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62. What Is The Soka Gakkai International (SGI) ? In their daily practice of Nichiren buddhism, as individuals, soka gakkai members strive to cultivate and develop their inherent potential bychallenging to http://homepage.mac.com/philasgi/sgi.htm | |
63. H-Net Review: Charles Muller On Soka Gakkai English Buddhist Dictionary Committe The soka gakkai Dictionary of buddhism. The soka gakkai Dictionary of buddhism (hereafter SG dictionary) includes 2,700 entries in 837 pages. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=62531064888442 |
64. Soka Gakkai - Encyclopedia Article About Soka Gakkai. Free Access, No Registrati The soka gakkai International is the umbrella organization for affiliate lay organizations in over 186 countries practicing the buddhism. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Soka Gakkai | |
65. Sokagakkai Makiguchi founded the soka Kyoiku gakkai after he was converted to Nichiren Shoshu buddhism by a lay member with the help of the two priests of the Fuji School http://www.geocities.com/chris_holte/Buddhism/IssuesInBuddhism/sokagakkai.html | |
66. SGI And Human Rights human rights based on the humanistic spirit of buddhism, and to challenge the global issues that face humankind through dialogue soka gakkai (SGI) Charter. http://www.cebunet.com/sokashrines.htm | |
67. SOKA GAKKAI TODAY - PEACE? - Daisaku Ikeda The meeting was headed by soka gakkai Europe chairman Yuichiro Kitano several incidents discussed that SGI caused concerning their campaign against buddhism. http://www.cebunet.com/sgi/memo.htm?FACTNet |
68. NPR : New Religions, Part III: Soka Gakkai As part of our series on new religious movements, NPR s Mandalit del Barco explores a modern version of buddhism known as soka gakkai....... in the US http://npr.streamsage.com/google/programlist/feature.php?wfid=1894183 |
69. Society, Religion And Spirituality, Buddhism, Lineages, Nichiren, Soka Gakkai: R ComboSE The Combination Search Engine, Top Society Religion and Spirituality buddhism Lineages Nichiren soka gakkai Regional Groups. http://www.combose.com/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Buddhism/Lineages/Nichi | |
70. Soka Gakkai (SGI) Buddhist Experiences Online - Welcome Back! in soka Spirit for many years because I knew, based on faith, that the Temple Issue was of supreme significance in the very history of True buddhism on this http://www.gakkaionline.net/Experiences/WelcomeLilly.html | |
71. Soka Gakkai (SGI) Buddhist Experiences Online - From The Mailbag Fortune Encountering buddhism in India Power of Daimoku An American in Japan learns about the power of buddhism Mona s Uncle http://www.gakkaionline.net/Experiences/Mail.html | |
72. "WAR & PEACE" By Steve Sonoda - Soka Gakkai And Buddhism Of Nichiren the soka gakkai works for the elimination of war and affliction, and establishment of lasting stability, peace and prosperity, based on the buddhism of http://www.mindspring.com/~sonoda/mokuji.htm | |
73. Soka Gakkai International (SGI) And Buddhism Of Nichiren: Quest For Peace the soka gakkai works for theelimination of war and affliction, and establishment of lasting stablity, peace and prosperity, based on the buddhism of Nichiren http://www.mindspring.com/~sonoda/rissho3.htm | |
74. Can Japan Lead? Soka Gakkai Schmoozes War Crimes Symposium gakkai International is the political wing of a global religious cult hiding behind a Japanese form of buddhism and further add that soka gakkai is subversive. http://vikingphoenix.com/news/stn/2002/stn2002-005.htm | |
75. Viking Phoenix Web Page - Japan, Incorporated: Soka Gakkai political party. Is soka gakkai A Cult ?, death threats; soka gakkai and Nichiren buddhism; soka gakkai Today corruption exposed. http://vikingphoenix.com/public/JapanIncorporated/religion/soka_gakkai.htm | |
76. Refuting Nichiren Shoshu/Part I/Introduction the Japanese govern ment, continued to attend discussion meetings and promote the propagation of the Daishonin s buddhism, developing the soka gakkai into an http://www.sokaspirit.org/sgi_ns/RNSPart13.shtml | |
77. Jason Josephson: Soka Gakkai In America In the Boston area there are two large centers, not wholly distinct, for the promotion of both soka gakkai s brand of buddhism and nonsectarian humanism http://www.pluralism.org/affiliates/student/josephson/index.php | |
78. ORIENTALIA | Encyclopedia | International Dictionary Of Buddhism | SOKA+GAKKAI change. soka Education by Daisaku Ikeda July, 2001. 8. Books Global Citizens The soka gakkai Buddhist Movement in the World. Price http://www.orientalia.org/term439.html | |
79. Soka Sites Of Buddhist Links buddhism USA; soka gakkai International - SGI-USA. Guernsey Buddhist Group - The Guernsey District of the soka gakkai International of the United Kingdom. http://buddhistlinks.org/SokaSites.htm | |
80. Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . FEATURE . Soka University . May 2, 2003 | PBS feared that soka gakkai was bent on undermining the country s postwar separation of religion and politics and imposing its version of buddhism on Japanese http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/week635/feature.html | |
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