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81. CWN - Society Of Friends Places Of Worship society of friends COVENTRY Search CWN. MORE INFORMATION www.quaker.org. CWN / Religion / Places of Worship / society of friends, ©199597 Ecosaurus. http://www.coventry.org.uk/religion/worship/society_of_friends/ | |
82. How Friends (Quakers) Conduct Church Business, By Bill Samuel - QuakerInfo.com Information on how the Religious society of friends (Quakers) conducts church business its method of decision making. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quakmfb.shtml | |
83. Beliefnet.com Home Community Discussions society of friends (Quakers). society of friends (Quakers), Beliefnet welcomes the Religious society of friends! http://www.beliefnet.com/boards/boards_main.AllCategories.asp?Category=114 |
84. Beliefnet.com Protestantism Religious society of friends. BELIEFNET PICKS. Brings the concerns, experiences and testimonies of the Religious society of friends in Washington. http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_31936.html | |
85. Religion: Quaker Women In contrast with almost every other organized religion, the society of friends (Quakers) have allowed women to serve as ministers since the early 1800s. Herstory is about equality within the society of friends http://library.usask.ca/herstory/quaker.html | |
86. Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) - Some Information On Quakerism Religious society of friends (Quakers). The Religious society of friends (Quakers) had its beginnings in Great Britain in the middle of the 17th century. http://home.comcast.net/~wsamuel/quakers.html | |
87. Society Of Friends. , 1719 (1820) society of friends. Philadelphia Preferred citation. Cite as society of friends, Book of Discipline, American Philosophical Society. Provenance. http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/mole/s/discipline.htm | |
88. Quaker Environmentalism - QuakerInfo.com Article by Marshall Massey on history and principles of environmental concerns in the Religious society of friends. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quak_env.shtml | |
89. The Artist In The Society Of Friends The Artist in the society of friends. Then the society of friends places great value on the individual and values individuals for their diversity. http://home.att.net/~quakart/texts/wilson.htm | |
90. Christianity - Religious Society Of Friends Top Links Religious society of friends Web Site Links. Quaker Information Articles, news and other resources related to the Religious society of friends (Quakers). http://christianity-links.com/Denominations_Religious_Society_of_Friends.html | |
91. A Quaker Understanding Of Jesus Christ, Part 1, By Arthur O. Roberts - QuakerInf An exploration of how the Religious society of friends (Quakers) views Jesus Christ, by Arthur O. Roberts, Professorat-large, George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, USA. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quak_jc1.shtml | |
92. The Society Of Friends (Quakers) Christian Independent Religious society of friends (Quaker) Meeting House. Vocal Ministry - In a gathered meeting there may be http://www.wlv.ac.uk/chaplaincy/photoex/society_of_friends_(quakers).htm | |
93. Swarthmoor Hall Owned by the society of friends, The Quakers, and used for training and retreats. Also available for groups of people who might wish to organise their own events retreats, workshops - either on a self-catering or fully-catered basis. http://www.quaker.org.uk/contacts/educat/swarth.html | |
94. Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) Religious society of friends (Quakers), Friends House. 173177 Euston Road. LONDON. NW1 2BJ. Tel 020 7663 1000. Fax 020 7663 1001. Website http://www.theredirectory.org.uk/orgs/rsf.html | |
95. Richmond Declaration Of Faith Of 1887 - QuakerInfo.com The Richmond Declaration of Faith of 1887 is the classic statement of faith of the Orthodox branch of the Religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.quakerinfo.com/rdf.shtml | |
96. A Lively Concern: The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) A LIVELY CONCERN THE RELIGIOUS society of friends (QUAKERS). by Rachel MacNair. http://www.fnsa.org/fall98/macnair1.html | |
97. North Cumbria Quakers Guide to the meetings of The Religious society of friends (Quakers) in North Cumbria. http://northcumbria.quaker.eu.org | |
98. A Lively Concern: The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) A frame capable browser can be downloaded from Netscape Communications or Microsoft. Go to A Lively Concern The Religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.fnsa.org/fall98/macnair.html | |
99. Barclay's Apology The premier classical doctrinal book of the Religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.qhpress.org/texts/barclay/apology/ | |
100. Society Of Friends -- Encyclopædia Britannica society of friends. To cite this page MLA style society of friends. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=117346&tocid=0&query=quakers |
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