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         Wicca:     more books (100)
  1. Her Hidden Children: The Rise of Wicca And Paganism in America by Chas S. Clifton, 2006-06-08
  2. Rites of Pleasure: Sexuality in Wicca and Neo-Paganism by Jennifer Hunter, 2004-10-01
  3. The Wicca Source Book: A Complete Guide for the Modern Witch by Gerina Dunwich, 1998-12
  4. Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality and the New Age (Religion Today-Tradition, Modernity & Change) (Religion Today-Tradition, Modernity & Change)
  5. Cinema of the Occult: New Age, Satanism, Wicca, and Spiritualism in Film by Carrol L. Fry, 2008-12-31
  6. The Family Wicca Book: The Craft for Parents & Children (Llewellyn's Modern Witchcraft Series) by Ashleen O'Gaea, 1992-01-08
  7. Wicca Covens: How to Start and Organize Your Own by Judy Harrow, 2000-12-01
  8. Teen Witch: Wicca for a New Generation by Silver RavenWolf, 1998-09-08
  9. Wicca Candle Magick (Citadel Library of Mystic Arts) by Gerina Dunwich, 2000-06-01
  10. Wicca 333 by Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas, 2007-11-14
  11. Bonewits's Essential Guide to Witchcraft and Wicca by Isaac Bonewits, 2006-02-01
  12. Druidcraft: The Magic of Wicca and Druidry by Philip Carr-Gomm, 2002-10-25
  13. The Druid Craft Tarot: Use the Magic ofWicca and Druidry to Guide Your Life by Philip Carr-Gomm, Stephanie Carr-Gomm, 2004-09-24
  14. Faery Wicca, Book 2: The Shamanic Practices of the Cunning Arts(The Ancient Oral Faery Tradition of Ireland) by Kisma K. Stepanich, 1998-04-08

81. Wicca And Women's Spirituality
I WILL NOT BE YOUR GUIDE THROUGH THE MERRY, WONDERFUL WORLD OF wicca. Read a book. Stop net censorship and preserve the Bill of Rights! What wicca is NOT.
Choose your subject: Welcome Hotlist Helpful Links My Cats Comics Patriotic Stuff Women in Afghanistan Fire Horses Handguns Scott Joplin Crafts Marfan Syndrome Lefthandedness Mailing Lists My Resume Mail Me What you'll find here: I AM A BUSY PERSON. I AM NOT A GURU AND I HAVE A JOB, OKAY? Do not write to me and say, "I want to learn to be a Witch! Please teach me!" I am not a mentor, I am not here to shepherd you by the nose through your spiritual life, and I find it offensive how so many people who are clearly just looking to dump responsibility for their lives off on other people wind up finding me. I WILL NOT BE YOUR GUIDE THROUGH THE MERRY, WONDERFUL WORLD OF WICCA. Read a book. Find an newsgroup. Learn about it the same way I did. Paganism is a do-it-yourself spirituality it is not for those who want to sit at the feet of someone else like a good little sheep and vacuously believe everything they tell them. If that's what you want, go be a Moonie and leave me the hell alone.
The explosion of interest in Wicca and other Goddess-centered religions recently has been reshaping the spiritual landscape of this culture. Many people are losing interest and turning away from the traditional monolithic, monotheistic, patriarchal religions and are looking for a way to verbalize their spirituality without the trappings of these religions, within a framework of spirituality that prizes the feminine as well as the masculine and is centered on the Earth and the turning of the seasons.

Una interpretazione del sentiero wiccan fornita da Karen Martin
WICCA Chi timidamente evita la Tenebra, ottiene solo un sollievo temporaneo, fino al momento in cui la Tenebra stessa avanza e lo coglie quando è meno preparato! In principio la Grande Tenebra, Diana, su divise in due forze uguali ed opposte, notte e giorno. La notte dominata dalla Luna, Diana, mentre il giorno dal Sole, suo fratello Lucifero. La luna, prese le sembianze di un gatto, sedusse il Sole e dalla loro unione nacque una figlia, Aradia, la Regina di tutte le Streghe! Ognuno ha la propria religione, e quindi le proprie credenze, i cristiani credono in Dio, unico e onnipotente che ci osserva dall'alto dei celi, i satanici a Satana, e la religione delle streghe è la Wicca, essi negli Dei, credono nella madre Luna e nel padre Sole. I Wiccan credono che gli Dei sono sempre accanto a noi che si identificano con la natura. Gli Dei sono sempre con noi, in ogni istante della vita. La Wicca è una religione molto antica, una religione pagana, celebra la santità della Natura. I Pagani onorano il Divino in tutti i suoi aspetti, sia femminili che maschili, come parte di un tutto sacro. Cercano l'unione tra lo spirito e la Divinità armonizzandosi con la Natura, esplorando il proprio "io".

83. Wicca Olomouc
Hled¡n­ spř­zněn½ch duÅ¡­.

84. Traditional Witchraft And Wicca, Some Differences
Traditional Witchcraft and wicca. Some Differences. There are many pagan web sites that proclaim connections to wicca, although few are truly wiccan.
Traditional Witchcraft and Wicca
Some Differences
How many times have you seen a sentence start with "Witchcraft, or Wicca, is.." leaving the reader with the impression that these are one and the same thing. Such generalizations are unfair to the practitioners of both, and more than a little confusing to those who wish to learn some form of the Craft. Yet, in an age of electronic information, it becomes difficult to set the boundaries that would allow one to study witchcraft or Wicca as distinct disciplines. There are many pagan web sites that proclaim connections to Wicca, although few are truly Wiccan. I must admit that my own web site often fails to make a clear distinction (see footnote ) Chat rooms and message boards are filled with arguments over whether this or that act is within the perimeters of the Wiccan Rede, yet the chatters are not Wiccan. Perhaps the argument concerns how many traditional witches are needed to call the guardians of the Watchtowers, but the well-meaning participants are unaware that traditional witches usually do not call the guardians. It's difficult to even find terms to use that haven't already been so blended as to obscure any divisions. If you are a newcomer, you might ask why this is so important. When you start out to study to be a doctor, you wouldn't want to study only psychiatry if you planned to become a surgeon. If your goal in life is to be a great violinist, would you forego violin lessons in favor of piano lessons? In the first case, both are medicine and in the second, both are music, but you certainly wouldn't want a psychiatrist performing your appendectomy nor would you wish to sit through a violin concert performed by a pianist. You need to know where you are going in order to map out a path that will get you there. If you don't follow some plan, some path, but just pick up a little information here and there, you'll never get anywhere at all.

85. Goddesses
Focusing on the Goddess worship aspect of Neopaganism, and of wicca in particular as an affront to Christian principles.
    WARNING! Goddesses and Wicca worship Neo-paganism at its most deceptive form
    Before you start, you shoul read the Plan . Done? Then you might want to start by reading this:
      Wicca, or Witchcraft is the most popular expression of the religious movement known as Neo-Paganism, which, according to the Institute for the Study of American Religion, is the fastest growing religion in the United States. It practitioners are reviving ancient Pagan practices and beliefs of pre-Christian Europe and adapting them to contemporary life. The result is a religion that is both old and new, both "traditional" and creative. Its practitioners are reviving ancient Pagan practices and beliefs of pre-Christian Europe and adapting them to contemporary life. The result is a religion that is both old and new, both "traditional" and creative. (From the Manifesto of the Covenant of the Goddess).
    Neo-paganism is arising in the world today. It is not as innocent as its adherents claim, on the contrary. It is as dangerous as when God prohibited the children of Israel to mingle with the pagans and their worship in the land of Canaan.
    This page will discuss in a few words the rising tide of Wicca (Witchcraft - or white witchcraft), with the emphasis on Goddess worship. You can read through the page or take a quick look at the following chapters.

86. Index
Een site over wicca, kruiden, spells, het altaar en dergelijke.
Hallo allemaal!!!!
Dit is een site over de wicca. De wicca is een natuur religie. Een geloof waarbij de natuur gerespecteerd wordt. De mensen die in de wicca geloven worden wiccans genoemd. Ook wel heksen... Een heks is geen kwaad persoon (zoals in sprookjes), een heks is juist een persoon die goede dingen doet. Genezingen, doormiddel van kruiden, rituelen en/of spreuken.
Als je hier komt, omdat je op zoek bent naar liefdesspreuken en dat soort dingen is dit de verkeerde site. Want wicca heeft niets te maken met dat soort dingen!
Als er iets is kun je me altijd mailen
Klik op 1 van de onderstaande plaatjes om verder te gaan. Aarde Water Lucht Vuur Neem ook eens een kijkje op deze startpagina:

87. Blue Moon Wicca
Merry Meet! Welcome to “An Introduction to Traditional wicca”. Brought to you by and the Blue Moon wicca tradition. Our Website has moved to.
Merry Meet!
Welcome to
Brought to you by:
and the Blue Moon Wicca tradition
Our Website has moved to

88. - Die Wicca Und Hexen Community
Informationen von und f¼r wicca, FirstSteps (kostenloser wicca-Online-Workshop), Community mit Forum, Vivianne Crowley
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89. Wicca - By William Schnoebelen
William Schnoebelen thought wicca was a harmless natureworshipping religion. He later learned wicca. Author William Schnoebelen
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Comics ... Promotional INFORMATION FAQ Jack Chick Statement of Faith Discounts ... Privacy Chick Publications P.O. Box 3500 Ontario, Calif. (909) 987-0771 Ph. (909) 941-8128 Fax Wicca Author: William Schnoebelen ISBN: Price: $10.95 US Pages: 224 - Paperback The danger of white witchcraft exposed! Bill Schnoebelen thought Wicca was a harmless nature-worshipping religion. But once he got on the inside and began climbing to higher and higher levels, he learned that it is nothing more than one of Satan's most clever recruiting tools, designed to lead many into actual Satan worship. Here is the fascinating personal testimony of a man who stepped into this Satanic trap, and the thrilling account of how Jesus Christ rescued him. You will learn what Wicca is REALLY all about, and become equipped to prevent others from being deceived. How can witches worship Satan if they don't believe that he exists? Table of Contents Introduction Chapter 1 - Welcome to Wicca Chapter 2 - Wiccan "Public Relations" Chapter 3 - What's In a Name?

90. Strona Dostepna Jest Pod Adresem Http//188.waw-smy.leased.ids.
Strona dostepna jest pod adresem http//

91. Le Bouleau D'Argent
Traductions et articles d'Amorgen Dubhart sur la wicca et le n©opaganisme.
Cliquez sur l'écorce pour entrer
Mise à jour 9 Décembre 2003 e.v.
Votez pour ce site !
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92. Witchcraft: Wicca Witchcraft, Wicca.htm
wicca Witchcraft Keywords wicca witchcraft, wicca, the Craft, sorcery, wicca, witchcraft, magic, wicca Witchcraft. Satan s hoofprints are all over wicca.
Wicca Witchcraft
Keywords: Wicca witchcraft, Wicca, the Craft, sorcery, wicca, witchcraft, magic, Wicca Witchcraft
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers , having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables . 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Wicca is the name, and witchcraft is the gameand the Devil is laughing his head off. It's time to examine some more paganistic mumbo-jumbo gumbo. Into darkness we go to discover the evil force that mascarades behind the name Wicca... Wicca witchcraft calls itself "white witchcraft". This supposedly denotes that Wiccans only do "good" witchcraft. As I see it,
  • the witches in Wicca have been watching too much Bewitched
  • the witches in Wicca have been watching too much I Dream of Jeannie
  • the witches in Wicca having been watching too much Sabrina the Good (or Teen) Witch , and
  • the witches in Wicca having been watching too much Casper the Friendly Ghost
According to the Bible, there is no such thing as a good witch.

93. Wicca And Asatru
The following article is based on the workshop wicca and Ásatrú , which was presented by the writers during the 1994 FreeSpirit Festival.
The Pentagram and the Hammer
Devyn Gillette and Lewis Stead The following article is based on the workshop "Wicca and Ásatrú", which was presented by the writers during the 1994 FreeSpirit Festival. Devyn Gillette is a English Traditional Wiccan, and former host of the Pagan radio show "Between the Worlds." Lewis Stead is an Asatruar who edits Asatru Today. Many Wiccans, particularly eclectics, indulge in Germanic practices without reason to suspect (or without concern) that a cadre of Germanic purists are shouting at them from over the heaths. In between these two distinct camps lie those who remain carefree of the matter, and who disregard anyone who would comment on what "is working for them." the general whole They are both Pagan earth religions. They both apply magic in their practices. They both feature an element of reification (i.e., basis on a romanticized notion of the past). While there may exist groups that individually feature more similarities, as far as the entirety of each faith is concerned, there are no other similarities. Pagan Earth Religion Mountain Thunder Curiously, some have questioned whether this is really true for Ásatrú. Some highly eco-aware Wiccans, for example, may balk that Norse Pagans, being generally more conservative (more on this later), might be prone to support legislation that is anti-environmental, or that the Ásatrú ritual of "land taking" (i.e., ownership) defies most understandings of land stewardship. To "own" the land, such a person would argue, is inherently "un-Pagan." For their own sake, many Ásatrú reject the label of "earth religion" and while environmentalism is important, veneration of the Earth Goddess is not a dominant feature of Ásatrú; Nerthus being merely another deity among many.

94. Wicca: A Biblical Critique
This article examines some of the fundamental doctrines of wicca, offers a biblical critique of those doctrines, and highlight the differences between wicca
Wicca: A Biblical Critique
Michael Gleghorn
The Goddess and the God
By some estimates, Wicca "appears to be the fastest growing religion in America." But what exactly is "Wicca" anyway? One scholar writes, "The modern religion of Wicca, otherwise known as Old Religion, Magick, Witchcraft, the Craft, and the Mysteries, is part of the neo-pagan movement." In this article I hope to accomplish two things. First, I want to outline some of the fundamental doctrines of Wicca; second, I want to offer a biblical critique of those doctrines. Let's begin with Wiccan theology. Although some Wiccans are devoted exclusively to the Goddess, most worship both the Goddess and the God. Raven Grimassi, a Wiccan scholar, has written, "The Source of All Things, also known as the Great Spirit, is generally personified in Wiccan belief as a Goddess and a God." It's important to point out that the Goddess and God are merely personifications of this ultimate source of all things. The Source itself is both "unknowable" and "incomprehensible." It is perhaps for this reason that some "Neo-Wiccans" have simply abandoned such personifications altogether, choosing rather to view the gods as simply "detached metaphysical concepts."

95. Index
Pictures, episode guide, and fan fiction.
W elcome to my Charmed site, i hope you enjoy your visit here. This is about the tv show called Charmed. I'm a huge Charmed fan, i am not any of the charmed cast, but you're most welcome to email me and chat... I'd also like to thank some people who've helped me. please by the way, sign the guestbook!!! also look in the forum section. In here you can save anything you want, if you're putting a fanfic, please give credits to who wrote it. News: 20/4/03
Sorry no updates for a while, i had lots of troubles logging in. New quiz added, they're in the polls page. Also lots of fanfics posted up! check it out:) Next on Charmed:
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96. Gerald Gardner : The History Of Wicca
Gerald Gardner .com provides factual information about the life of Gerald B. Gardner whom many have called the father of wicca or modern Witchcraft. is an online resource for information and commentary on the life of Gerald Brosseau Gardner (1884-1964), whom many have called the father of modern Wicca. Click here to enter.

97. MagickWolf's Wicca
Informatie site over wicca en andere (neo)paganistische religies en stromingen.
Informatiesite voor Wicca en andere Natuurreligies
Informatie over Reiki en andere alternatieve helingmethodes
Wicca en andere natuurreligies Webmaster: Skywolf "O dochters en zonen van de aarde,
aanbid de Godin en de God
en wees gezegend met de volheid des levens.
Weet dat zij deze geschriften,
die het pad van Wicca in zich dragen,
tot je gebracht hebben
om de behoeders van wijsheid,
de wakers over de goddelijke vlam van kennis te dienen en te bevredigen. Doe de rituelen met liefde en plezier en de Godin en de God zullen je zegenen met alles wat je nodig hebt." Scott Cunningham Goede doelen:
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98. Wicca, Wicca.
Further info Elder wicca. More info. Back to W. For explicit instructions on how to order the books, videos and other merchandize
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Early English (Saxen) term for witch , derived from a German root word meaning "to twist or to bend." Also used to denote the witch religion, a neopagan nature religious practice having its roots in pre-Christian western Europe and undergoing a 20 th century revival, especially in the United States and Great Britain. Wiccans speak of the year as a wheel; their calendar is a circle, signifying that the cycle of seasons turns endlessly. Almost evenly spaced around the Wiccan Wheel of the Year are the eight Wiccan feast days, or sabbats . The sabbat cycle is a retelling and celebration of the age-old story of the Great Goddess and her son and consort, the Horned God. Wiccans sects cherish a host of variations on this myth. The coincidence of these festivals to Christian holidays, and the similarities between Wiccan and Christian symbols, say many anthropologists, are not accidental, but prove the preexistence of the pagan beliefs. For Christian authorities contending with older religions during Europe's Dark Ages, converting established holidays by giving them new Christian meanings eased the acceptance of the new faith. See

99. -= Telihod Portál - Javascript Ellenõrzés... =-
wicca port¡l a magyarul besz©lő boszork¡nyoknak. –sszefoglal³, cikkek, k¶nyvt¡r.
window.document.location="start.php" Ha nem jelenik meg rövid idon belül a portál kezdo oldala, akkor a böngészod hibásan kezeli a Javascriptet, vagy nem is támogatja! Javasoljuk, hogy töltsd le az Internet Explorer 6-ot!

100. Wicca - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
wicca. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the preChristian wiccans see Volva. For the wicca vs. Witchcraft. Though sometimes
Categories Religion
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
For the pre-Christian wiccans see Volva For the book series Wicca see Sweep and Circle Of Three The "Goddess Symbol" with a pentacle in the middle. Wicca is the most popular Neopagan religion , probably originally founded by the British civil servant Gerald Gardner starting in the though it was first openly revealed in . Since its founding, various related Wiccan traditions have evolved, the original being Gardnerian Wicca , which is the name of the tradition that follows the specific beliefs and practices established by Gerald Gardner. The conventional wisdom is that the term wicca derives from the Indo-European Old English wicca meant necromancer or male witch. Some contend that the term wicca is related to Old English witan , meaning wise man or counselor, but this is universally rejected by language scholars as false etymology. Nonetheless Wicca is often called the "Craft of the wise" as a result of this misconception. It appears that the word may be untraceable beyond the Old English period. Derivation from the Indo-European roots '*wic' or '*weik' is seemingly incorrect by phonological understanding. Table of contents 1 History of Wicca 2 Beliefs and practices 3 Wiccan traditions 4 Morality ... 5 Wicca vs. witchcraft

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