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101. The Religious Society Of Friends -- Encyclopædia Britannica Year in Review 1998 religion The Religious society of friends. MLA style The Religious society of friends. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=136403 |
102. Anchorage Religious Society Of Friends Questions and Counsel, 1988. The Anchorage Religious society of friends (also known as Quakers) is an unprogrammed worship group. This means http://mylibrarian.com/friends/ | |
103. Longwood Gardens - Tour - Tourist Information Center Railroad. The Religious society of friends George Fox established the Religious society of friends in mid 17thcentury England. http://www.longwoodgardens.org/Tour/TouristInfoCenter/MeetingHouse.htm | |
104. Quakers In The Southeast: SEYM (Society Of Friends) The Southeastern Yearly Meeting of the Religious society of friends ( Quakers ), United States. Upcoming events, meetings, contact information, maps, bulliten board, and faith and practice documents. http://www.seym.org | |
105. Bloomington Friends Meeting - Quaker This page provides information about the Bloomington Meeting of the society of friends and links to the society of friends in general. http://www.bloomington.in.us/~quaker/ | |
106. Society Of Friends Statement On Global Climate Change About the Responsibility to Address Global Climate Change society of friends Statement on Global Climate Change. At the June 2000 http://www.webofcreation.org/ncc/statements/sof.html | |
107. Quakers-in-ireland.org Site set up by Ireland Yearly Meeting in commemoration of the 350th year of Quaker Meetings in Ireland. Contains information on history, faith and witness of Friends (Quakers). http://www.quakers-in-ireland.org |
108. To The Society Of Friends Of Soviet Russia (In The United States) VI Lenin. To the society of friends of Soviet Russia. (In the United States) 1. Written 20 October 1922 First Published Pravda No. http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1922/oct/20b.htm | |
109. Giving: Women's Health Research At Yale (203) 7646609 Fax. Giving to Women s Health. society of friends. For more information on how to join the society of friends, please contact us. Top of page. http://info.med.yale.edu/womenshealth/giving/friends.html | |
110. Calendar Of Friends' (Quaker) Yearly Meetings - QuakerInfo.com Calendar of annual sessions of yearly meetings of the Religious society of friends (Quakers), and of important Quaker conferences and regional gatherings. http://www.quakerinfo.com/cym.shtml | |
111. Women S Health, Development Join Our society of friends. For more information on how to join our society of friends for Women s Health Research at Yale please contact http://info.med.yale.edu/womenshealth/development.html |
112. Society Of Friends The society of friends. The member. Members have free admittance to the museum and receive the Journals of the society of friends. http://cf.uba.uva.nl/apm/friend.html | |
113. Evangelical Friends Church Southwest Information about the faith, member churches, organization and programs of Evangelical Friends Church Southwest, a regional body of the society of friends in the Southwestern United States affiliated with Evangelical Friends International. http://www.efcsw.org/ | |
114. Society Of Friends (Quakers) - Godulike - An Irreverent Look At The Faith Indust society of friends (Quakers) When the sound of reflective silence is only broken with common sense solutions. http://www.godulike.co.uk/faiths.php?chapter=94&subject=intro |
115. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Quakers (the Religious Society Of Friends Quakers (the Religious society of friends) Wednesday October 30, 2002 Background and beliefs Quakerism was founded by George Fox during the 17thcentury http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,2763,714701,00.html | |
116. Welcome To Sidwell Friends School Coeducation K12 Quaker school affiliated with the Religious society of friends. Curriculum guide, events, admissions office, online research. http://www.sidwell.edu | |
117. Society Of Friends Scholarship society of friends. United society of friends Women Peggy Ann Lear 6014 Esteb Road Richmond, IN 473749415. John Sarrin Leadership http://www.ptsem.edu/open/scholarships/friends.htm | |
118. New York Yearly Meeting Official Web site of New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious society of friends, including directory of meetings, Faith and Practice, and the newsletter Spark. http://www.nyym.org | |
119. The Friend - Independent Quaker Journalism Since 1843 the Friend 14 May 2004. The society of friends of the Truth newsfeed edition. Death and resurrection. London Yearly Meeting in session in Bristol in 1937. http://www.thefriend.org/articledisplay-rss.asp?articleid=687 |
120. Society Of Friends Of The Museum society of friends OF THE MUSEUM. Chairman, Me Jacques Piller. Emanuel Gerber. Verena Schwalm. The aims of the society of friends of the Museum are as follows http://www.fr.ch/mhn/en/organoff/mhnaamis.htm | |
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