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81. United Church Of Chapel Hill We are a united church of christ congregation. Nursery provided. Find out more aboutthe united church of christ. Children s Ministries Receives $9,500 Grant! http://www.unitedchurch.org/ | |
82. Welcome To Hope Church Online Roslindale; union of the united church of christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). History and worship information. http://www.hopeboston.com/ | |
83. The Congregational Church Of South Dennis A church of the Barnstable Association of the united church of christ. Overview, history, and meeting times. http://www.vsb.cape.com/~barnucc/church/sdennis.html | |
84. Home Bethlehem. united church of christ. Bethlehem united church of christ is the oldestGerman Protestant church in the state of Michigan, dating back to 1833. http://www.bethlehem-ucc.org/ | |
85. Southern Conference UCC Unites 300 congregations in North Carolina and Virginia. Includes denomination information, conference news and information, links to individual churches, and other information. http://www.soc-ucc.org/ | |
86. Michigan Conference United Church Of Christ Michigan Conference. united church of christ. 2002 Michigan Conference United Churchof Christ. Using this site means you accept its terms. Privacy Statement, http://www.michucc.org/ | |
87. Conregational Church Of Reading united church of christ; worship schedule, history, and outreach program information. http://www.churchofreading.org/ | |
88. Welcome To: Faith United Church Of Christ; Brewster, Ohio Provides schedule of services, events and email information. http://members.wilkshire.net/jkilchen/faithucc/ | |
89. Incarnation United Church Of Christ Emmitsburg, MD 21727 Rev. Ted Hass 301 663-4733 301- 447-2270 (Church)Sunday Worship 1000 am Sunday School 1015 am Bible Study http://www.emmitsburg.net/iucc/ | |
90. Church Of The Savior, United Church Of Christ Click HERE for a NonFrames Version. http://www.korrnet.org/cos_ucc/ | |
91. Henrietta United Church Of Christ - Henrietta, NY Inglis ~ Email henucc@juno.com. Developed by JG Designs Copyright© 2001 Henrietta united church of christ All rights reserved. http://www.henriettaucc.org/ | |
92. Wellington Avenue Church An open and affirming congregation, ecumenical in outlook and background, and uses inclusive language in hymns, scriptures, and liturgy. Feature information on social justice, sermons, events, schedule, and contacts. http://www.wellingtonaveucc.org/ | |
93. Pilgrims United Church Of Christ What we believe. We are a Christian church committed to sharing the love ofGod. Our purpose is to live and share the inclusive grace of Jesus Christ. http://www2.pro-ns.net/~pilgrims/ | |
94. Holladay United Church Of Church Holladay united church of christ. 2631 East MurrayHolladay Road (4785S) Holladay, Utah 84117 801-277-2631 FAX 801-272-3870 Email http://www.aros.net/~holladay/ | |
95. First Grace UCC Provides the schedule, community outreach, youth and adult programs, and information about the clergy for this church in west Akron. http://www.firstgraceucc.org/ | |
96. United Church Of Christ In The Philippines united church of christ in the Philippines Manila Centeral Post Office, PO Box 7181099 Quezon City Ermita, Manila Philippines (Asia) Tel. +63.2 924 0215, 920 http://www.reformiert-online.net:8080/t/eng/adr_statisch/1453.htm | |
97. First Congregational UCC's Web Site First Congregational united church of christ is a progressiveminded ProtestantChurch, serving the Community of Madison, Wisconsin since 1840. http://www.firstcongmadison.org/ | |
98. Ballard Vale United Church Of Andover, MA A United Methodist and united church of christ Congregation A Reconciling/Open and Affirming Church. http://www.gbgm-umc.org/ballardvale/ | |
99. Middle Island U.C.C. Middle Island Congregational united church of christ. Meeting Community NeedsWith Compassion. Ministry Rev. Louis Tuleja. Worship Sunday, 10 AM. http://home.att.net/~tbgaidry/ | |
100. Pilgrim Congregational Church, United Church Of Christ, Lexington, Massachusetts Pilgrim Congregational Church united church of christ A Welcoming, Open and AffirmingCongregation 55 Coolidge Avenue Lexington, MA 024201899 (781) 862-0357 http://www.pilgrimcongregational.org/ | |
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