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         Spiritualism:     more books (100)
  1. Spiritualism and Nineteenth-Century Letters by Russell M. Goldfarb, Clare R. Goldfarb, 1977-06
  2. dictionary of spiritualism by harry e wedeck, 1971
  3. The Dervishes: Or Oriental Spiritualism by John Porter Brown, 2010-03-31
  4. The Church And Spiritualism by Herbert Thurston, 2007-07-25
  5. A Companion to Anabaptism and Spiritualism, 1521-1700 (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition) by Stayer, J.M. (ed.), et all 2006-11-30
  6. The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism: Being a Brief Account of the Most Important Historical Phenomena, with a Criticism of Their Evidential Value by Hereward Carrington, 2010-01-01
  7. The death-blow to spiritualism: being the true story of the Fox sisters, as revealed by authority of by Reuben Briggs Davenport, 2009-10-03
  8. On the Threshold of the Unseen; An Examination of the Phenomena of Spiritualism and of the Evidence for Survival After Death by Sir William Barrett, 2009-12-26
  9. In Search of White Crows: Spiritualism, Parapsychology, and American Culture by Robert Laurence Moore, 1977-10-27
  10. Through a Glass Darkly: Spiritualism in the Browning Circle by Katherine H. Porter, 1972-06
  11. Transatlantic Spiritualism and Nineteenth-Century American Literature by Bridget Bennett, 2007-05-15
  12. Hidden Heresy?: Is Spiritualism Invading the Adventist Church? by Tom Mostert, 2005-06-30
  13. The Death-Blow to Spiritualism; Being the True Story of the Fox Sisters, as Revealed by Authority of Margaret Fox Kane and Catherine Fox Jencken by Reuben Briggs Davenport, 2010-01-03
  14. Modern Spiritualism: A History And A Criticism V2 by Frank Podmore, 2007-07-25

81. The Eternal Flame Forum
Discussions on spiritual matters. spiritualism and associated phenomena.
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82. What Is Spiritualism?
Translate this page ¿Que es el Espiritualismo? El Espiritualismo es una religión racional basada en el conocimiento probado que el espíritu del hombre [S].htm
En algún momento en sus vidastodos los hombres se hacen la pregunta "¿Que me pasara cuando me muero?" El Espiritualismo exige dar la respuesta definida a esta pregunta. Kenneth Meynell DSNU
July 1998 Updated November 2001
Home Page

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83. Spiritualists' National Union Web-Site
Information about spiritualism, and the union; membership details, and a directory of approved healers and mediums. Information on courses and events at the Arthur Findlay College.
or Internet Explorer Version 2 or above.

84. Spiritualism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
PORTAL Spirituality spiritualism 7 links will be displayed in category spiritualism Spirit Community spiritualism Spiritualists Chat.
From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
Spiritualism is a religion in which contact with the spirits of the dead through a medium is central. Spiritualism in its modern incarnation started in the mid-nineteenth century in the United States and essentially grew out of Christianity . It is still perceived as largely Christian in its broadest sense (although no one, least of all Spiritualists, would begin to claim that its beliefs were orthodox), but there are people from other traditions who happily take the title "Spiritualist" whose background is anything but Christian. See also Table of contents 1 Organizations 2 Specific Religions and Thought Currents 3 Theorists and Proponents 4 Well-known Believers ... edit
Specific Religions and Thought Currents
Theorists and Proponents
Well-known Believers
Critics and Exposers
Exposed Frauds
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PORTAL Spirituality spiritualism 7 links will be displayed in category spiritualism Spirit spiritualism Spiritualists Chat. Title

86. Terre Birmane
Offers trips to discover traditions and Buddhist spiritualism.

87. The Occult - Spirtualism
3 SPIRITISM , spiritualism ,. Art Gallery of Spiritism - spiritualism. There is no actual Hell, no ultimate judgment of man s life in spiritualism.
3- "SPIRITISM", "Spiritualism", Spiritism and Spiritualism Membership of Churches Spiritualism and Christianity
The Sceance
Religions Art Gallery
Spiristism is the third kind of the Occult: Divination attempts to foretell the future, Magic to change it, "Spiritism"
tries to communicate with the death to receive information and help from them. Spiritualism is Spiritism, but with the sacrilege of using Christian rites and prayers, misleading some ignorant attendants, specially in the Spiritualistic Churches, whose meetings may look like Christian services. There are many interesting phenomena related with Spiritism, often a fraud: .... 1- Materialization of spirits, Ectoplasms, Auras, Apport, Ghosts, Hunted Homes, Saints, Angels, Devils, Apparitions, Visions, Reincarnation... ... 2- Ouija, Psychics, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Levitation, Bilocation, Mesmerism, Psychometry... We will comment them. Membership: Spiritism may be mankind's oldest religion. Today there are an estimated 70 million Spiritists, popular in Brazil, England, France... - There has been an explosion of "Spiritualist Churches" in the last century, with taxes exemption status.

88. Maine State Spiritualist Association Of Churches
Modern spiritualism combines science, philosophy, and religion. Provides a calendar, links to member churches and camps, personal sites, and the history of spiritualism.
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Maine State Spiritualist Association of Churche s Spiritualism Lights Up My Life The Spiritual nature of human kind brings forth the Science, Philosophy and Religion of Modern Spiritualism. As we build our new web site we also build on the propagation of our beautiful religion. We thank you for your interest in Spiritualism and welcome you to our site. These are our current page projects: Web Links About Spiritualism Links to Member Churches and Camps Personal Sites Links About Spiritualism ... View My Guestbook This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit

89. Spiritualism
Here are a number of files describing how spiritualism/spiritism has entered the church through many traditions and rites. spiritualism.
The following links consist of the files describing the many aspects of spiritualism in the world and the church today. If you have any comments on any of the material or would like a particular topic covered, please do not hesitate to contact me at any of the addresses listed below.
Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive?
Modern Spiritualism

On the Throne of Sin

... Bible Prophecy
Print This Page Top of Page Recommend Page Last Updated: Saturday, 08 March 2003 by

90. Harrison D. Barrett Memorial Church, NSAC Spiritualism
Featuring Modern spiritualism Spirit Healing and Mediumship Church Services and Classes Fellowship and Caring. US based.
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About Spiritualism
Schedule Harrison D. Barrett Memorial Church, NSAC Front page

91. Spiritualism Definitions
spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy and Religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those
Portland Spiritualist Church NSAC Definitions and Declarations DEFINITIONS
Adopted by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches October 1914, 1919, 1930, 1950 Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy and Religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit World. (1919) Spiritualism Is a Science because it investigates, analyzes and classifies facts and manifestations demonstrated from the spirit side of life. Spiritualism Is a Philosophy because it studies the Laws of Nature both on the seen and unseen sides of life and bases its conclusions upon present observed facts. It accepts statements of observed facts of past ages and conclusions drawn therefrom, when sustained by reason and by results of observed facts of the present day. Spiritualism Is a Religion because it strives to understand and to comply with the Physical, Mental and Spiritual Laws of Nature, which are the laws of God. A Spiritualist is one who believes, as the basis of his or her religion, in the communication between this and the Spirit World by means of mediumship and who endeavors to mould his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communication. (1914, Rev. 1938) A Medium is one whose organism is sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world and through whose instrumentality, intelligences in that world are able to convey messages and produce the phenomena of Spiritualism. (1914)

92. Index1
Tidskrift om teosofi, parapsykologi, new age och spiritualism.
Teosofiskt Forum Halmstadsgatan 4, 252 52 Helsingborg. Tel 042-143311 e-post:
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93. Spiritualism Page
spiritualism. World Wide Spiritualist Church Directory. The Seven Principles of spiritualism. The Fatherhood of God. The Brotherhood of Man.
Home . Events Inspiration Links ... Therapies Spiritualism
World Wide Spiritualist Church Directory
The Seven Principles of Spiritualism The Fatherhood of God. The Brotherhood of Man. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels. The continuous existence of the human soul. Personal responsibility. Compensation and retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth. Eternal progress open to every human soul.
Falcons Spiritualist Mailing List

ADVENT (Modern Spiritualism). The coming into being, the start of Modern
Spiritualism....1848 in Hydesville, New York, at the home of the Fox family. ATTUNE. Raising ones consciousness, or rate of vibration, that one may come
into balance and harmony with that of the higher vibrations of the Spirit World
and the Divine Spirit. AURA. A Magnetic emanation, generated by the etheric and the forces of the
object or person. BALANCE. State of stability, of the body, mind and spirit. Control and
harmony. CATALEPTIC. Trance state produced by hypnotic power, induced by a decarnate

94. First Spiritual Temple Home Page
A NonDenominational Christian Spiritualist Church, deeply embedded within the philosophy of spiritualism. Making Sense of God, Christ, the Gifts of the Spirit, and Mediumship. Site contains a number of major articles on spiritualism.
The First Spiritual Temple is a nondenominational Christian Spiritualist Church, founded by Marcellus Seth Ayer on June 28, 1883. Our Christian faith is rooted within the philosophy rather than the modern movement's religion of Spiritualism. Our Spiritualism is both universal and ancient. We seek to understand the many and varied forms of Spiritualism which have existed upon our planet from the moment we stepped into physical form. We perceive Spiritualism as the process whereby all religions came into being as a result of communication with God and God's Kingdom of Spirit. Our fundamental doctrine states that God is Spirit, we are Spirit, our departed loved ones are Spirit, our "enemies" are Spirit; and that is how we are all connected. Marcellus Ayer founded our Church in order to address the growing needs of people to understand God, Spirit, Death and Dying, Jesus Christ, and the Bible in a more practical and working manner. He stood firm upon the highest ethics and standards in working with Spirit. We proudly carry that banner today. As part of our ministry, the First Spiritual Temple conducts the

95. Directory Of Alternative Medicine - Spiritualism -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-
Offers a categorized directory of alternative medicine web sites as well as an herbal glossary search utility and resources to promote Ayurveda remedies.
Home Top Ranked Join Edit Member Info ... Search Unique Pageviews Total Pageviews Unique Hits In Total Hits In Unique Hits Out Total Hits Out All Sites Acupressure Acutouch Alexander Technique Alexander Technique: Teachers Alexander Technique: United Kingdom Animal Healhcare Anthroposophic Medicine Anti-Aging Anti-Aging: Human Growth Hormone Anti-Aging: Human Growth Hormone: Homeopathic Anti-Aging: Human Growth Hormone: Releasers Anti-Aging: Organizations Anti-Aging: Practitioners Anti-Aging: Skin Care Apitherapy Aromatherapy Aromatherapy: Accessories Aromatherapy: Bodycare Products Aromatherapy: Candles Aromatherapy: Education Aromatherapy: Essential Oils Aromatherapy: Incense Aromatherapy: Ireland Aromatherapy: Magical Aromatherapy: Organizations Aromatherapy: Practitioners Aromatherapy: Resources Aromatherapy: Skeptics Aromatherapy: Soap Aromatherapy: United Kingdom Ayurveda Ayurveda: Books Ayurveda: Clinics Ayurveda: Products Ayurveda: Schools Biofeedback Books Bowen Therapy Breathwork Breathwork: Buteyko Breathwork: Rebirthing Cancer Chinese Medicine Chiropractic Chiropractic: Kinesiology Chiropractic: Organizations Chiropractic: Organizations: United States Chiropractic: Publications Chiropractic: Resources Coaching Coaching: Australia Coaching: Canada Coaching: United Kingdom Coaching: United States Colloidal Colloidal: Copper Colloidal: Gold Colloidal: Silver Colloidal: Zinc Colonic Cleansing Color Therapy Conferences Crystals Crystals: Organizations Directories Directories: United Kingdom: Ear Candles Energy Healing Energy Healing: Distant Healing: Practitioners

96. Spiritual Matters Index
A site about Pagan spiritualism, Goddess worship, and the Wicca with links to official Pagan organizations and networks.
Click here to Enter Click here to Enter

97. Andrew And Kim’s Web Page
Near Salisbury, in the UK. Programme of events, history of this lovely church and regularly updated articles on aspects of healing and spiritualism.
Wilton Spiritualist Church
Please Enter

98. ATAM MARG - Gateway To Spirituality
Atam Marg, Gateway to spiritualism, Spiritual magazine in hindi, english and punjabi, Other spiritual books,All about Vishav Gurmat Roohani Mission Charitable
What is the ultimate purpose of human life? How can one attain eternal peace and happiness? What do the holy scriptures teach/tell us? Do the fundamentals of all religions converge ? All the questions answered through a Monthly Magazine.
Monthly Issue of Atam Marg

The current and past issues in Gurmukhi and Hindi, which comprise of spiritual articles and personal experiences of the ones who have attempted to explore the path of spiritual happiness.Also has sections in English.
Yam and Niyam

What is spiritual discipline? The Do's and Dont's for the spiritual journey, as explained by Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji in the light of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

How to attain enlightenment and other books including an ancient treatise on Japji Sahib, that provide an in depth coverage of the various aspects of the spiritual journey.
Gurbani Kirtan and Vichar Tapes

Present and past discourses of Sant Isher Singh Ji (Rare Wale) and Sant Waryam Singh Ji are available in the form of audio/video tapes to all who are interested. Samples in real audio are also available online.
Evolution of Sikhism Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji (Rare Wale) A towering personality in the world of spiritualism. A revered sikh saint who gave divine inspiration to thousands to follow the teachings enshrined in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

99. About The First Spiritual Temple: Forerunners: Swedenborg
A brief historical perspective on the founding of the movement known as Modern spiritualism, presented by the First Spiritual Temple, Brookline, Massachusetts.
What We Believe Services and Ministries Sunday Worship Our Founder: Marcellus Seth Ayer ... Home
Forerunners to Modern Spiritualism:
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)
by Rev. Simeon Stefanidakis Arthur Conan Doyle, in his classic The History of Spiritualism, made the following comments concerning the Swedish seer, Emanuel Swedenborg: "When the first rays of the rising sun of spiritual knowledge fell upon the earth, they illuminated the greatest human mind before they shed their light on lesser men. That mountain peak of mentality was this great religious reformer and clairvoyant medium, as little understood by his own followers as ever the Christ has been. "In order fully to understand Swedenborg one would need to have a Swedenborg brain, and that is not met with once in a century." Emanuel Swedenborg was, truly, one of Europe's great minds; and it is to this that we can attribute the success of his mission as a teacher and philosopher of the Spirit. At that time, Spirit needed a vehicle to help lay the groundwork for what was to follow. Spirit needed a channel who would be respected amongst the world's great minds. Spirit needed a vehicle through whom they could open the eyes of men and women to the realities of spiritual communion and communication, without creating a cultural or theological shock.

100. How Have We Been Blind For This Long
Quotes. AKSUM. GODWASHINGTON. RELIGIOUSREVIVAL. spiritualism. Introduction, History, FAQS. What is spiritualism http//
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Ethiopianism-Ethiopiawinet Ethiopia is the metaphysical location where the spiritual and physical bind. It is the biblical and scientific location of the Garden of Eden, site of the tree of life, where original sin occurred Cure the ills of Ethiopia today and God will help us cure the ills of the world tomorrow through the metaphysical exchange of spiritual grace Ethiopiawinet
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