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21. Zen People & Teachings - Pt 1. A listing of 20th and 21st Century zen People and their teachings. Each item contains the lineage of the teacher, where he or she teaches (or taught), links to online biographies, and links to online teachings. It is not an exhaustive listing. http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/ZenPages/ZenPeople.html | |
22. Koan Studies Pages zen Buddhism Koan Study Pages. Edited by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek. Est. 2 Oct 1995. Aitken, Robert. 1991. On zen Teaching . Diamond Sangha Newsletter, July 1991. http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/ZenPages/KoanStudy.html | |
23. Monastero Zen Unione Buddhista Italiana Peace Buddhist Fellowship - Scuola Shiat Programmi e notizie, letture e link. EnsoJi, il cerchio ( Milano ) attivit , con arte e storie, praticare, con shiatsu e tai chi. Sanbo-ji, il tempio dei tre gioielli ( Berceto, PR ) laboratori, pratiche quotidiane e meditazione. http://www.monasterozen.it/ | |
24. Css Zen Garden The Beauty In CSS Design A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSSbased design. The css zen Garden invites you to relax and meditate on the important lessons of the masters http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.csszengarden.com/&y=02537C53782D |
25. Zen@MetaLab missed seeing. If you ve wandered here wanting to know what zen is, then more than likely you will come away disappointed. This http://www.ibiblio.org/zen/ |
26. Zen In Het Dagelijkse Leven Met een woordenlijst, verhalen en veel informatie over de filosofie en praktijk van het (zen) Boeddhisme. http://home.wanadoo.nl/timmers/ | |
27. Frequently Asked Questions From Alt.zen Frequently Asked Questions from alt.zen. What s in this FAQ? What is zen? (the simple question). zen is short for zen Buddhism. It http://www.ibiblio.org/zen/faq.html |
28. Buddyzm ZEN AktualnoÅci, kontakty, teksty, mistrzowie dawni i wsp³ÅczeÅni, linki, galerie. http://www.zen.ite.pl | |
29. Art And The Zen Of Web Sites Art and the zen of web sites. Everything you know is wrong. Inside Macintosh, 1984. 3. Read Art and the zen of web sites at http//www.tlcsystems.com. http://www.tlc-systems.com/webtips.shtml | |
30. ZEN Mit Sasaki Gensô Rôshi Offizielle Website f¼r Sasaki Gens´ R´shi, Rinzaizenmeister aus Tokio. Termine, Bilder, Texte. http://www.hogyoku-mammendorf-institut.de/ | |
31. Grupo Zen De Ensenada Meditaci³n en la tradici³n de Thich Nhat Hanh. Ubicados en Ensenada, Baja California, M©xico. http://www.geocities.com/zensenada | |
32. Zen And The Art Of The Internet - Table Of Contents zen and the Art of the Internet. A Beginner s Guide to the Internet, First Edition, January 1992. by Brendan P. Kehoe Preface; Acknowledgements; http://www.cs.indiana.edu/docproject/zen/zen-1.0_toc.html | |
33. Dojo Zen D'Amiens - Bienvenue ! Pratique du zen selon l'enseignement de Ma®tre Deshimaru. Dojo membre de l'AZI. http://www.dojozenamiens.org | |
34. Zen And The Art Of The Internet - Usenet News Go to the previous, next chapter. Usenet News. The first thing to understand about Usenet is that it is widely misunderstood. Every http://www.cs.indiana.edu/docproject/zen/zen-1.0_6.html | |
35. Kwan Um Zen School Teachers Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Buddhism/Lineages/zen/Masters_and_Teachers http://www.kwanumzen.org/teachers/teachers-body.html#hae-kwang | |
36. Ant-zen antzen is a record label releasing experimental, electronic and avantgarde music. sorry, frames only http://www.ant-zen.com/ | |
37. Zen Web Argomenti per la navigazione attuare lo zen, la ricerca della perfezione, lo zen e i koan, Siddharta, propositi, il karma, sarai un uomo se Disegni, album ed i vostri commenti. http://digilander.libero.it/madvd/ | |
38. Converter http://www.ant-zen.com/converter/ |
39. Zen Centrum Amsterdam Centrum onder leiding van zenleraar Nico Tydeman. Zowel lezingen als practische meditatietraining zijn mogelijk. Op de site practische informatie en uitleg over het centrum. http://www.zenamsterdam.nl/ |
40. The Kids On The Web and easier to go through. Go to Brendan s home page Please send comments and suggestions to Brendan Kehoe (brendan@zen.org). http://www.zen.org/~brendan/kids.html | |
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