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         Zen:     more books (100)
  1. Zen and the Art of Mixing (Technical Reference) by Mixerman, 2010-10-15
  2. Momma Zen: Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood by Karen Maezen Miller, 2007-11-13
  3. Everyday Zen: Love and Work (Plus) by Charlotte J. Beck, 2007-09-01
  4. The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment by Philip Kapleau Roshi, 1989-02-27
  5. Osho Zen Tarot: The Transcendental Game Of Zen by Osho, 1995-04-15
  6. Zen in the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams, 1982-07-01
  7. Zen Habits: Handbook For Life by Leo Babauta, 2009-01-14
  8. Zen in the Art of Writing: Releasing the Creative Genius Within You by Ray Bradbury, 1992-04-01
  9. Zen Flesh Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings
  10. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Zen Living, 2nd Edition by Ph.D., Gary R. McClain, Eve Adamson, 2004-10-05
  11. Zen Guitar by Philip Toshio Sudo, 1998-03-24
  12. Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies and the Truth About Reality by Brad Warner, 2003-10
  13. Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki, Author of "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind"
  14. An Introduction to Zen Buddhism by D.T. Suzuki, 1994-01-13

21. Zen People & Teachings - Pt 1.
A listing of 20th and 21st Century zen People and their teachings. Each item contains the lineage of the teacher, where he or she teaches (or taught), links to online biographies, and links to online teachings. It is not an exhaustive listing.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library
Category Subtree WWW VL database WWW VL Global Search
20th-21st Century Zen People
and their Teachings
Part 1 (A-L)
Created: 5 Sep 1994. Last updated: 5 Feb 2004. Edited by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek This document is a part of the Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library Please notify about relevant new/changed online resources. Your feed-back will be gratefully appreciated. This page is optimised for transmission speed, not for fancy looks. All links are inspected and evaluated before being added to this Virtual Library. Zen Buddhism - General Resources Schools of Zen Buddhism Hakuin Ekaku School of Zen Buddhism Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism ... Zen Buddhism Online Bookstore work in progress - tmc
Search WWW Search
20th-21st Century Zen People
and their Teachings
Part 1 (A-L)
For data on people M-Z see Zen People and their Teachings - Part 2 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE DATES LINEAGE ACTIVE IN KNOWN ONLINE TEACHINGS AITKEN Anne An Tanshin Harada-Yasutani USA Anne Aitken elected not to teach AITKEN Robert Chotan Gyoun

22. Koan Studies Pages
zen Buddhism Koan Study Pages. Edited by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek. Est. 2 Oct 1995. Aitken, Robert. 1991. On zen Teaching . Diamond Sangha Newsletter, July 1991.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library
Category Subtree WWW VL database WWW VL Global Search
Zen Buddhism Koan Study Pages
Edited by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek [Est.: 2 Oct 1995. Last updated: 22 Sep 2003.] The purpose of this document, which is a part of the Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library and of the Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library , is to provide comprehensive and factual information about the koans (J.) [kung-ans (C.), kong-ans (C.), cong-an (Viet.), hua-t'ou (C.), hwadu (K.), wato (J.)] as used in the Zen training. Any updated information, corrections or comments will be appreciated. Please send email to Dr T.Matthew Ciolek A Work in Progress - tmc Zen Buddhism - General Resources Schools of Zen Buddhism Hakuin Ekaku School of Zen Buddhism Harada-Yasutani School of Zen Buddhism ... Zen Buddhism Online Bookstore
Search WWW Search Direct link to database of books
Koan Study Pages - Table of Contents
  • A Register of Known Koan Collections
  • Works Dealing With the Koan Study
  • Koans - Some Definitions
    A Register of Known Koan Collections
  • 23. Monastero Zen Unione Buddhista Italiana Peace Buddhist Fellowship - Scuola Shiat
    Programmi e notizie, letture e link. EnsoJi, il cerchio ( Milano ) attivit , con arte e storie, praticare, con shiatsu e tai chi. Sanbo-ji, il tempio dei tre gioielli ( Berceto, PR ) laboratori, pratiche quotidiane e meditazione.
    2500 anni fa
    Siddharta Guatama detto il saggio dei Sakya
    E venne chiamato
    Il risvegliato
    La stella di quel mattino
    brilla ancora
    E la ruota dei suoi insegnamenti
    skip intro
    home page

    24. Css Zen Garden The Beauty In CSS Design
    A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSSbased design. The css zen Garden invites you to relax and meditate on the important lessons of the masters

    25. Zen@MetaLab
    missed seeing. If you ve wandered here wanting to know what zen is, then more than likely you will come away disappointed. This

    26. Zen In Het Dagelijkse Leven
    Met een woordenlijst, verhalen en veel informatie over de filosofie en praktijk van het (zen) Boeddhisme.
    Zen achtergronden Zen Wat is Zen Poortloze Poort Meditatie Zenverhalen Soetra's Theeceremonie Citaten Mensen Velichting Boeddha De 10 ossen Woordenlijst Veel gestelde vragen Diverse Links ZEN IN HET DAGELIJKSE LEVEN Religies
    Religie Nag Hammadi Jezus Profeten Religies op een rijtje Esoterie De heilige graal De vrijmetselarij Ark des Verbonds Katharen Tempelieren Filosofie Mysteries
    Mysteries Atlantis Roslin Chapel MacBeth Piramides Schotland
    Schotland Historie van Schotland Map van Clans Clan conflicten Battles Robert the Bruce Robert Burns Koningen van Schotland William Wallace Tijdlijn monarchen Tartans Battle Culloden Doedelzakken Band waarin ik speel Haggis Highlands Freemasons Stone of Scone Kastelen Whisky Distillery Wandelroutes Informatie
    Info Wie ben ik Teken mijn Gastenboek Terugkoppeling

    27. Frequently Asked Questions From Alt.zen
    Frequently Asked Questions from alt.zen. What s in this FAQ? What is zen? (the simple question). zen is short for zen Buddhism. It

    28. Buddyzm ZEN
    Aktualności, kontakty, teksty, mistrzowie dawni i wsp³Å‚cześni, linki, galerie.

    Kontakty Teksty dawni i wspó³cze¶ni Linki Galerie Mail
    Niezliczone istoty ¶lubujê wyzwoliæ.
    Nieskoñczone ¶lepe namiêtno¶ci ¶lubujê wykorzeniæ.
    Niezmierzone bramy dharmy ¶lubujê przenikn±æ.
    Wielk± drogê Buddy ¶lubujê osi±gn±æ.
    Kaligrafia: Doshu-san, mnich z Bukkokuji
    Poprzednie wpisy s± tutaj
    UWAGA: Serwis zosta³ zast±piony przez i nie bêdzie ju¿ dalej rozwijany.
    A K T U A L N O ¦ C I
    • Fragmenty roboczych wersji przek³adów Sutry Wskazañ Upasaki oraz Traktatu o Dziesiêciu Stopniach Nagard¿uny.
    • Opowie¶æ Ueda Akinari, "Karp wyczarowany ze snu" odzwierciedalj±ca buddyjsk± naukê o wspó³czuciu dla wszystkich odczuwaj±cych istot.
    • Artyku³ Ruth Fuller Sasaki, "Religia Zen" - uzasadniaj±cy dlaczego Zen jest religi± i koryguj±cy czêste na Zachodzie b³êdne jego rozumienie.
    • "B±d¼ G³upcem!" - wywiad z Roshim Keido Fukushima na temat zen w Ameryce i Japonii, wyra¿aj±cy troskê o rozwój zen na Zachodzie.
    • Dodano "Sutrê - Obja¶nienie ¦wiadomo¶ci" oraz kilka tekstów Harady Shodo-roshiego "Umys³ jak krople porannej rosy". Jak zwykle dostêpne w tekstach
    • Kolejne sutry w dziale tekstów : Sutra Medytacji na Bodhisattwê Uniwersalnej Prawo¶ci, Sutra o Suracie, Sutra Ullambana, Wielka Mantra Siurangama.

    29. Art And The Zen Of Web Sites
    Art and the zen of web sites. Everything you know is wrong. Inside Macintosh, 1984. 3. Read Art and the zen of web sites at http//
    Art and the Zen of web sites
    "Everything you know is wrong."
    "Web publishing is no more about HTML than book publishing is about type fonts."
    "Colored or textured backgrounds, weirdly colored text or links, and a preoccupation with appearance over content are sure signs of a 'first generation' web site."
    "Although art can be created with a chainsaw, this is hardly a justification for giving every would-be artist a chainsaw."
    > Vincent van Gui, - commenting on some of the newer "extensions" to HTML "In a successful advertisement it's the graphics that grab you, but it's the text that does the selling."
    "Before you put a really dark background on your web page, ask yourself this:
    Why is it so much harder to drive at night than in the daytime?"
    "Hyperlinks are the GOTOs of the web."
    "Use the defaults, Luke. Use the defaults."
    " Where were you when the page was blank?" What is web publishing? Putting together a web site is a unique blend of publishing, user interface design, and technology.

    30. ZEN Mit Sasaki Gensô Rôshi
    Offizielle Website f¼r Sasaki Gens´ R´shi, Rinzaizenmeister aus Tokio. Termine, Bilder, Texte.
    Zen Zazen Rinzai Sasaki Genso Roshi Hogyoku Mammendorf Ryuun Ryu-un Ryu-un-Zendo Budo Kendo Hojo Jikishin-Kage Jikishinkage Schwertkampf Schwertweg Zen-Weg Zenweg Kata Hitsuzendo Bokuseki Sesshin Scheibbs Tannenhof Waldhaus Teisho

    31. Grupo Zen De Ensenada
    Meditaci³n en la tradici³n de Thich Nhat Hanh. Ubicados en Ensenada, Baja California, M©xico.
    Bienvenid@s a la web del Grupo Zen de Ensenada.
    For Spanish translations of Dharma texts please click in " Textos " above.

    32. Zen And The Art Of The Internet - Table Of Contents
    zen and the Art of the Internet. A Beginner s Guide to the Internet, First Edition, January 1992. by Brendan P. Kehoe Preface; Acknowledgements;
    Zen and the Art of the Internet
    A Beginner's Guide to the Internet, First Edition, January 1992
    by Brendan P. Kehoe

    33. Dojo Zen D'Amiens - Bienvenue !
    Pratique du zen selon l'enseignement de Ma®tre Deshimaru. Dojo membre de l'AZI.
    La pratique
    au quotidien
    Membre de l' A ssociation Z ... nternationale
    Dimanche 27 juin: Lundi 31 mai:

    34. Zen And The Art Of The Internet - Usenet News
    Go to the previous, next chapter. Usenet News. The first thing to understand about Usenet is that it is widely misunderstood. Every
    Go to the previous next chapter.
    Usenet News
    The first thing to understand about Usenet is that it is widely misunderstood. Every day on Usenet the ``blind men and the elephant'' phenomenon appears, in spades. In the opinion of the author, more flame wars (rabid arguments) arise because of a lack of understanding of the nature of Usenet than from any other source. And consider that such flame wars arise, of necessity, among people who are on Usenet. Imagine, then, how poorly understood Usenet must be by those outside! No essay on the nature of Usenet can ignore the erroneous impressions held by many Usenet users. Therefore, this section will treat falsehoods first. Keep reading for truth. (Beauty, alas, is not relevant to Usenet.)
    What Usenet Is
    Usenet is the set of machines that exchange articles tagged with one or more universally-recognized labels, called newsgroups (or ``groups'' for short). (Note that the term newsgroup is correct, while area base board bboard conference round table SIG , etc. are incorrect. If you want to be understood, be accurate.)

    35. Kwan Um Zen School Teachers
    Teachers of the Kwan Um School
    Zen Master Seung Sahn
    The Founding Teacher of our School is the Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn, who is called Dae Soen Sa Nim (Great Honored Zen Teacher) by his students. He is the 78th Patriarch in his line of Dharma Transmission in the Chogye order of Korean Buddhism, and has founded temples in Japan and Hong Kong. In 1972 he came to the United States and started what became the Providence Zen Center, the first center in what is now the Kwan Um School. His books include Ten Gates The Compass of Zen Dropping Ashes on the Buddha Only Don't Know and The Whole World is a Single Flower 365 Kong-ans for Everyday Life More detailed biography
    Teaching Article Archive
    Dae Soen Sa Nim has given Dharma Transmission to Zen Masters and "inka" - teaching authority - to senior students called Ji Do Poep Sa Nims (Guides to the Way, or Dharma Masters).
    Zen Masters Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Barbara Rhodes) is the Vice School Zen Master and Guiding Dharma Teacher of the Kwan Um School of Zen, and the Guiding Teacher of Zen centers and groups in Connecticut, Florida, Chicago, and Colorado. She received dharma transmission from Zen Master Seung Sahn on October 10, 1992. She was one of Zen Master Seung Sahn's first American students and has been studying with him since 1972. She was given inka in 1977. A registered nurse since 1969, she works for Hospice Care of Rhode Island. She helped found Providence Zen Center, and lived there for seventeen years, serving in a number of administrative capacities. She also initiated Providence Zen Center's ongoing series of Christian-Buddhist gatherings. She has two daughters and lives in Providence.

    36. Ant-zen
    antzen is a record label releasing experimental, electronic and avantgarde music. sorry, frames only
    sorry, frames only ...

    37. Zen Web
    Argomenti per la navigazione attuare lo zen, la ricerca della perfezione, lo zen e i koan, Siddharta, propositi, il karma, sarai un uomo se Disegni, album ed i vostri commenti.
    "Quello che è bene, e quello che non è bene : dobbiamo chiedere agli altri di dirci queste cose?" (R. M. Pirsig) Nessun effetto è in natura sanza ragione, intendi la ragione e non ti bisogna sperienza.
    Leonardo Da Vinci (Codice Atlantico : pensiero 14) Lascia u na traccia del tuo passaggio. Webmaster Scegli l'argomento nel menù Vivere lo Zen Vedo la meditazione come il pilastro di una montagna. Zen Web è completamente gratuito

    38. Converter

    39. Zen Centrum Amsterdam
    Centrum onder leiding van zenleraar Nico Tydeman. Zowel lezingen als practische meditatietraining zijn mogelijk. Op de site practische informatie en uitleg over het centrum.

    40. The Kids On The Web
    and easier to go through. Go to Brendan s home page Please send comments and suggestions to Brendan Kehoe (
    The Kids on the Web
    This is an on-going list of sites that offer information for and about kids. Among other things, it includes a lot of stuff for them to play with, information for adults, and info about schools and education. All of the fun stuff to use is split into three sections,
    so you can get them faster! The goal of this page is to collect, in one place, a body of information that people can use either to let kids play with stuff on the Internet, or to find the things they need for their work related to the care and education of children.
    I'm open to ideas for how to further divide the contents so they're more intuitive and easier to go through. Go to Brendan's home page Please send comments and suggestions to Brendan Kehoe (

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