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Apes Enculturated: more detail |
41. Kangaroolinks.com: Science/Social Sciences/Anthropology/Enculturated Apes This category is for enculturated apes and is part of the Science SocialSciences Anthropology enculturated apes category. ebannerx.com. http://www.kangaroolinks.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology/Enculturated_A | |
42. Live Web Cams - Nick Berg Video - Iraq Prisoner Photos - Iraqi Terrorists - Webc You found the Chatrooms about enculturated apes Chat Rooms with enculturatedapes here for enculturated apes here! Chatrooms about http://www.startpagegold.com/links/enculturated_apes.html | |
43. The Communication Continuum He reduces their natural communication to hoots and shrieks (p.342), and dismissesthe accomplishments of the enculturated apes used in research programs http://www.univie.ac.at/Wissenschaftstheorie/srb/srb/comm.html | |
44. Josep Call Representing space and objects in monkeys and apes. Cognitive Science, 24, 397422. 59,771-785. Call, J. (2001). Body imitation in an enculturated orangutan. http://email.eva.mpg.de/~call/public.htm | |
45. Malinda J Carpenter Do apes and children know what they have seen? Joint attention and imitativelearning in children, chimpanzees, and enculturated chimpanzees. http://email.eva.mpg.de/~carpente/ | |
46. H2G2 Links animal intelligence in hard to name Forum. Google Web Directory Science SocialSciences Anthropology enculturated apes. Language in child and chimp. http://www.zyra.org.uk/h2g2.htm | |
47. Science Social Sciences Anthropology Enculturated Apes Polish Science Social Sciences Anthropology EnculturatedApes 40293 Polish Yellow Pages YP.pl. http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/40293/Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology/Encultur | |
48. Science - A Alternative Science; Amateur Astronomy; Amphibians; Analytical Chemistry;Animal Biology. apes, enculturated; Apiculture; Applied; Anthropology; http://whoisman.net/sciencea.htm | |
49. SRB Review 9 (2) intent of communication, but that it does not necessarily demonstrate a cognitivedifference between apes, monkeys and other enculturated (home reared http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/epc/srb/srb/mindful.html | |
50. An Fear Rua - The GAA Unplugged Brothers based in Mater Dei College, in upstate New York, in the USA waspreviously known to many in academia for his work with enculturated apes. http://www.anfearrua.com/ViewSectionDetail.asp?docid=4 |
51. An Fear Rua - The GAA Unplugged Brother Larry, as you may already know, is a renowned American Anthropologistwell known for his pioneering work with enculturated apes. http://www.anfearrua.com/ViewSectionDetail.asp?docid=742 |
52. Studies Of Animal Cognition Tomasello, M. Call, J. (1994) Social cognition of monkeys and apes. learning ofactions on objects by children, chimpanzees, and enculturated chimpanzees. http://www2.canisius.edu/~gallaghr/animals.html | |
53. The KLI Theory Lab - Keywords - Evolutionary Psychology imitation of objectrelated actions in human-reared, juvenile great apes. of deferredimitation of object manipulation in an enculturated juvenile chimpanzee http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/Keyword/E/EP.html | |
54. KLI Theory Lab - Authors - Jesse M. Bering in enculturated chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Animal Cognition 5 4958. ethologyand sociobiology Povinelli, DJ/Bering, JM 2002. The mentality of apes http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/AuthPage/B/BERINGJesseM.html | |
55. Animal Learning, Language, And Cognition Click on The apes for detailed biographies, pictures, research findings and more twoyear old male orangutan who was crossfostered, enculturated and taught http://www.psyking.net/id31_m.htm |
56. Thundercats : Wow! Did You Love Them When We Were Kids? Hey - I Wish We Could Ge Vehicles Electrical Engineering Electrochemistry Electromagnetic Fields ElectromagnetismElectron Microscopy Electronics enculturated apes Endocrine Energy http://databank.oxydex.com/screening_room/cartoons_tv_movies_film/Thundercats.ht | |
57. S. Shanker | Department Of Philosophy - York University E. Sue SavageRumbaugh, Stuart G. Shanker, and Talbot J. Taylor, apes, Language and worldinto which the child is entering is a reflexively enculturated world. http://www.arts.yorku.ca/phil/faculty/shanker.html | |
58. Enculturated Apes Books Search for books related to enculturated apes. That is what is meant bythe hypothesis of evolution not enculturated apes. directNIC Search. http://www.doubleload.net/enculturated-apes.shtml | |
59. Other External Links Intelligences A582220 animal itelligence in hard to name Forum Google Web Directory- Science Social Sciences Anthropology enculturated apes Language in http://www.xyroth-enterprises.co.uk/links.htm | |
60. Zoology Projects Diplopoda; Echinodermata; enculturated apes; Endocrinology; Echiura;Kinorhyncha; Lophophorates; Malacology; Mate Choice; Merostomata; Minor http://www.madscitech.org/projects/zoology.html | |
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