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         Vegetarianism:     more books (100)
  1. Vegetarianism For Beginners - Food Reform For Slender Purses by Maud Baines, 2010-08-04
  3. Less Animal Passion Through Vegetarianism by C. W. Leadbeater, 2006-09-15
  4. Shelley's vegetarianism by William Edward Armytage Axon, 2010-09-13
  5. A new look at vegetarianism: It's [sic] positive effects on health and disease control by Sukharaj S Dhillon, 1993
  6. Commonsense vegetarianism. by Harry Benjamin, 1967-01-01
  7. Vegetarianism for Beginners by Maud Baines, 1963-12
  8. Vegetarianism and Medicine: Research Guidebook by Gleen J. Kuffner, 2001-04
  9. Vegetarianism Implications for Athletes
  10. Manual of Magnetic Healing ...: To Which Is Added an Appendix On Vegetarianism by Daniel W Hull, 2010-02-28
  11. Animal, Vegetable, or Woman?: A Feminist Critique of Ethical Vegetarianism by Kathryn Paxton George, 2000-10
  12. The Philosophy of Vegetarianism by Daniel A. Dombrowski, 1984-05
  13. 'Vegetarianism (Nutrition & Health) by Susan M. Traugh, 2010-08-16
  14. The Logic of Vegetarianism; Essays and Dialogues by Henry Stephens Salt, 2010-03-28

101. PETA India:: Vegetarianism
Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind. —Albert Einstein.
Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind.'
'Basically we should stop doing those things that are destructive to the environment, other creatures, and ourselves and figure out new ways of existing.'
All over the world, people are turning to vegetarianism and veganism, from athletes to doctors, from supermodels to movie stars. Even countries that used to consume large amounts of meat are now turning to vegetarianism. Did you know that in the United States, an estimated 1 million people make the switch to a meat-free diet every year? According to the Vegetarian Society, in England, 2,000 people switch to vegetarianism every week! Learn why vegetarianism is better for you, the animals and the planet.

102. Animal Friends Croatia
Promotes animal welfare in Croatia and internationally. Includes petitions on specific topics, pictures of animals in distress and antifur protests, and discussions of topics such as vegetarianism, puppy mills, and mistreatment in zoos and circuses.

103. Nutritional Pros And Cons Of Vegan, Vegetarian & Vegetarianism
Discusses positive and negative health effects of vegetarianism and offers nutritional reasons why some people are better suited than others for a vegetarian
Acu-Cell Analysis Acu-Cell Nutrition Disorders Mineral Ratios ... Vegetarianism
Nutritional pros and cons of Meat-based and Vegetarian Diets
Most individuals who have switched to a vegetarian lifestyle at some point in their lives (who weren't
born into it), have done so following some form of perceived enlightenment, or after the realization that
consuming animal products is either anti-religious, anti-earth (to save the planet), against animal rights,
or that it is simply unhealthy.  I have been testing and treating a large number of vegetarian patients over
more than two decades, so I'm presenting arguments for and against the consumption of animal-based
products from a health -point of view.
Contrary to vegan-based reviews or commentaries, people following a strict vegetarian diet are not
healthier than their omnivorous counterparts.  In fact, on average , they suffer from as many, or more
medical complaints as compared to non-vegetarian individuals, who include meat or eggs in their diet. There is absolutely no question that the average person does best health-wise by consuming a mixed diet that is as fresh, and hopefully as unprocessed as possible.  Beyond that, an individual assessment

104. Food Of The Gods
Many religions uphold vegetarianism as a spiritual ideal, although some cultures have chosen to make more of this particular moral code than others.
The Vegetarian Society 'Animals and the Environment' index is at:
You will be taken there in 10 seconds. Please update your bookmarks and links.

105. > Welcome To Your Source For Great-tasting Carnivore Recipes, Informa
Information on all aspects of carnivore living, tips and recipes, and why eating meat beats vegetarianism.
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Stop Starvation: Kill Wild Animals
PETA and the vegans like to tell us that animals are what cause our starvation problems. On the PETA website you can find the following text:
Every day, 840 million people around the world, including 200 million children, go hungry. Raising animals for food is much less efficient than growing vegetables, grain, or beans.
They are saying we should not raise animals because of the environmental impact they have. Lets look at the environmental impact that wild animals have, and how killing them can help end starvation. Wildlife causes $1.6 billion annually to agriculture. That $1.6 billion in crops would go a long way toward helping the world's starving. By killing these wild animals, not only would we prevent the huge crop losses from happening, we could use these wild animals to help feed the starving as well.
Every year hunters, with the help of organizations like Hunters For The Hungry , donate millions of pounds of wild game to help feed the homeless and less fortunate. This is a win win situation. The animals are destroyed so the damage done to the crops is reduced, and they can be fed to people in need. Hunting and killing wild animals clearly makes sense if you are truly concerned about the environment and the homeless that might not get a meal otherwise.

106. Vegetarianism & Vegetarian Nutrition
Your Portal to vegetarianism Vegetarian Nutrition. vegetarianism vegetarian nutrition. Main Menu. WELCOME TO vegetarianism Vegetarian Nutrition!
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Vegetarian Nutrition Guestbook
This web site is designed to provide you with relevant information regarding vegetarian nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
Current nutrition issues are discussed and vegetarian resources provided. Use the menu on the left to access a variety of articles, resources and news on vegetarian nutrition presented in a sicentifically soud and user-friendly format. Included are suggestions regarding how to become vegetarian, adequacy of plant-based diets, as well as reviews of the latest findings documenting the advantages of vegetarian diets. Feel free to explore!
Quick Links advantages of vegetarianism low cholesterol diet
vitamin B12 facts
phytochemicals ... Andrews University , Nutrition Department, MI, USA New on this site!

107. Vegetarianism & Ahimsa
Here s a sampling of some of the most interesting sites on vegetarianism, replete with resources for vegetariansHindu or nonHindu.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Hinduism Vegetarianism Home Essentials 2004 Hindu Calendar Indian Baby Names ... Articles Archive zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Astrology The Bhagavad Gita Hinduism for Kids Ancient India ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Here's a sampling of some of the most interesting sites on Vegetarianism, replete with resources for vegetariansHindu or non-Hindu.
Recent Up a category Are You A Vegetarian? Do you have any compassion for animals? Do you believe in karma? …And that we are spiritual beings or just glorified omnivores? If yes, then let's share our bread. If not, pray to God that you are not reincarnated as a cow - and the cow as you! Vegetarian Cuisine About Guide Tiffany Refior has all you need to know about vegeterian food and cookery. Vegeterian recipes for Indian lunch and dinner - from Vegetarianism: A Means to a Higher End Excerpts from a practical cookbook by Adiraja Dasa, designed to acquaint you with the tradition behind India's great vegetarian cuisine.

108. Let It All Collapse
Essays on atheism, socialism, vegetarianism, free love, humanitarianism, pacifism, and reproductive freedom.

let it all collapse

let it all collapse

Abolition Abolitionism Abolitonist Abortion Abortionist Abraham Lincoln Activism Activist Adam Smith Adolf Hitler Affirmative Action Afterlife Agnostic Agnosticism Alexander Berkman Altered consciousness Alternative Culture Amendment America American Americanism Anabaptist Anabaptism Anarchism Anarcho Anarchy Angel Animal Liberation Front (ALF) Animal Rights Animals Anti-Christ Anti-Fascism Anti-Racism Anti-Semitism Anti-Sexism Anti-War AntiChrist AntiFascism AntiRacism AntiSemitism AntiSexism AntiWar Aristotle Art Arthur Schopenhauer Article Atheism Atheist Atheistic Atonement Auto-erotic Auto-eroticism Autoerotic Autoeroticism Baptism Baptist Baptists Baruch Spinoza Beastiality Belief Beliefs Believer Bertrand Russell Bestiality Bi-curious Bi-sexual Bi-sexuality Bible Biblical Bicurious Birth Control Bisexual Bisexuality Black Panther Blasphemer Blasphemy Bolshevik Boycott Buddha Buddhism Buddhist Calvinism Calvinist Capitalist Capitalism Catholic Child Abuse Civilization Censor Censorship Charles Bradlaugh Charles Darwin Che Guevara Chemicals Christ Christian Christianity Christmas Church Churches Circus Civil Rights Clarence Darrow Class Classless Classlessness Colonialism Colonialist Commentary Commune Communist Communism Comstock Condom Condoms Conscience Conscientious Objector Conscious Consciousness Constitution Constitutionalism Constitutionalist Contraception Contraceptive Contraceptives Corporal Punishment Corrupt Corruption Creature Creatures Creed Creeds Critic Criticism Critique Cross Crusade Crusades Counter Culture Counterculture Creationism Creationist Crucifix Culture Cultural David Hume Death Death Penalty Debate Deist Deism Deity Democracy Democrat Denis Diderot Deport Deportation Design Determinism Devil Dictator Dictatorship Direct Action Disbelief Disbeliever Disobedience Disobey Dissertation Dissident Diversity Doctor Younis Shaikh Doubt Doubter Draft Draft Dodge Draft Dodger Draft Dodging Dropout Drug Drug Legalization Drug Use Drugs E Zine E-Zine Earth Earth Liberation Front (ELF) Ecology Economic Economics Education Electronic Magazine Electronic Zine Emma Goldman Emotion Environment Environmentalism Epicurean Epicureanism Epicurus Episcopal Episcopalian Equal Equality Equity Essay Essayist Ethan Allen Ethics Euthenasia Evangelical Evangelism Evangelist Evolution Experimentation Express Expression Faith Fanatic Fanaticism Fascism Fascist Feminism Food Not Bombs Forum Francisco Ferrer Free Love Free Will Freedom Freegan Freeganism Freethinker Freethought Friedrich Engels Gay Gender Genesis George Bernard Shaw Ghost Ghosts Giordano Bruno God Gods Goddess Goddesses Godlessness Gora Government Guerrilla Hate Crime Hate-Crime Heathen Heathens Heaven Hell Henry Mencken Henry Salt Henry Thoreau Heresies Heresy Heretic Heretics High School Hindu Hinduism Historical History Holism Holistic Homeless Homelessness Homosexual Homosexuals Homosexuality Human Humane Humaneness Humanism Humanist Humanitarian Humanitarianism Humans Humanity Ideological Ideology Idolator Idolatry Ignorance Ignorant Imperialism Imperialist Impiety Impious Incest Incestuous Independence Independent Individual Individuality Industrial Society Indy-Media Indy Media IndyMedia Inequality Infidel Infidelity Infidels Iniquity International Monetary Fund (IMF) Islamic Islamist Jehova Witness Jeremy Bentham Jesus Jew Jewish Jews Jihad Jihads Judaism Job Jobless Joblessness John Calvin John Dewey John Scopes Trial Joseph McCabe Karl Marx Koran Labor Law Lawful Lawfulness Lawless Lawlessness Left Leftist Legal Legalization Legalize Legislation Leon Trotsky Leopold And Loeb Lev Nik Tolstoi (Leo Tolstoy) Liberal Liberation Liberationist Libertarian Libertarianism Liberty Life Lifestyle Lifestyles Literature Logic Lutheran Lutheranism Madalyn Murray O'Hair Magic Manifesto Mao Tse-Tung (Zhe-dong) Maoism Maoist Marcus Aurelius Antonius Augustus Aurelius Margaret Sanger Mark Twain Marriage Marriages Marry Martin Luther Marxism Marxist Masturbate Masturbation Masturbator Materialism Materialist Materialistic Meaning Meat Media Meme Memes Menshevik Mercantilism Mercantilist Metaphysic Metaphysical Metaphysics Methodist Mikhail Bakunin Minority Miracle Monarch Monarchy Monkeywrencher Monkey Trial Monkey Wrencher Monogamist Monogamy Morality Moses Muslim Myth Nature Naturism Naturalism Naturalist Nazi Nazism New Age New Testament Niccoló Machiavelli Nihilism Nihilist Non-believer Nonbeliever Nostradamus Nude Nudism Nudist Nudity Objective Objectivism Objectivist Objectivity Old Testament Online Books Online Library Opinion Orthodoxy Outcast Pacifism Pacifist Pagan Paganism Pantheism Pantheist Pantheists Pantheistic Partisan Party Peace Pedophile Pedophilia Pentecostal People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Percival Bysshe Shelley Peter Kropotkin Peter Singer Philanthropist Philanthropy Philosopher Philosophical Philosophy Physiological Physiology Picket Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Piety Pious Plato Pledge of Allegiance Poetry Political Politics Poly Polyamory Polygamist Polygamy Pope Porn Pornographic Pornography Prayer Predestination Presbyterian Press Pro-Choice Pro-Life Pro Choice Pro Life ProChoice ProLife Property Prophecy Prostitute Prostitution Protest Protestant Psychedelic Psychodelic Psychonaut Psychonaught Publication Purpose Queer Qur'an Race Racism Radical Radicals Rational Rationalism Rationalist Rationality Realism Realist Reason Rebel Rebellion Red Reform Reformer Religion Religionist Religions Religious Republic Republican Resist Resistance Revelation Revolt Revolution Rights Robert Green Ingersoll Robert Ingersoll Romance Romantic Romantics Romanticism Romanticist Sacred Saint Saints Satan Satanism Satanist Savior Secular Secular Humanism Secular Humanist Securalism Secularist Sentient Sentience Sex Sexism Sexist Sexual Sexuality School Science Sin Sinner Sinners Sinning Sir Francis Bacon Skeptic Skepticism Slave Slaver Slavery Social Change Social Justice Socialism Socialist Society Solidarity Spirit Spirits Spiritual Spirituality Squat Squatter Squatters Rights Squatting Stalinism Stalinist State Stories Story Straight Edge Suicidal Suicide Summit Summit Hopper Summit Hopping Supernatural Superstition Swastika sXe Syndicate Syndicalism Syndicalism Taboo Talmud Tarot Cards Terror Terrorism Terrorist Theism Theist Theology Theory Thinker Thinking Thomas Hobbes Thomas Huxley Thomas Jefferson Thomas Paine Thought Tolerance Torah Totalitarian Totalitarianism Trade Transvestite Transvestitism Trotskyism Trotskyist Truth Un-believer Unbeliever Unemployment Unholy Union Unionism Unionist Unions Unite United States Upton Beall Sinclair USA Utopia Vatican Vegan Veganism Vegetarian Vegetarianism Vivisection Vladimir Lenin Voltaire War Welfare William Godwin Witch Witch Hunt Witchhunt Womyn Work Worker Workers World World Bank World Trade Organization (WTO) Writer Writing Zoo Zoophile Zoophilia

109. The EnviroLink Network - Vegetarianism
Suggest a Resource. vegetarianism. Subtopics of vegetarianism Fruitarianism (1); Veganism (31). vegetarianism (87). Categories within vegetarianism

110. Vegetarianism
Provides FAQ for vegetarianism, its advantages and animal illtreatment. Includes poems against meat eating people.
Vegetarianism Good Eating: Questions and Answers About Being Vegetarian Contents What is Vegetarianism? How popular is Vegetarianism? Why do people give up meat and become vegetarians? But isn't meat-eating necessary for good health? ... Poems What is Vegetarianism? Vegetarianism is the practice of not eating meat. People whose diet does not include eating animals for food are known as vegetarians. In addition to not eating "red meat" (beef, pork, lamb), vegetarians also don’t eat seafood or poultry. Some vegetarians avoid animal by-products. Both kinds, however, do not eat animals. Back to top How popular is Vegetarianism? The vegetarian diet has become much more popular in recent years. It is now estimated that over one million Americans are reported to limit his/her consumption of meat for health reasons. Back to top Why do people give up meat and become vegetarians? A vegetarian diet may be chosen for a variety of reasons. Some people choose vegetarianism because they belief a meat-centered diet is expensive, wasteful, or unhealthy. Others adopt it for reasons of conscience: they consider it wrong and unnecessary to kill animals for food, or to cause them the needless suffering of being raised for slaughter. Back to top But isn't meat-eating necessary for good health?

111. Progressive Politics - Section 2 Of Avy's Abode
Annotated web directories and editorial commentary on issues such as human rights, feminism, animal rights, vegetarianism, environomentalism, GLBT rights, and homeschooling.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Progressive Politics
This is the index of Section Two of Avy's Abode . In this section you will find, firstly, web directories on topics such as human rights, feminism, home education alternatives to public schooling, animal rights, vegetarianism/veganism, glbt rights, environmentalism, and other progressive issues. Secondly, on many pages you'll find editorial commentary on the issues. If you are looking for something specific, use the keyword search tool below to search Section Two. (Last re-indexed Jan-7-2001. Please note that new pages may not be included in search results.)
Search This Site The Web Get your own free Search Engine Update:
(no news) Features:
  • (no news)
Under Construction:
  • animal rights directory
  • environmentalism directory (subjects include organic food, gardening, composting)
Introduction e·gal·i·tar·i·an - "Affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people." This site aims to uphold the values of egalitarianism, liberty, compassion, diversity, non-violence, personal and global responsibility, and respect, protection, and tolerance of all life and our environment.

112. Let's Talk About Vegetarianism !!!
The Defination, the Reasons and the Benefits of vegetarianism. Tips one. A onestop reference and resource website for vegetarianism. Let's Talk About Vegetarianism !!! A vegetarian infosite dedicated to Singaporeans and all who want to know more about vegetarian or learning to be vegetarian. Vegetarians, Vegans, ovolacto-vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, vegetables, health, food, crusine, vegetarianism, vegetables, animals, animal rights, plants, nutrition, nutrients, food pyramid, tips

113. Advantages Of Vegetarianism
An objective answer to those who want to know the nutritional, spiritual, and moral advantages of vegetarianism, without being preached at .
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The Vegetarian Diet: Advantages of Vegetarianism
by Phaedron It is not the intention here to attempt to persuade readers to become vegetarians. Instead, this is an objective answer to those who want to know the advantages of vegetarianism. A vegetarian is one who eats no animal products. Some people call themselves vegetarians but still eat fish and chicken; be assured those two species still belong to the animal kingdom—they have flesh and blood just like a cow or a human or a deer. Also he or she uses a minimum of leather, only where necessary. There are three issues to consider in regard to vegetarianism. They are: nutritional, spiritual, and moral.

114. Vegetarianism; The Pros And Cons Of A Meatless Diet
vegetarianism; the pros and cons of a meatless diet. Kristin Higgins. As Americans become increasingly more health conscious, vegetarian
Vegetarianism; the pros and cons of a meatless diet
Kristin Higgins
As Americans become increasingly more health conscious, vegetarian diets are becoming more and more common. Produce-aisle signs stating eat 5 a day for better health are beginning to pay off, along with the USDA-DHHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which state: Many American diets have too many calories and too much fat (especially saturated fat), cholesterol, and sodium. They also have too little complex carbohydrates and fiber. Such diets are one cause of America’s high rates of obesity and of certain diseases-heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and some forms of cancer Different types of vegetarians include the vegan, who follows a strict diet excluding eggs, dairy, and all other animal products; the lacto-ovo-vegetarian, who eats a diet of mainly grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy products, and eggs, and excludes meat, fish, and poultry; the lacto-vegetarian, who excludes animal flesh and eggs; the ovo-vegetarian, who excludes animal flesh and dairy products; and the semi-vegetarian, who abstains from only red meat and poultry

115. Lantern Books
Publishers of books and eBooks on vegetarianism, spirituality, natural healing, and nonviolence.
Lantern Books
A Division of Booklight Inc
1 Union Square West, Suite 201
New York, NY 10003
Tel.: 212-414-2275
Fax: 212-414-2412
5/18/2004 - The Venerable Yifa , Ph.D.,author of Safeguarding the Heart will be speaking at St. Vincent's Comprehensive Cancer Care Center as part of their series, "Spirituality, Religious Wisdom, and the Care of the Patient," on May 18th in New York City.
5/8/2004 - The 11th President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , praises Lantern title Meditation, Oneness and Physics and its author Dr. Glen Kezwer. , a "light green" web site, is currently featuring two Findhorn Press titles: The Findhorn Book of Unconditional Love and The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness . We thank for sharing these books with their community. To read these article's click on either title.
Lantern Books and SATYA Magazine hosted the second event in Lantern Books' office. Excerpts from NOW with Bill Moyers were shown with a lively discussion afterwards continuing our dialogue on ethical and effective tactics for activists in the age of the Patriot Act. Peace to All Beings: Veggie Soup for the Chicken's Soul was mentioned in a March 10th Wall Street Journal article, "Houses of Worship Are Reaching Out to a Flock of Pets." The article discusses how otherwise traditional clergy are reaching out to animal lovers in an effort to make religion more relevant to people's lives. To read an excerpt

116. Health Tips
Provides information on leading mental and physical life through vegetarianism.
Health tips Candida (yeast) CELL PHONES High blood pressure The harmful effects of milk ... Healthy food recipes Send this page
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117. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Linda McCartney: Rockocracy's First Lady
And if her conversion to vegetarianism shared by her husband and family - was once seen as a fashionable fad, it became an article of faith.,11212,606558,00.html
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7 Mar 2004
Lennon jukebox reveals Beatles' musical debts

1 Feb 2004
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

16 Jan 2004
The Beatles publicity machine

8 Jan 2004
Doctor sued for exploiting ex-Beatle as he lay dying
22 Nov 2003 Beatles mistakes 18 Nov 2003 Penny lame 18 Nov 2003 'You have no soul'... 14 Nov 2003 CD: The Beatles, Let It Be... Naked 26 Aug 2003 Spotting a Cavern in the market 23 Aug 2003 Beatles test dunces refused entry to UK 8 Aug 2003 Confessions of a Soviet moptop 2 Jun 2003 Lennon and McCartney? Let it be

118. Ravi Kumar's HomePage
A site where you get tips tricks about various computer related matters including Linux, Vi text editor, cdrecord, as well as more general topics like vegetarianism
Favourate Links Humour My Bookmarks News from India Yahoo Mail ... Yahoo Photos You are
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Ravi Kumar's HomePage
Hello, My name is Ravi Kumar.M.S. I have created this webpage to collect all the useful links and other files related to Computers in one place as well as express and share my thoughts about topics I find interesting, with the netizens. If you want to view my links to interesting sites, then you may click the My Bookmarks section. For tutorials and articles related to linux,networking, oracle, awk, editors like Emacs and Vi, CD Writing tips as well as general topics like Vegetarianism, Touch Typing and more ... visit my section. While you are here, I would strongly recommend you to visit my Humour section for a good laugh. This website will be updated frequently. And it is my constant endevour to make this website as useful as possible. And I hope that all who visit my site are able to find something which will be of use to them. I enjoy ...
  • Playing Computer Games ( Pacman HalfLife Age of Empires etc) I love going for long walks during the mornings when the air is fresh and less polluted I enjoy watching Movies especially those with lots of special effects and stunts as well as comedys.

119. PETA UK > Campaigns : Vegetarianism
vegetarianism. Action Alerts. News Releases.

Animals in Entertainment Companion Animals Cruel Science ... Order Vegetarian Starter Kit Business Cards Features: Holocaust on your plate exhibit hits United Kingdom
After making waves throughout the US and continental Europe, PETA's controversial 'Holocaust on Your Plate' exhibit is coming to the UK, Ireland and Belgium. Go Vegetarian With Sir Paul McCartney
'If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do' - Sir Paul McCartney Free Vegetarian Starter Kit
Going vegetarian has never been easier! KFC Investigation Unearths Shocking Abuse
Get the details of a lengthy investigation into a Premier Foods chicken farm, a known KFC supplier. Meet Your Meat
The video that all meat-eaters should watch and every vegetarian should own, "Meet Your Meat," narrated by Alec Baldwin.

120. VeggieRecipes - Web Hosting By Directi
Includes advantages of vegetarianism and why people should switch to it.
Advantages of Vegetarianism A vegetarian is one who eats no animal products. Some people call themselves vegetarians but still eat fish and chicken; be assured those two species still belong to the animal kingdom—they have flesh and blood just like a cow or a human or a deer. Also he or she uses a minimum of leather, only where necessary. There are three issues to consider in regard to vegetarianism. They are: nutritional, spiritual, and moral. Nutritionally, the alkaline-based digestive system of humans will not properly break down substantial acid substances, the greatest of which is meat. (Also, the amount of cholesterol in meat is unhealthy.) Colon cancer is rampant! This is caused by the slow evacuation and the putrefaction in the colon of the remains of meat. Lifelong vegetarians never suffer from such an illness. The type and amount of oils in meat are unhealthy and they turn rancid upon the death of the animal. The flesh and blood also began to putrefy as soon as the animal is killed. Many meat eaters believe that meat is the sole source of protein. However, the quality of this protein is so poor that little of it can ever be utilized by humans because it is incomplete and lacks the correct combination of amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

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