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21. Taoism.net / TrueTao.org (with Music) http://www.taoism.net/html.html | |
22. Breathing, Gurdjieff, Taoism, Chi Kung, Self-Transformation Exploring health, selfknowledge, consciousness and self-transformation through natural breathing, taoism, Chi Kung, and the ideas and practices of G. I. Gurdjieff. San Francisco, California. http://www.breath.org/ | |
23. Taoism - Filozofie Si Practica | The Romanian Site Of Taoism ConÅ£ine informaÅ£ii despre taoism, tao, yinyang, wu-wei, vid, Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu, I-ching, Tao-te ching. OferÄ cursuri online. http://www.taopage.org/taoism | |
24. Lao Tzu: Father Of Taoism Lao Tzu Father of taoism. Thus taoism, in a peculiar and roundabout way, became a political philosophy. The formulation follows these lines http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Taichi/lao.html | |
25. "Images Of Taoism" Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong & Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Taoist Medita Words and images from Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching ; calligraphy, acrylic work and digital images; free download of MultiMedia Tao Te Ching software; purchase information on cdrom and web-based versions. http://symynet.com/tao_te_ching/ | |
26. Taoist Mission (Singapore) Has some articles about taoism in Singapore and information on the objectives of the mission. http://www.taoism.org.sg/ | |
27. Taoism And The Arts Of China (Art Institute Of Chicago) T A O I S M A N D T H E A R T S O F C H I N A. http://www.artic.edu/taoism/menu.php | |
28. Taoism, Or The Way taoism, or the Way. There are as many meanings as there are vantage points. 2 The same could be said of the diverse tradition we call taoism. http://www.askasia.org/frclasrm/readings/r000005.htm | |
29. Australian Acupuncture.com L A New Realm Media Production Exploring acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, transpersonal psychology, shamanisn, taoism, feng shui, Buddhism. Maintained by Michael Finn, Brisbane, Australia. http://australianacupuncture.com/ | |
30. Daoism Depot (Taoism Depot) DAO Quote of the Moment. That which will be shrunk Must first be stretched. That which will be weakened Must first be strengthened. http://www.edepot.com/taoism.shtml | |
31. Mysticism In World Religions: Frames Version Explores the mystical literature of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and taoism. Consists of quotations from various scriptures and the writings of individual mystics compared and contrasted by topic. http://www.digiserve.com/mystic/ | |
32. Taoist Restoration Society Headquarters for this national volunteer organization that focuses on restoring religious taoism to China. Includes discussion boards, charitable donation information, history and overview, beginner's guide, along with upcoming and past projects. http://www.taorestore.org/ |
33. Advaita Teachers Worldwide Useful source of online information on Selfrealized teachers and Advaita teachings, Advaita groups, and expressions of non-dualism and enlightenment in taoism, Zen, and other traditions in different parts of the world. http://www.sentient.org/index.html |
34. All-4-You Taoism Publicerar t¤nkv¤rda ord skrivna av en av taoismens grundare, Lao Tzu. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-42275/tao.html | |
35. Texts Of Taoism (SBE 39) Index Sacred Texts taoism. The Texts of taoism. Translated by James Legge. Part I of II. Introduction. Chapter I Was taoism Older Than LaoDze? http://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/sbe39/ | |
36. Daily Life In Ancient Civilizations Learn about daily life in ancient China, Egypt, Greece, Rome and India. Includes seections on taoism, tall tales from ancient Egypt, the Olympics, the mysterious Indus Valley, and ancient inventions. http://members.aol.com/Donnclass/indexlife.html | |
37. Taoism From Dummies - Homepage taoism from Dummies. What s New? taoism Quote Among disaster, none more serious than unsatisfied; Among guilty, none is heavier than desire. http://www.geocities.com/tao4dummies/ | |
38. Self-Discovery Portal Multisite portal to Philosophical Self-Inquiry Discussion Group and information on systems of maximum self-realization including Advaita Vedanta, the Albigen System, Ch'an, taoism and Zen. http://www.selfdiscoveryportal.com/ | |
39. MBS Academy - Taoism The natural is the essence of all that must be known, and the place where all must return. http://www.flowinghands.com/mbs_htm/mbs.taoism.htm | |
40. TAO.org Center Of Traditional Taoist Studies Taoist temple dedicated to enlightenment and spirituality using Lao Tzu principles of taoism.Includes philosophy and religion of the Tao, martial arts, Chi http://www.tao.org/ |
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