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         Stregheria:     more detail
  1. Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches: Charles Godfrey Leland, Ritual, Witch-cult hypothesis, Neopaganism, Wicca, Stregheria, Manuscript, Culture of Italy, ... Goddess, Aradia (goddess), Feudalism
  2. Stregheria by Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, et all 2010-05-19
  3. Strega Nona's ethnic alchemy: magic pasta, stregheria and that amazing disappearing "n".(Critical essay): An article from: MELUS by Lina Insana, 2006-06-22
  4. Aradia - Or The Gospel Of The Witches: Cool Collector's Edition - Printed In Modern Gothic Fonts by Charles Leland, 2008-12-31

1. ~Stregheria~
~stregheria~. In Everything is linked and entwined beyond seperation.I hope this has helped you gain some insight on stregheria. Mot
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In the fourteenth-century, a Wise Woman who called herself Aradia brought back a revival of the Old Religion, La Vecchia Religione. In central Italy, witches of old worshipped the goddess Diana and her consort, the god Dianus. In Italy, Witches do not use the word Sabbat for their seasonal rites. The Italian word is Trequenda (tray-gwen-da). There are eight Treguendas that make the "Wheel of the Year". They are... *Shadowfest-October 31st *Winter Solstice-December 21st/22nd *Lupercus-February 2nd *Spring Equinox-March 21st/22nd *Tana's Day-May 1st *Summer Solstice-June 21st/22nd *Cornucopia-August Eve *Autumn Equinox-September 21st/22nd The Gifts of Aradia and Tenets of Belief In the fourteenth century, Aradia taught that the traditional powers of a witch would belong to any who followed in the ways of the Old Religion. Aradia called these powers gifts, because she stressed the point that these powers were benefits of adhering to the Old Ways, and not the reason for becoming a witch. These are the powers: ~To bring succes in love ~To bless and consecrate ~To speak with spirits ~To know of hidden things ~To call forth spirits ~To know the Voice of the Wind ~To possess the knowledge of transformation ~To possess the knowledge of divination ~To know and understand secret signs ~To cure disease ~To bring forth beauty ~To have influence over wild beasts

2. Fabrisia's Boschetto
Fabrisia's Boschetto is dedicated to stregheria, Italian Witchcraft, but also contains general information about Witchcraft for new and experienced seekers.
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The Witch is worn within the soul,
not donned for occasion, or kept in a bowl!
written by PAniteowl/J. Sutton
Greetings and Bright Blessings!
Welcome to my 'casa' on the Web. I will strive to give you a basic understanding of Stregheria (Italian Witchcraft) : its' many dieties, beliefs, folklore, history, charms, ethics, traditions and festivals. There are different traditions of Stregheria : Janarra, Tanarra, Fanarra, Silvanic, Benandanti, Luperci, Cavellini, Italian Fairy, Sicilian Fairy, Trinacrian and probably many more. You would be very hard pressed to find a Witch or Wiccan anywhere who would blindly follow anyone else. We are historically very independent people who seek truth from within through rituals, meditation, studying and communing with nature. We respect the right of everyone to worship in their own way. My only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be 'the only way' and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief. I do not feel that Witchcraft or Wicca is the only way only that it is my way. I follow my own tradition of Stregheria...I am not associated with any Clan here in the US or Italy. I do not profess to be 'the' authority on Stregheria, and what I offer here in this website is my opinions, hypothesis, conclusions and comments.

3. Welcome To Stregheria
The grove of Diana at the Arician Sanctuary.
The grove of Diana at the Arician Sanctuary I foresee that a day will come, and that perhaps not so very far distant, that the world of scholars will be amazed to consider to what a late period and immense body of antique tradition survived in northern Italy, and how indifferent the learned were regarding it; there having been in truth, only one man, and he a foreigner, who earnestly occupied himself with collecting and preserving it. Charles Godfrey Leland - 1899

4. History Of Stregheria
Fabrisia s Boschetto is dedicated to stregheria, Italian Witchcraft, but also containsgeneral information about Witchcraft for new and experienced seekers.
History of Stregheria
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The Old Religion of Italy first began to form around the beliefs of early, pre-Etruscan Italians. The mystery teachings and the magickal practices were further developed and refined by the Etruscans, who appeared in Italy around 1000 B.C.E., establishing the great Etruscan Empire. The Etruscans were known historically for their great magickal and mystical knowledge. With the rise of the Roman Empire, other factors began to influence Italian religion. The Etruscans cared a great deal more about the afterworld than about life on this earth, so they built magnificent tombs which they sometimes decorated with exquisitely detailed wall paintings and sometimes stocked with a lifetime supply of household goods. The burial items accompanying the dead person in the tomb consisted of objects related to clothing, personal ornaments, weapons and table services; those objects that survivors wanted to place in the burial in order to indicate the dead's social status. They believed that the pleasures of life on earth could continue after death and felt it essential that the living gain the good-will of the Gods in order to enjoy their afterlife. The 'stories' about the gods were unimportant; religion's function in the Etruscan times was to maintain a stable relationship between their gods and their community. Central to the Etruscan idea of deity was the notion of 'manus' or 'numen', or power, which they believed to underlie all of creation and which manifested itself to humans as the gods. Manus became concentrated in certain places and could be harnessed to assist humans. Those who could discern the motions of this power, who could tap into it, would be in touch with the divine and would be favored in their lives. This is a principle in many philosophies and religions. Consciousness of this power is not enough: one must possess the wisdom to become a conduit for it.

5. The Palace
The Palace is everything Magickal .Learn about Italian Witchcraft (stregheria ) Spells, Magick, Hypnosis, Magickal Oils, Stones Gems, Recipies, Your Birthstone, and so much more! Click here to
What is a Witch? Here states the Truth! Stregheria Italian Witchcraft Miscellaneous Don't miss this! Candle Magick Candle Spells See An Assortment Of Oils Herbal Uses Magickal Herbs Incense Meanings of Various Stones Why do they call it a French Kiss if Italians do it best?

Last Updated: 12/26/02
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6. La Vecchia (the Old Religion)
One follower's stregheria spell and ritual information.
web hosting domain names email addresses The pages of the Magickal Knowledge Welcome to a site of Stregheria. I believe that we are all connected and that there is a reason for all things that happen in ones life. The fact that you are here is just one example. You are searching for a truth and something to connect to. To better our lives is what this is about. We perceive through our mortal senses and through these pages to follow I shall share some things that may help to make one more in tune with that perceptions. Aromas and oils, candles that make the darkness blind and call forth memories of the past and help to guide the future. So many thoughts like leaves blowing on an autumn day, to catch but a few and share them with another, is but a comfort on the journey of our lives. You will find a wide assortment of information beyond this page. Some of the pages are restricted as they contain more information than the casual surfer needs. You may access this area provided you understand a few simple things that are explained on this page . Although this site is devoted to the ways of Strega, I believe that witchcraft by any other name is still witchcraft, so I include information regarding all that encompasses the art.

7. Strega
Witchcraft Basics. stregheria. Russian Slavic stregheria. Italian Witchcraft. Fabrisia's Boschetto
Gypsy Luna Tigress Pathways Witchcraft Basics Stregheria Gardnerian Kitchen Witch ... Astrology Family Parenting Kids/Teens Dance Wellness Healing Herbs Aura Holistic Alternative Shrines Meditation Dreams Faery Dragons Mermaids Unicorn Places to Gather Wise Wayz Calendar Publications E - Text ... Links Coming Soon... Golden Dawn/Thelma/Chaos Magick Esoteric Events/Festivals Hellenic/Greek/Roman People Germanic Channeling Environment Travel Paranormal Renaissance/Medieval Voodoo History Search Now: Stregheria Italian Witchcraft Fabrisia's Boschetto Jen's Place
moon phases
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8. Welcome To Stregheria
Author Raven Grimassi's web site on Italian Witchcraft including FAQs, books, newsletter, and articles on stregheria.
The grove of Diana at the Arician Sanctuary I foresee that a day will come, and that perhaps not so very far distant, that the world of scholars will be amazed to consider to what a late period and immense body of antique tradition survived in northern Italy, and how indifferent the learned were regarding it; there having been in truth, only one man, and he a foreigner, who earnestly occupied himself with collecting and preserving it. Charles Godfrey Leland - 1899

9. The Walnut Tree Of Benevento An Introduction
It, like the Tree, has roots that run far too deep to ever disappear. “La VechiaReligione”, or the Old Religion, also called “stregheria”, is the
The Walnut Tree of Benevento: An Introduction
In every European country, the old folklore singles out a geographical location where the local witches gather at certain nights of the year. In some countries, these meeting places are numerous. In Germany, The Blocksberg, or the Venusberg is the traditional gathering place for the German hexen-wives and sorcerers. In Sweden, it was the Blocula Peak, and in Scotland, the Eildon Hills have this honor.
In Italy, The Old Town of Benevento was once home to a giant Walnut Tree, which was rumored to have magical properties. It was also the meeting place of the Italian Stregas and Streghones, the followers of Diana and her daughter Aradia, or Herodias. “The Game of Benevento” was a euphemistic name for the “Sabbat” or the “Treguenda”, as it is called in Italian.
The Great Tree represented many things, not the least of which was the gathering point, or the center of Diana’s Faith, and the point on earth where the Old Powers could meet with humanity. With it’s branches in the heavens and it’s roots in Hades, the Tree fulfilled much the same function as the old druidic sacred tree.
Although the Walnut Tree in Benevento was cut down, and the ground of the Treguenda-Stead fouled by Christian treachery, there stands today, on that spot, another great Tree.

10. Untitled Document
Articoli su Wicca, sciamanesimo, espressioni artistiche pagane, stregheria, news dal mondo pagano. Presente un forum su tali argomenti.

11. Stregheria At Jen's Palace
Everything you wanted to know about stregheria including my family traditions. Welcome to my page on stregheria. The reason for this page is to educate and bring lovely teachings pictures of

12. Thoughts From This Domestic Goddess On Elder Wicca
Information on the Old Religion and stregheria.

13. Stregheria -
Trivia Test your knowledge of Italy. stregheria Fabrisia s Boschetto Get a basicunderstanding of Italian witchcraft. Raven Grimassi What is stregheria?
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Get a basic understanding of Italian witchcraft. Learn about the deities, festivals, traditions, and more. Luce di Strega This is an informative site on Paganism and Italian witchcraft. Raven Grimassi What is stregheria? Learn about its history and find out more about the old religion. Stregheria Find out more about one of the oldest nature religion in the world. Featured Item I'm Not Scared by Niccolo Ammaniti Clothing/Novelties Italiansrus Wear Proudly display the colors of Italy with these great products.

14. Stregheria
The Legacy , A brief history of stregheria.

15. Stregheria
stregheria (or Strega) is traditional Italian witchcraft, and it dates back beyondthe modernday Wicca. Search. Pagan / Wiccan Religion, stregheria Guide picks.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Pagan / Wiccan Religion Paganism Stregheria Home Essentials Witch or Wiccan? What is Wicca? ... Site Map zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Wicca Paganism Book of Shadows Rituals ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Stregheria (or Strega) is traditional Italian witchcraft, and it dates back beyond the modern-day Wicca.
Back to Other Pagan Religions
Recent Up a category ... Aradia: Gospel of the Witches The text from Charles Leland's book, based on his research into Italian witchcraft and folklore. Fabrisia's Boschetto A fantastic site on Italian witchcraft, and much more. You'll be very familiar with all aspects of Stregheria by the time you are done here. Gods and Goddesses of the Streghe A short description of the deities of Stregheria. On Hereditary Italian Witchcraft An article on Italian witchcraft, by Raven Grimassi. Parallels with Modern Wicca Stregheria and Wicca have many similarities. Here are a variety of concepts that are common to both religions.

16. La Vecchia Religione
Extensive information on stregheria including traditions, beliefs, tools and spirits.
Stregheria - La Vecchia Religione Stregheria, La Vecchia Religione , is a tradition which began in Italy. It was passed down over generations, from parent to child. It has survived over time dispite repeated attempts by the church and other organizations to supress it. I first learned of the tradition by reading the brief blurb in Silver RavenWolf's To Ride a Silver Broomstick . I then set out to learn more, and discovered Ways of the Strega , by Raven Grimassi. As I read his book, I was reminded of stories I heard growing up, told by my grandmother. The more I read, the more things "clicked." Strega provided what the other traditions could not - solid footing. It is a wonderful feeling to have something so firm beneath you as you stretch upwards towards the God and Goddess. Deeper insight came in the form on an on-line study group first sponsored by Pandora, then taught by Amberlyn. I have gained much from this list, and am ever learning more. What follows is a glimpse into La Vecchia Religione . I have included on each page my own thoughts on what is mentioned. Some of the pages have references from Raven's book, others include parts of discussion from the Strega-list. I have tried my best to include all the credits. Some of the references from the list, unfortunately, were only saved in bits and pieces as I salvaged from my old server. If there is something that is yours, please

17. Stregheria Tradition In Pagan And Witchcraft Directory
Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan and Occult Resources. Pagan Religions and Traditions. stregheria. LaVecchia One follower s stregheria spell and ritual information.
Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan and Occult Resources
Pagan Religions and Traditions
Fabrisia's Boschetto - Fabrisia's Boschetto is dedicated to Stregheria, Italian Witchcraft, but also contains general information about Witchcraft for new and experienced seekers. La Vecchia - One follower's Stregheria spell and ritual information. La Vecchia Religione - Extensive information on Stregheria including traditions, beliefs, tools and spirits. Raven Grimassi and Stregheria - Author Raven Grimassi's web site on Italian Witchcraft including FAQs, books, newsletter, and articles on Stregheria. Southern Strega Strega Net - A large site on Stregheria, specifically Aradia. Includes many resources including a Book of Shadows, fallen angel information and related downloads for the PC. Strega-Italian Witchcraft - Information on Aradia, the tools and the traditions of the Stregheria followers. Stregheria - "The Legacy" A brief history of Stregheria Stregheria - This site includes a Class log on Stregheria, A list of some of the gods and their features, The Charge of Aradia, and A copy of "Aradia: Gospel of the Witches", by Leland. Stregheria - Basic information including a look at the history and traditions.

18. Menu.htm
stregheria Italian Witchcraft and is one of the oldest forms of documented Witchcraft in Europe. The Word "stregheria" means religion of Witches
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Main Page
Elder Wicca Stregheria My Spirituality ... Pagan Sites
Italian Witchcraft and is one of the oldest forms of documented Witchcraft in Europe. The Word "Stregheria" means religion of Witches. "Stregoneria is the Italian word for sorcery or magickal practices of Witches as opposed to their religion." (quote from Raven Grimassi's Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft.) Many forms of this religion differ from region to region in Italy. Many forms are Etruscan, medieval magick with Italic Paganism, Rural Forms, mostly in southern Italy and Sicilian Witchcraft.
ARADIA: A Holy woman that lived in the 14th Century in Italy. She taught Witchcraft and is considered to be an Avatar. Her teachings have been passed down through family lines which are incorporated in the Holy Strega.
AVATAR: One who has evolved beyond the need of human exsistance and who returns and teaches the ways of liberation from this physical plane.

19. CaCtusonline Stregheria
stregheria, la stregheria. Scegliete tema e rima appropriati,e inviate una maledizione a chi vi rende la vita impossibile.

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Includes a Witchcraft and stregheria forum, personals and friends listing.
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