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         Wicca:     more books (100)
  1. Wicca / Living Wicca / The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by Scott Cunningham, 2003-01-01
  2. Wicca: Practicas y Principios de la Brujeria (Series de Magia Practica de Llewellyn) (Spanish Edition) by Raymond Buckland, 2001-06

141. Liquid Realities -- More Magic, Less BS
Resource on chaos magick, sorcery, wicca and other forms of occult practices. Includes message boards, and downloads.
Mar 07 2004 Making some changes in the layout. New graphics for a new look. Going to add an option for a little more selection on how the site looks. This means user accounts. No worries, not for anything other than keeping your site preferences and perhaps some kind of simple messaging system. Content on this site will always be freely available to anyone. niteseer
Jul 16 2003 Started monkeying around with the message board to try and upgrade it to fix certain functions that didn't work properly (or at all). In the process I managed to clobber the database. So, what does this mean?
It means that the database info for the board was completely dropped. You'll need to re-register and start posting again. Fortunately (and thanks to intelligent design) the rest of the dynamic content of the site (pretty much all of it) is completely unaffected by this tragedy.
Long story short, go enjoy the new board and the same solid content we've always provided in articles and bookreviews. niteseer
Jul 06 2003 Was notified of an error in the news system. I fixed it a couple days ago, figured this was news worthy.

142. Wicca
History of Witchcraft/wicca. ..Edmund Burke. Merry Meet,. wicca,Witchcraft,a couple of words that spark fear,confusion,and hate ..
History of Witchcraft/Wicca
No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. .........Edmund Burke
Merry Meet,
Wicca,Witchcraft,a couple of words that spark fear,confusion,and hate......
But to me it is beauty,love and sacred.Please continue to learn more........
Historically, the name Witchcraft has been used to refer to two unrelated
and often mutually exclusive religions:
* Wicca, the revival of a pre-Christian religion of Northern Europe, and
* Satanism, the worship of the Christian devil, Satan.
The roots of this confusion can be traced back to Europe during the Witch
burning times of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Wiccans were accused
of worshipping Satan and selling their soul to him. This false belief
continues today, and is still being actively promoted by some Christians.
This paper will deal with the religion of Wicca only. It is unrelated to
Satanism. There have been many references in the books, media, etc which
attempt to differentiate between the two very different religions. Wicca, is a reconstruction of an ancient Pagan religion of Northern Europe

143. - Staggering Towards The Vicinity Of Brilliance.
Information on wicca/Paganism, conspiracies, Transformers fan fiction, Kevin Smith films, Loreena McKennitt, Brimstone (the TV show), an online comic.
Mainpage Message Board Contact Information Page History ... Merchandise Journal/Blog Keeping Up With The Joneses (and Getting them to Vote)
(Posted Jun 2, 2004)

Okay, so I think my obsession with Sports Night is unhealthy...

(Posted May 29, 2004)

Trae, the Disconnected man of Milwaukee

(Posted May 27, 2004)

Thunder and Lightning, Trumpets and Drums...

(Posted May 24, 2004)

I have missed this comfy chair.

(Posted May 22, 2004)

View All 5
Full Archive General Stuff Who is TRH? Flipside Articles Craptacular Web! The Store Community Message Board Gatherings Creativity Brandi Art Gallery Image Carrots Photo Gallery ... Winamp Skins Technology Digital Obscuria InputGUIDO Video Games Coolness of Clive Do You Shaq Fu? Quake 1 CTF TRHNetwork Otaku Anonymous Ina Bel Shuhadaku NWW for Russ Feingold ... No Brand Con News From The Front: Post Article Full Archive Discuss 2 June 2004 - 1:33:30: Keeping Up With The Joneses (and Getting them to Vote) So, I'm a little behind my usual updates. This is because... well, I think I went over this before, so I don't feel the need to review. Anyways, the photo you see is me holding up my handy, dandy card saying I'm a deputy voter registrar. Woot. For those of you who don't know yet, I have a job working as a canvasser for New Voters Project this summer. Pretty much, my job is to go register voters between the ages of 18-24. Needless to say, that it doesn't pay that much - but unlike many other jobs I've had (*cough*BestBuy*cough*), I should actually have fun doing this. Of course, this means that my little brother David is my boss.

144. The Watchman Expositor: Witchcraft / WICCA Profile
Witchcraft / wicca. By Rick Branch Official Publication Because of the varied nature of wicca, there is no single official publication.
SITE DIRECTORY Home Page About Watchman Fellowship Free Subscriptions Church Presentations Weekly News Subject Index Profiles State Offices Watchman Staff OVERVIEW OF CULTS Articles JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Articles MORMONISM Articles NEW AGE Articles OCCULT Articles SCIENTOLOGY Articles OTHER RELIGIOUS TOPICS Articles Vol. 11, No. 1, 1994 Watchman Fellowship Profiles
Witchcraft / Wicca
By Rick Branch Founder: While Gerald B. Gardner is generally credited with the modern revival of Wicca, he was neither the first to practice nor the founder of Witchcraft. Founding Date: In 1949 Gardner published his first book, which was later followed by several other works. Official Publication: Because of the varied nature of Wicca, there is no single official publication. However, Llewellyn's New Worlds of Mind and Spirit and Llewellyn New Times (Llewellyn Publishing) are two of the key periodicals. Organization Structure: Each individual coven is autonomous and therefore will have their own organizational structure. Generally the high priestess is considered the leader of the Coven. Unique Terms: Witch refers to both male and female members.

145. Music For The Goddess - Main Page
General historical, practical, and cultural information regarding the origins, beliefs and practices of some of the many modern followers of the Goddess with emphasis on wicca.
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Welcome to Music for the Goddess! Whether you are a new beginner on the Path or an experienced practitioner ... or simply a curious friend or web surfer, may the time you spend here be blessed. General historical, practical, and cultural information regarding the origins, beliefs and practices of some of the many modern followers of the Goddess await you. Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please click on the e-mail icon at the bottom of the page and let me know.
Past and Present Goddess Religions
Brief profiles of the mythology and practice of both ancient and existing Goddess religions from Assyrian to Yoruba. Includes an in-depth exploration of Wicca, currently the largest modern Goddess movement.
Goddess Worship in the Media
Reccomended websites and books, where to find Goddesses and Goddess Worshippers or Witches in music, TV and movies.
Odes to the Goddess; Chants, Songs and Poetry
Well known chants as well as original songs and poetry for general, meditational and ceremonial use.
Methods of Prayer and Spellcraft
An exploration of the attempts and methods of various traditions to communicate with the Goddesses, through the awareness of meditation, the entreaty of prayer and the execution of casting.

146. CANA - Wicca / Witchcraft
WITCHCRAFT, wicca AND NEOPAGANISM by Marcia Montenegro First written in 1995. wicca is the name for a contemporary pagan revival of witchcraft.
C hristian A nswers for the N ew A ge
Contents Schedule Links ... Search
by Marcia Montenegro
First written in 1995
Essential Ingredients
pantheism monism , and usually polytheism Pantheism is the belief that all is God(dess) and that God(dess) is all and thus assumes divine forces within oneself and in nature. Monism claims that all is one and one is all, and assumes a mystical oneness, force, or life force that connects us to nature, allowing us to call on and manipulate hidden forces in the world around us. This force is considered natural, not supernatural. A mystical oneness means there are no true distinctions between self and others, or between man and nature. Polytheism accepts many gods/goddesses or multiple separate manifestations of one god/goddess or universal force. Wicca
Many Names
There is no monolithic organization with a stated creed or dogma. In fact, it is precisely this lack of structure that draws many to these groups. These pagan faiths attract very bright people who feel different or special, those who have had bad experiences with mainstream religions, those who feel abandoned by God, free spirits who dislike structure, the rejected (by family or society), rebels, and those attracted to occult or mystical experiences.

147. Wicca Central @
Message board for likeminded pagan or wiccan individuals who are interested in performing spells and rituals online with others.
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Forum # Posts Last Comment Moderators Paganism Who Are You?
Tell us about yourself so we have an idea. Name? Lifestyle? Age? Homepage? We want to know. 3/12/04 12:36 pm Live Rituals Join Others In A Ritual
Let us know when and we'll be there. Strength in numbers. 10/11/01 3:46 pm Thoughts On... Wicca
Let us know where Wicca exists in your life, if at all. 3/12/04 12:34 pm Occult What does the word "Occult" mean to you? 2/12/03 9:00 am Do you believe in magick? 10/18/02 11:48 am For Or Against?

148. Wicca Supplies, Pagan Jewelry - Ladyhawk's Treasures Wicca, Pagan, Gothic, Witch
Various supplies offered. For general new age or the serious student of wicca and Paganism.
Merry Meet! Welcome to Ladyhawk's Treasures New Age Shop, your number one international shop for Wicca supplies, occult and witchcraft supplies, pagan jewelry, Wiccan jewelry, gothic jewelry, and Celtic jewelry. We offer you a wonderful selection of ritual items, herbs, candles, oils, divination tools, athames, Wiccan pentacle and pentagram jewelry, our Witch Wear pagan clothing, our Gothic and Celtic clothing line and so much more! We have so many new and exciting items to show you here within our online shop. Be sure to check out our Gothic Clothing line! New items now in, just in time for Spring ! Come on in and experience the Magick! About Us Contact Us How to Order Current Specials ... Ritual Supplies
Pagan and Wicca Supplies, Smudge Sticks, Alter Cloths, Alter Pentacles and Patons, Draw String Bags, Smoking Blends, Ritual Bath Salts, Ritual Kits, Spell Writing Ink and more!
Pagan Jewelry

Wicca, Pagan, Celtic Jewelry, Sterling Silver and Pewter, Witches, Goddess', Wizards, Dragons, Ankhs, Witch Knots, Moons, Swords, Sterling Silver Chains, Triple Goddess, Crystals, Oil Bottles, and more!

149. StarFire Rising
Welcome to StarFire Rising, the online home of the StarKindler Alexandrian Line. Introduction to wicca What is wicca? Kinds of
Welcome to StarFire Rising, the online home
of the StarKindler Alexandrian Line.
Introduction to Wicca:
What is Wicca?

Kinds of Witchcraft

The Deities of the Wicca

The Goddess of the Wicca
A Wiccan Reading List
StarKindler Alexandrians:
The StarKindler Line

StarKindler History

StarKindler Ancestry

StarKindler Kin on the Web
... Occult Vocabulary This Star Kindred site is owned by the StarKindler Line Previous 5 Previous Next ... Index Click Here to join the ring. This Alexandrian Wiccans site is owned by The StarKindler Line Previous 5 Sites Skip Previous Previous ... List Sites Click Here to join the ring. Can you make a difference? The Hunger Site Save The Rain Forest Ecology Fund There have been hits since 6/10/98 Last Updated: Jan. 1, 2004 by webmaster StarKindler Line

150. Wicca
Uppsats inriktad p¥ tv¥ grenar av wicca, den engelska Pagan Federation och den amerikanska Starhawk.
Wicca -en nyreligiös rörelse Innehåll Inledning Kort faktabakgrund Människosyn, etik och moral Sammanfattning ... Käll- och litteraturförteckning Inledning Vi har valt att skriva om den nyreligiösa rörelsen Wicca. Inom Wicca finns det många olika grenar och vi har inriktat oss på två av dessa, nämligen engelsk Wicca (Pagan Federation) och amerikansk Wicca (Starhawk). Tron och åsikterna i dessa två grupper är i många avseenden mycket lika och då åsikterna överensstämmer särskiljer vi inte på grupperna. I de avseenden där rörelserna har olika uppfattningar kommer vi självklart att tala om vilken grupp som anser vad. Då vi i arbetet skriver "Wicca anser" eller dylikt, menar vi alltså Starhawk Wicca och Pagan Wicca. Vi har valt att dela in arbetet i fyra större delar: inledning, kort faktabakgrund, människosyn, etik och moral och egna åsikter . Huvudavsnittet, människosyn, etik och moral, har vi delat in i mindre avsnitt för att lättare få en inblick i vad Wicca anser i några frågor som vi anser är viktiga. Vi valde att ha människosyn, etik och moral under samma rubrik, då vi anser att dessa ämnen till stor del går in i varandra. Under tiden som vi skrev detta avsnitt diskuterade vi hur vi ställde oss till de åsikter som Wicca presenterade, för att till sist plocka ihop våra egna åsikter till det avslutande avsnittet. Tillbaka till innehåll Kort faktabakgrund Den egentliga grundaren till den ursprungliga Wicca-rörelsen är Gerald Gardner

151. Strange Directory - Wicca
wicca. Everything you need to know about wicca. Free wicca related downloads. Links to wicca related pages. Chakra Tuning. wicca.
Everything you need to know about wicca.
Free wicca related downloads.
Links to wicca related pages. Chakra Tuning
Chakra tuning and tantric meditation Supergreens Alkalize and energize. Lose weight naturally. Massively increase your energy Mobile Phone Protection Protect yourself from mobile phone emissions Brainwave Harmonics Amazing series of downloads and CDs. Learn how to astral project, induce deep trance and much more Reiki Questions Providing the answers
to all Reiki questions in life On Line Homeopathy On line diagnosis and homeopathic medicines Meridian Energy Therapy Meridian Energy Therapy Download wicca links Select a Theme acupressure acupuncture ADD addiction after death alawashka alchemy alien altered states alternative med schools alternative medicine alternative technology american gothic tarot amulets anandamarga angelic angels animal care archaeological anomalies aromatherapy arts crafts asatru ashtanga yoga astral travel astral-projection astrology astrology software atlantis audinometry aura ayurveda azrael bach flower baguazhang bahai biofeedback biorythmes body awareness bodywork buddhism buddhist meditation cabbalah cancer candles castaneda celtic chakra chi chi generators chi gung chiropractic christian meditation chupacabra conspiracy theories cornish paganism cosmology crop circles Crowley crystal bowls crystal healing crystal imagery crystal-balls crystals dharma drum divinity dogon dowsing dragons dream dictionaries dreams druids drumming earth mysteries egyptian tarot Electromagnetic effects electrosensitivity eliphaslevi EMF protection

152. Gay Wicca
La spiritualit  wicca nell'ambito del sentire gay
domain names and web hosting and url forwarding from V3
Gay Wicca
La wicca vista dal punto di vista dei gay
Click here to continue

153. :: A Pagan Community In Canada
Do you believe in magick? People increasingly do in the US, where, by some counts, wicca is the fastest growing religion in percentage terms.
@import url("themes/SecretGarden/style/style.css"); Jun 01, 2004 - 11:53 PM New Stuff Physics of Visualization
What Is Magick

The Laws

Glossary of Wiccan Terms
Profile on Spiritualism

WiccanWeb Chat Room name online WiccanWeb Chat


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Book Reviews Calendar ... Web Links Hosted Sites/Forums: Vancouver Pagans Search Box Snippets of Life No, my powers can only be used for good. Anon Other Stories Water supplies dry up as drought fears grow (Jun 01, 2004) Soaring U.S. gas prices spur interest in hybrids (Jun 01, 2004) Extremists Threaten To Disrupt Jerusalem Pride (Jun 01, 2004) Gaelic disappearing in Cape Breton (May 31, 2004) 22 dead as Saudi commandos end siege (May 30, 2004) Pregnant for half a century? (May 30, 2004) U.S. won't accept softwood decision (May 29, 2004) Disaster in Darfur (May 29, 2004) Mass hysteria caused illness on bus (May 29, 2004) Tribal woman branded witch, paraded naked

154. An Ex-Wiccan Speaks - Testimony Of Donalyn Vaughn
Why does wicca have the drawing power it has? Why is the ancient paganism behind it enjoying a modern revival? Donalyn Vaughn, former wiccan, answers these and other questions.
the Spirit Watch My Testimony - A Former Wiccan Speaks By Donalyn Vaughn Don't have a RealPlayer? Download here: An Ex-Wiccan Speaks - Testimony of Donalyn Vaughn H ow I got involved in paganism is all too common, I'm afraid. I was raised in a churched home. By that, I mean that we went to church but didn't live any differently than my friends who did not go to church. I was very active in the church growing up and as a teen. We attended the First Christian Church (independant), and I was active in youth group, Sunday School, choir. I was there everytime the doors were open. But I didn't have any strong background at home. I had always been fascinated by magic. I started off innocently enough reading my horoscope (my mom did this, and didn't see anything wrong with it). My favorite movies and TV shows as a kid were all about witches and magic, now I was living out my fantasy. Just like millions of people can drink a beer and never get addicted to alcohol, millions of people can watch a show like Bewitched and never think anything of it, but some people have a weakness in this area that leaves them vulnerable. I was one of those people. I had many experiences as a child that I know opened that door for me, and made me vulnerable. The pagans I met said I had a gift of the sight that ran in my family. I know now that Satan used my gifts that God had given me. All of the little openings into the occult in my childhood (the movies, TV shows, games I played, etc) opened a door, that Satan used to get me to serve him rather than God. One movie that really stuck out in my mind as starting the whole mess was a movie I watched that starred Melissa Sue Anderson as a bad witch, and another child actress as a good witch. I didn't know it at the time but it was all about Wicca, and that movie affected me greatly, and I believed opened the door to my fascination with witchcraft.

155. - Greencraft Vzw
Informatieve site over de Greencraft wicca traditie in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Uitleg over de cursussen (ook online), magazine, tarot, forum, chatbox en gastenboek.
Welkom bij GREENCRAFT VZW Deze site werd opgesteld met frames. Spijtig genoeg kan jouw browser geen frames lezen. Een nieuwere versie van je browser installeren kan dit probleem verhelpen!
Bedankt voor je bezoek en tot binnenkort! Welkom bij GREENCRAFT VZW Deze site werd opgesteld met frames. Spijtig genoeg kan jouw browser geen frames lezen. Een nieuwere versie van je browser installeren kan dit probleem verhelpen!
Bedankt voor je bezoek en tot binnenkort!

156. Wicca Sources
Brothers and sisters , this is a Pagan site where you will find FREE ebooks on paganism such as wicca, DRUIDISM and FAERY LORE.
This site is hosted by
Netfirms Web Hosting
Wicca What is Wicca? NeoPaganism Rede of The Wicce sabbats ... Nature Spirit Magic k Moon Correspondences Faeries Herbal Grimoire Gemstone Grimoire ... Visit my virtual office Books Free E-Books Pagan Books Fantasy books Faerie books ... Online Libraries Encyclopaedias ( visit them freely online) Encyclopedia Mythica Encyclopedia of the Celts Pagan Fun Fantasy Galler y guardian troll Chinese sign Are you a Psychic? free spirite-cards ... Banner Exchange Visit our sponsors: MaLeWitch Paganus An´it harm none ,do as you will. Wiccan Rede About me Clan Lessons Brothers and sisters , this is a Pagan site where you will find FREE e-books on paganism such as WICCA, DRUIDISM and FAERY LORE. In another sections you can actualy buy your favourite Pagan books from a selection I made. Also all sorts of Craft sources. I will provide some links about paganism that you may find interesting and also a collection of articles on many subjects that you may find interesting. follow the links on your left and enjoy the in info and the fun! I wont extend on providing my own definitions on Wicca because I think it is your best interest that you actually read many books of respected and recognized pagan authors. I will soon post my lessons on a new Wiccan clan I was just acepted in.By now, keep learning, keep your minds open.

157. *** Sternenkreis: Wicca Und Heidentum Informations- Wissens- Und Kontaktportal *
wicca, Heidentum, Hexenkunst, Chants, Rituale, Zauber, Infos, Meetingpoint. Infos f¼r alle, die den Alten Weg gehen oder neugierig darauf sind.

Site ©sot©rique traitant de magie et sorcellerie, ainsi que de wicca. Service proposant des annonces et un annuaire de liens. is under construction. search the web: Web Site

New York


159. Seax Wicca
Click Here. SEAX wicca. Buckland had been dissatified with the corruption and ego trips he saw in some covens and developed seax wicca to answer those concerns.
This tradition was founded in 1973 by Raymond Buckland and seems to have a slight saxon basis. Buckland had been dissatified with the corruption and ego trips he saw in some covens and developed seax wicca to answer those concerns. The coven is democratic in that its leader is chosen by election. There is no binding or ritual scouging. Covens decide for themselves whether to worship clothed or skyclad. The rituals are published in The Tree : Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft. The tradition is also open to anyone. The Real Witches Handbook BAMBERG WITCH TRIALS , the history of the Bamberg witch trials SALEM OLD WITCH JAIL , the history of the salem witch jail ARRAS WITCH TRIALS , a mass witch hunt took place in Arras, France. PENTACLE AND PENTAGRAM , history and usage of the pentacle and pentagram INQUISITION , the torture methods of the inquisition WITCHING HOUR , a time of transformation WITCHES TOOLS , the magical tools of witches OUIJA BOARD EGYPTIAN DREAM SCRYING , may be traced back thousands of years WARLOCK , the origins of the word GARDNERIAN WITCHCRAFT , the dominant tradition ALEXANDRIAN WITCHCRAFT , emphasis on ceremonial magic WITCHCRAFT HEREDITARY AND TRADITIONAL FAERY TRADITION SEAX WICCA , founded in 1973 DIVINATION , information on the different types of divination BOOK OF SHADOWS , the secret book of shadows CAULDRON , the witches cauldron CONE OF POWER , done within a magic circle WITCH CUP , a chalice GARTERS , worn in various rituals LAMMAS , one of the major sabbats COWAN , term for a non-witch

160. O Mundo De Mistérios
Ocultismo, Misticismo, Vodu, Satanismo, Espiritismo, Santa, Inquisi§£o, wicca, Teurgia (magia branca), Vampirismo e Bruxaria.

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