson - Tema: Biography and Genealogy Reference
Table of Contents / Innehåll
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2. Arrhenius, Svante August,
fysiker och kemist. Född på Viks gods, Uppsala län, d. 19 febr. 1859. Den föregåendes brorson. Föräldrar: uppbördsfogden vid Uppsala universitet Svante Gustaf Arrhenius och Karolina Kristina Munberg 1876 student i Uppsala, 1878 fil. kandidat; 1884 fil. doktor och docent i fysikalisk kemi. 1891 blef A. lärare i fysik vid Stockholms högskola och 1896 professor i ämnet därstädes. A., som för närvarande är högskolans rektor, har framlagt betydande arbeten rörande den elektrolytiska dissociationsteorien. Med ledning af samma teori har A. undersökt gasernas ledningsförmåga samt häraf härledt en teori för luftelektricitet. A. är författare till en stor mängd afhandlingar i in- och utländska facktidskrifter såsom Försök att beräkna dissociationen (aktivitetskoefficienten) hos i vatten lösta kroppar Additive eigenschaften der salzlösungen s. å.

52. Arrhenius, Svante (Nordic Authors)
arrhenius, svante (1859 1927) (svante august) physicist, chemist,Sweden. Biographic References Hofberg, Herman (et al), Svenskt
Project Runeberg Nordic literature on the Internet since 1992
Nordic Authors

Tema: Reference Biography and Genealogy
Arrhenius, Svante Arrhenius, Svante (1859 - 1927) (Svante August) physicist, chemist, Sweden. Biographic References:
Hofberg, Herman (et al), Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon , 1906, Swedish

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53. • Svante August Arrhenius: Biography
svante august arrhenius biography 1859 1927 arrhenius, svante august (1859-1927),Swedish chemist, who helped lay the foundations of modern chemistry.

54. August Svante Arrhenius (1859 - 1927)
August Svante Arrhenius (1859 - 1927) C N LISTE HOME

55. Iranian Journal Of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
arrhenius, svante (august) b. Feb. 19, 1859, Vik, Swed. d. Oct. 2, 1927,Stockholm Swedish physical chemist best known for his theory
Email Search Join Shop Site map Site Tour Home A rrhenius, Svante (August)
b. Feb. 19, 1859, Vik, Swed.
d. Oct. 2, 1927, Stockholm
Swedish physical chemist best known for his theory that electrolytes, certain substances that dissolve in water to yield a solution that conducts electricity, are separated, or dissociated, into electrically charged particles, or ions, even when there is no current flowing through the solution. In 1903 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Svante Arrhenius, 1918. Early training.
Arrhenius is said to have taught himself to read at the age of three and to have become interested in mathematics from watching his father add columns of figures. He attended the Cathedral School at Uppsala and went on to the university, where he studied physics, mathematics, and chemistry. In pursuit of his doctorate he migrated to Stockholm to work on electrolysis under Erik Edlund. In 1883 he published his first paper and in May 1884, at Uppsala, defended his doctoral thesis containing in embryo the dissociation theory.
Acceptance of his theory.

56. Prix Nobel De 1901 à 1904
Translate this page 1902 Emil Hermann Fischer (1852 - 1919). 1903 svante august arrhenius (1859 -1927). Il est mort à Berlin le 15 juillet 1919. 1903. svante august arrhenius.
P rix Nobel de 1901 à 1904 Jacobus Henricus Van't Hoff Emil Hermann Fischer Svante August Arrhenius Sir William Ramsay
1901. Jacobus Henricus
Pour la découverte des lois de la dynamique chimique et de la pression osmotique dans les solutions (Rotterdam, 1852 - Berlin, 1911) Les travaux de ces trois chimistes, associés à ceux de J. W. Gibbs , de Pierre Duhem et de Le Châtelier, constituent les bases de la chimie physique moderne, qui connut à la charnière du XIXe et du XXe siècle un essor extraordinaire, comparable à celui de la chimie organique dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. , 3 Na SO
1902. Emil Hermann Fischer
Pour ses travaux sur la synthèse des sucres et des purines. (Euskirchen, 1852 - Berlin, 1919) Ce chimiste allemand est né à Euskirchen en Prusse rhénane le 9 octobre 1852. Il fait ses débuts en chimie à Bonn, auprès de Kékulé. Mais son véritable maître, dont il deviendra l'assistant, d'abord à Strasbourg (1872-1875), puis à Munich (1875-1881), sera A. von Baeyer. Fischer enseignera lui-même à Erlangen (1879-1882), à Würzburg (1885) puis à Berlin de 1892 à sa mort.

Translate this page svante august arrhenius . arrhenius. (Wijk, cerca de Upsala, 1859-Estocolmo,1927) Físico y químico sueco. Estudió en las Universidades

58. Svante Arrhenius - Reference Library
svante arrhenius. svante august arrhenius (February 19, 1859October 2, 1927)was a Swedish scientist working on the border between physics and chemistry.
Reference Library: Encyclopedia
Main Page
See live article Alphabetical index
Svante Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius February 19 October 2 ) was a Swedish scientist working on the border between physics and chemistry . Though sometimes classed as a physicist and sometimes as a chemist , he is best described as one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry Arrhenius was born at Vik (also spelled Wik or Wijk), Kalmar district, near Uppsala Sweden , the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. His father had been a land surveyor at the University of Uppsala , moving up to a supervisory position. At the age of three, Arrhenius taught himself to read, despite his parents' wishes, and by watching his father's addition of numbers in his account books, became an arithmetical prodigy. In later life, Arrhenius enjoyed using masses of data to discover mathematical relationships and laws. At age 8, he entered the local cathedral school, starting in the fifth grade, distinguishing himself in physics and mathematics , and graduating as the youngest and ablest student in At the University of Uppsala, he was unsatisfied with the chief instructor of physics and the only faculty member who could have supervised him in chemistry, so he left to study at the Physical Institute of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in

59. The Hutchinson Dictionary Of Scientific Biography : Arrhenius, Svante August (18
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography arrhenius, svante august(18591927) @ HighBeam Research. arrhenius, svante august (1859-1927).
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  • Current Article: Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927)
Start T The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography January 01, 1998 ... Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927)
Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927)
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography; January 01, 1998;
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography
January 01, 1998
arrhenius, arrhenius theory, hoff, solution, number, physical chemistry, dissolved substance, electric current, nobel prize, electrolytes, chemical reaction, strong electrolytes, weak electrolyte, jacobus van, svante august
The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927)
was a Swedish physical chemist who first explained that in an electrolyte (a solution of a chemical dissolved in water) the dissolved substance is dissociated into electrically charged ions. The electrolyte conducts electricity because the ions migrate through the solution. Although later modified, Arrhenius' theory of conductivity in solutions has stood the test of time. It was a major contribution to physical chemistry, ultimately acknowledged by the award to Arrhenius of the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Arrhenius was born in Uppsala on 19 February 1859, the son of a surveyor and estate manager who was also a supervisor at t...

60. Arrhenius, Svante August - Gedächtnis Berlin
Translate this page arrhenius, svante august. * 19.02.1859 Schloß Vik bei Uppsala (Schweden).† 02.10.1927 Stockholm (Schweden). Schwedischer Physikochemiker. Straße
Arrhenius Svante August Schwedischer Physikochemiker Arrheniusweg [historisch],Charlottenburg (heute Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf)

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