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21. Transcendental Meditation (TM) Samling af kritiske artikler. http://www.dci.dk/da/mtrl/index-tm.html | |
22. The Transcendental Meditation Program http://www.mum.edu/tm_program/welcome.html | |
23. Transcendental Meditation Brings Bliss To Life how Tested Knowledge. transcendental meditation technique.......transcendental meditation of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. http://www.alltm.org/Transcendental_Meditation.html | |
24. Complete Guide To The Transcendental Meditation Programme , scientific validation of benefits, TM publications, steps to learn, Maharishi Vedic University.......The Maharishi transcendental meditation Programme http://www.tm.org.nz/default.asp | |
25. Stress Management, Stress Reduction And Stress Prevention With The Transcendenta A Stanford research study shows the transcendental meditation (TM) technique is significantly more effective in reducing 'trait anxiety'. http://www.tm.org/stress/stress.html | |
26. Advanced Techniques Of The TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION Programme The transcendental meditation programme Founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, TM is a simple, natural, effortless technique which eliminates stress improving all http://www.tm.org.nz/adv_techniques/index.asp | |
27. Transcendental Meditation - Stockholm L¤r ut transcendental meditation. http://www.TM-Stockholm.org/ |
28. Subject TM Dissenter S FAQ Part 1 An Overview The transcendental meditation Program. 30.1. Part 4 - Other Research on the transcendental meditation Program. Susan more. http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/groups/t/tm/dissenter.htm | |
29. Scientific Research On Transcendental Meditation Scientific research on transcendental meditation, an easy to learn, effortless mental technique which dissolves stress, promotes inner happiness, creativity http://www.tmscotland.org/tm/research.shtml | |
30. YogaJournal.Com: No Side Effects Research paper by Carolyn Edy about the benefits of transcendental meditation published in Yoga Journal. http://www.yogajournal.com/health/116.cfm | |
31. Vedic Meditation Better your life through meditation. Rosaleen Allen is a fully qualified teacher of transcendental meditation, Primordial Sound Meditation, and holds a degree in Therapeutic Counselling CPAB. http://www.vedicmeditation.ie |
32. Research On Transcendental Meditation (TM) At The Swedish Air Force Sensitive test for selection of pilots indicates profound effects of transcendental meditation on mental health. A la Version Française http://home.swipnet.se/tmdoctors/DMTeng.htm | |
33. Transcendental Meditation Maharishi. transcendental meditation A Scientifically Validated Programmme. The Where to Learn transcendental meditation. Maharishi has http://www.maharishi-india.org/programmes/p1tm.html | |
34. Maharishi's Programmes In India Copyright ©; 1996 Maharishi Vedic University. All Rights Reserved. ® transcendental meditation, TM, TMSidhi, Maharishi Ayur-Veda, Science of Creative http://www.maharishi-india.org/ | |
35. Meditation Information Network Meditation Information Network, supporting critical examination of transcendental meditation and the programs associated with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. http://minet.org/ | |
36. Transcendental Meditation (TM) News On Health And Creativity Artikler om bl.a. trehjernemodellen. http://home1.inet.tele.dk/torlars/ | |
37. Transcendental Meditation, TM, Meditation a simple, natural, effortless technique which eliminates stress improving all aspects of life. http://www.transcendental-meditation.org.uk/ | |
38. Transcendental Meditation Cambridge UK Learn transcendental meditation (TM), a simple effective technique for stress management and the development of the full potential of the individual http://www.meditation-cam.org.uk/index.html | |
39. Welcome To Maharishi Health Education Center The transcendental meditation program founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, TM is a simple, natural, effortless technique which eliminates stress improving all aspects of life mind, body, behavior and environment. Stress management program. http://www.maharishitm.org | |
40. Transcendental Meditation transcendental meditation. Lär dig meditera! Genom transcendental meditation kan du få en vila djupare än sömn, trots att du är fullt vaken. http://www.tm.tm.se/ | |
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