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         Zen:     more books (100)
  1. Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness: Zen Talks on the Sandokai by Shunryu Suzuki, Shunryu Suzuki , 2001-10-01
  2. The Zen Book by Daniel Levin, 2005-09-01

141. Zensys - Zensys
About Zensys™
Zensys is a leading provider of wireless networking technology for control and status reading applications. Our Z-Wave™ technology is an RF based, two-way; mesh network, communications protocol that enables everyday devices to be controlled and monitored wirelessly. Zensys offers a family of low-cost, low-power, integrated MCU/Transceiver chips embedded with Z-Wave, as well as a suite of development tools and services making it easy for companies to develop wireless products for residential and light commercial applications including lighting and appliance control, energy management, access control, security, and building automation.
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Intelligent Home Solutions announces Home Automation Solution for local Builder
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Z-Wave Demo
Click on image for flash demo on Z-Wave Go to the top of page

142. WAiB - Female Teachers - Zen / Ch'an
Comprehensive list and biographies of current female Western zen teachers.
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WAiB Pages
Female Teachers in Buddhism
ZEN / CH'AN NEW Coen Souza de Murayama Sensei is the Brazilian spiritual leader of the Comunidade Budista Soto Zenshu da América do Sul in São Paulo, representing the Soto Zen tradition as official missionary. She was ordained by Hakuyu Maezumi Roshi (Zen Center of Los Angeles) and studied 12 years in Japan (Aichi Senmon Nisodo under Aoyama Shundo Roshi, Dharma Transmission from Yogo Suigan Roshi and post-graduate teaching specialization). She is active in inter-religious dialogue, university lectures and conferences, and supervises work with inmates at the State Penitentiary of Carandiru. Comunidade Budista Soto Zenshu da América do Sul - Templo Busshinji
Rua São Joaquim 285
01508-001 São Paulo, Brazil
tel (011) 278-4515
fax (011) 278-0418
NEW The Rev. Madeline Ko-i Bastis is a Zen priest in the White Plum lineage, the first Buddhist to be board-certified as a hospital chaplain, and the founder/director of the Peaceful Dwelling Project . The Project promotes the use of meditation for spiritual, emotional and physical healing by offering retreats for persons with life-challenging illness and their caregivers, and trains healthcare professionals and clergy from different traditions to use meditation as a complementary healing practice.

143. Zen Koans -
into English from a book called the Shasekishu (Collection of Stone and Sand), written late in the thirteenth century by the Japanese zen teacher Muju (the
These koans, or parables, were translated into English from a book called the Shaseki-shu (Collection of Stone and Sand), written late in the thirteenth century by the Japanese Zen teacher Muju (the "non-dweller"), and from anecdotes of Zen monks taken from various books published in Japan around the turn of the 20th century. Would you like to learn how Zen Koans pertain to Ninjitsu? Click here A Cup of Tea


144. Il Buddhismo Zen.
Sintesi storico filosofica sull'apparire di questa corrente ed il suo sviluppo. Si pu² commentare o chiedere approfondimenti.
Il Buddhismo Zen.
Lo Zen o Ch'an (in cinese) fu introdotto in Cina da Bodhidarma nel 527 d.C..
Vi sono delle analogie tra la dottrina Ch'an ed il Tantrismo, in special modo con la scuola Sahajayana che dava rilievo alle tecniche di meditazione e ai mezzi atti a svegliare l'intuizione spirituale mediante enigmi ,paradossi e immagini materiali,evitando di attenersi a nessun dogma rigidamente definito.
Lo scopo inoltre del Tantrismo era il conseguimento dello stato di Buddha "in questo stesso corpo" .Tuttavia l'ideale del Tantrismo del periodo era il siddha (mago) mentra lo Zen non pretende assolutamente per il satori l'attribuzione di poteri magici.
Il Ch'an è stato definito spesso come la più importante delle scuole Cinesi. La storia del Ch'an comincia in pratica con Hui-neng(638-713) , il "sesto patriarca" , e prima di lui secondo Conze "vi fu la preistoria del Chan" non potendo distinguere leggende da realtà storiche.
Importante e' la figura di Bodhidharma in quanto legame con la tradizione indiana.Si tramandava infatti che Sakyamuni(Budda) aveva rivelato a Mahakasyapa la dottrina segreta trasmessa poi da patriarca a patriarca per via orale fino ad arrivare appunto al Bodhidharma.La sua figura fu sempre dipinta dagli artisti cinesi e giapponesi "come un fiero vecchio , con una lunga barba nera e grandi occhi dallo sguardo penetrante."

145. Acoustic Zen Cables
Acoustic zen Cables, your pathway to sonic enlightenment. Welcome ACOUSTIC zen cable products are engineered by legendary cable design artist Robert Lee.
ACOUSTIC ZEN cable products are engineered by legendary cable design artist Robert Lee. Each is hand-crafted in California and built to be a state of the art addition to any refined audio-video system. Acoustic Zen interconnects, digital and speaker cables, as well as our power cords and s-video cables are crafted from the most exquisite materials available. They have been designed for precise Musicality, extraordinary Sonic Dynamics, and maximum acoustic Transparency and Soundstage Accuracy.
At Acoustic Zen, we have one goal: to enhance our customers' private musical enjoyment. Therefore, at Acoustic Zen, we seek
"MUSIC... No compromise!"
  • Acoustic Zen is proud to announce that we are now manufacturing a true high-end DVI cable, available in 2M, 3M, 5M, 8M and 10M.
  • We have just released a new series of cable called the Absolute! Available at this time are the Absolute Speaker cable and Absolute Power Cord. Both utilize our 6N Zero Crystal Silver and Copper. These are truly reference

146. European Zen Center / Dojo Amsterdam
Inleiding in zen en zazen. Verder gegevens over de zenmeester, foto's en praktische informatie over de meditatiesessies en cursussen in Amsterdam en andere activiteiten. (uitgebreide site in het Engels en Nederlands)

147. ABZenD : Association Buddhist Zen Of Master Deshimaru
ABzenD This site contains the expression of the living zen transmitted in the western world by Master Deshimaru to his disciple Kosen. Lineage What is zen?
What is zen?

To be zen

Zazen posture
What is zen?

To be zen

Zazen posture

148. Szko³a Zen Kwan Um W Polsce
Oficjalna strona związku. Informacje o zen, adresy ośrodk³w, kalendarz wydarzeń, aktualności, nauczyciele, teksty zen, kongany, łącza do innych stron buddyjskich, słowniczek termin³w buddyjskich.
Twoja przegl¹darka nie obs³uguje ramek !!!
=- BUDDYZM ZEN -= Strona zawiera informacje o Zen, adresy oœrodków, kalendarz wydarzeñ, aktualnoœci, nauczyciele, teksty Zen, kong-any, ³¹cza do innych stron buddyjskich, s³owniczek terminów buddyjskich.
Buddyzm Zen, Zen, Buddyzm, medytacja, Kwan Um, Seung Sahn, Budda, Dharma, Sangha, oœrodki, kong-an, koan, kongan, Mistrz, zazen, sutra, o¶wiecenie, umys³, nirwana, mantra, mudra, bodhisattwa, lotos, ¶wiadomo¶æ, paramita, prad¿nia, nauczyciel, JDPSN, Ji Do Poep Sa Nim, Soen Sa Nim, Dae Soen Sa Nim, SSN, DSSN, sensei, mnich, Korea, Azja, karma, Mahayana, Mahajana, praktyka, wskazania, Kuan Um, Kyol Che

149. Göteborg Zen Dojo
Introduktion till zen och nyheter.
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150. Welcome To Zen And
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151. - October - Zen Guerilla
The October 2001 issue of features a review of zen Guerilla's Shadows on the Sun.
October, 2001 vol 4, num 11 The obvious comparison early on are of the mighty Zep from circa "IV" on up to "Physical Graffiti," because of the simple, heavy footed, boogie down, torn at the seams, screaming, scrambling sound waves that dart in and out of your warped mind. These guys have been doing their thing for about ten years now and there ain't no slow down. Some might argue "tone down," however, compared to their more artsy experimentalist noise-fests in their formative years, but few can deny that past or present, this is where it's at. A jam band, without the sixteen minute mid song bout with self-indulgent delay, but with psychedelia intact and pride perfectly in check, they're smoking mean, green and caught between the classic Rock spires of yesterday's greats by way of thunderous, alarmingly disarming.Catch the crossover, three to four, "Staring into Midnite," a '70s Rock explosion met with the epic capacity of yer grassroots faves of the day. There are fourteen cuts that run deep with the history of Rock for all it's meant, and it's never seemed to mean more to these guys. You'll pick out something, anything that had a hand in this growing movement, whose walk of fame has been wryly pillaged and plundered by this ZEN GUERILLA.. With funky grooves, foot in the grave, pure bred with no artificial additives to water down the full effect of a vibe, they have let loose and gone way outta control. Artist Zen Guerilla Title Shadows on the Sun Label Sub Pop Records

152. Zen Koans: Transcending Duality
zen Koans. Transcending Duality. Joshu s Mu Joshu (AD 778897) was a famous Chinese zen Master who lived in Joshu, the province from which he took his name.
Zen Koans
Transcending Duality
Every Day Is a Good Day Unmon said: "I do not ask you about fifteen days ago. But what about fifteen days hence? Come, say a word about this!" Since none of the monks answered, he answered for them: "Every day is a good day." No Cold and Heat A monk asked Tozan, "How can we escape the cold and heat?" Tozan replied, "Why not go where there is no cold and heat?" "Is there such a place?" the monk asked. Tozan commented, "When cold, be thoroughly cold; when hot, be hot through and through. The Short Staff Shuzan held out his short staff and said, "If you call this a short staff, you oppose its reality. If you do not call it a short staff, you ignore the fact. Now what do you wish to call this?" Joshu's Mu Joshu (A.D. 778-897) was a famous Chinese Zen Master who lived in Joshu, the province from which he took his name. One day a troubled monk approached him, intending to ask the Master for guidance. A dog walked by. The monk asked Joshu, "Has that dog a Buddha-nature or not?" The monk had barely completed his question when Joshu shouted: "MU!" Seijo's Two Souls Chokan had a very beautiful daughter named Seijo. He also had a handsome young cousin named Ochu. Joking, he would often comment that they would make a fine married couple. Actually, he planned to give his daughter in marriage to another man. But young Seijo and Ochu took him seriously; they fell in love and thought themselves engaged. One day Chokan announced Seijo's betrothal to the other man. In rage and despair, Ochu left by boat. After several days journey, much to his astonishment and joy he discovered that Seijo was on the boat with him!

153. Tao, Tantien Breathing, Meditation; Sixth Patriarch Zen Center, Berkeley, CA
Discusses the special relationship between zen and Taoism.
The combining of Zen and Taoism is not new. Bodhidharma practiced Taoist yoga in India. He brought Buddhism to China where it combined with Chinese Taoism to produce living Lin Chi (Rinzai) Zen. The great Korean Zen Master Won Hyo combined both practices in the Silla dynasty 1300 years ago, practicing the same Sun-do breathing we teach here today. Japanese Zen Master Hakuin strongly emphasized the importance of Taoist breathing techniques for Zen practitioners.
In the search for awakening to our Essence Mind, Zen meditation is a direct spiritual path. With awakening, all that remains is harmony, love, peace, compassion and wisdom. But with poor healthy or energy and emotional imbalances, many obstacles arise for deep sitting meditaton. Modern day Zen practitioners unknowingly are not utilizing the benefits that Taoism can bring to their practice. Also, Zen has wisdom which goes beyond the harmonizing benefits of Taoism, but Taoists do not realize this Zen wisdom and for them it is easy to become attached to their own energy.
With wisdom and pure intention, if we combine Zen and Taoism, we can enter a correct spiritual path with balanced health and purified mind, and achieve great awakening.

154. Zen-satsang With Adyashanti
Details of satsangs and retreats, extracts from teachings and books for sale
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155. My Personal Website
Teaching, learning, and exploration of the book zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance , and information on places and people mentioned in the book.
"Quality is the parent, the source of all objects and subjects." Robert Pirsig :: The best webpage :: :: Content :: News ZMM Route Research Travel Guide to ZMM ZMM Essays ... Home Page 850 Visitors since the 26.01.04 :: Members :: Welcome Guest Username Password Register Forgot Password? 22 Registered users 1 Users online Members online
Welcome to
On this web site you will find photos, travel information, essays, and links concerning the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM) by Robert Pirsig. This information has been collected through the collaborative efforts of many people. If you are one of those persons, Pirsig enthusiasts around the world thank you. Explore this site and see what your efforts have accomplished! Although some of these pages are "works in progress", they are nevertheless made available so you can see them at the earliest possible time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information or data or if you find problems in these pages.
Table of Contents for items (below) on this page.

156. Welcome To ZMC
zen CRAFT WORKS the ZMC online store and catalog featuring Tenshin, Sensei s new book Way of zen and handmade porcelain oryoki sets.
Zen Mountain Center is a Zen Buddhist training and retreat center located on 160 acres of wilderness in the wild and beautiful San Jacinto Mountains of Southern California. Founded in 1981 by Taizan Maezumi, Roshi as a summer retreat center for the Zen Center of Los Angeles, it is now a year-round Zen training center for resident and non-resident trainees under the direction of Charles Tenshin Fletcher, Sensei Zen Mountain Center is open to people in all spiritual traditions and walks of life who would like to experience the life changing practice of meditation and awareness. We offer a regular daily schedule, introductory weekends , silent meditation retreats ( sesshin ) ranging from three days to one month, two intensive training periods a year, and retreats and programs in Buddhist studies and related disciplines. Trainees can enter into either full-time residential training or practice at home coming to the Center for periods of intensive practice and sitting together with one of the affiliated sitting groups in Southern California, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. The Center is also open to

157. Monastero Zen
Milano Centro terapie per massaggi individuali. Corsi di istruzione in tre livelli.

158. Maximumbliss - Zen Dictionary
A Japanese zen dictionary of over 150 commonly used terms. dictionary.asp
Zen Dictionary
Buy it here ANANDA One of Buddha's ten important disciples. He was the Buddha's favourite and also the his personal attendant. ANGO An intensive practice period, usually of three months duration, devoted to meditation, study, and communal work. ANJA The person who serves as the assistant to the jisha. AVALOKITESVARA BODHISATTVA (J: KANNON) One of the three principal bodhisattvas, Avalokitesvara is the personification of great compassion and is usually portrayed in female form. BAI A striker for the gongs used during service or zazen. BODHI literally means "awakened". Sometimes referred to as the wisdom attained from the experience of enlightenment. BODHI DAY December 8th, the day upon which the Buddha had his great realization after a week of meditation under the Bodhi Tree. BODHIDHARMA The Indian monk that brought Buddhism to China in the late 5th or early sixth century. BODHISATTVA Refers to an individual, who through many lives, vows to attain Buddhahood and constantly helps others to attain the same level of awakening. BUDDHA 1. Literally means "awakened one". A person who has achieved enlightenment and has seen completely to the source of all dharmas so that he is free of every kind of craving. A Buddha has no reflection. He and the world are simultaneous. 2. The Buddha that was born in 563 B.C. Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Shakyamuni, meaning "the silent sage". He is known as the Buddha of our age. Without instruction, he came to awakening through his endless vow of many lifetimes to relinquish the source of suffering.

159. Viking, Remote Viewing, Psychic Self-defence & Extra Terrestrials.
This is for the student of remote viewing, who is not already a zen master, and who does not wish to be roasted alive. It is a rough tough place out there.
Viking Remote Viewing, Psychic Self-Defence, Extra Terrestrials and UFOs.
There are no visitor statistics on this site.
For the non conspiracy version, go to the new companion site - Psychic Self Defence, Exorcism, Demonology and ETs.
Russian translations of some articles on this web site, courtesy of A.Podanev of Tomsk, Siberia.
Read at your own risk.
UK Events, Notices and Conferences..
April 2004 Edition. The writer has now been through the genetic engineering and brain washing barrier. This barrier is implied by the work of Zecharia Sitchin, which describes the creation of Adam and Eve by the Elohim. Since such brainwashing and engrams were to keep humans in order as good little slaves, it is quite politically incorrect to undo this brainwashing. In view of the increasing political incorrectness, it is becoming increasingly difficult to write it up. Large chunks have been omitted but hopefully there are enough clues to point the reader in the right direction. Work beyond the brainwashing barrier is 100% politically incorrect and therefore will not be fully described. However the reader should be able to reconstruct the work for himself. The writer may take a long break. The CIA invented the Remote Viewing Protocol in the 1970s for the psychic viewing of Russian activities, but they broke a basic rule of war. On inventing a new weapon, one should next invent the counter weapon, which they did not do. The counter weapon is Remote Psychotherapy, which coupled with Remote Viewing makes a formidable combination. It is also very good for one's Karma, and winds up the ungodly no end. Some people get the same results as remote viewers by dowsing, intuition and other methods, so there is considerable overlap.

160. Zen And Western Psychotherapy:
An argument that both the ends and the means of Buddhist practice far exceed the limitations of Western psychotherapy in its dominant forms. This claim is substantiated by examining the underlying views of human nature in the broader context of cosmic Nature, as these reflect the assumed nature of the therapeutic task.
Zen and Western Psychotherapy:
Nirvanic Transcendence and Samsaric Fixation
Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal
by Sandra A. Wawrytko
Vol.4 July, 1991
pp. 451-494

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