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41. Madison Monthly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) Madison Monthly Meeting of the society of friends 1704 Roberts Court Madison Wisconsin 537112029 (608) 256-2249 Send questions http://danenet.wicip.org/mmm/ | |
42. Fox Valley Friends Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends Religious society of friends (Quaker). in Northeastern Wisconsin USA. http://www.focol.org/quakers/ | |
43. Haverford College Libraries - Special Collections Homepage The Quaker Collection is a collection of material relating to the society of friends which includes many materials by and about Quakers. Other special collections are also described. Hours, staff and procedures for use of materials are detailed. http://www.haverford.edu/library/special/ | |
44. Tallahassee Friends Meeting Religious Society Of Friends Tallahassee Friends Meeting Religious society of friends. Susan Taylor, Clerk 2191223. All are welcome to join us for Meeting for Worship at the. http://www.tfn.net/~quakers/ | |
45. Society Of Friends Of The RAF Museum Print this page, Print this page. You are here RAF Museum Home / Hendon /. society of friends of the RAF Museum. society of friends. Policy Performance. http://www.rafmuseum.org.uk/hendon/friends/index.cfm | |
46. Joseph Gurney Minister for the society of friends. Played an active role in the prison reform movement and joined in the struggle against antislave trade. Wrote several books on religion and morality including Essays on the Evidence, Doctrines and Practical Operation of Christianity, The Moral Character of Jesus Christ, and Religion and the New Testament. (1788-1847) http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RAgurney.htm | |
47. "Negro Membership In The Society Of Friends," (Part 1) By Henry Cadbury (1936) NEGRO MEMBERSHIP IN THE society of friends (1). Henry Cadbury. Thus far no evidence has been given of actual membership by Negroes in the society of friends. http://www.qhpress.org/quakerpages/qwhp/hcjnh1.htm | |
48. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: CAN-ONT-QUAKERS For anyone researching their Quaker or Religious society of friends ancestors in Ontario, Canada. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Religion/CAN-ONT-QUAKERS.html | |
49. "Negro Membership In The Society Of Friends," (Part 2) By Henry Cadbury (1936) NEGRO MEMBERSHIP IN THE society of friends (1). Henry Cadbury. (Part Two). But she is explicitly referred to as a member of the society of friends. http://www.qhpress.org/quakerpages/qwhp/hcjnh2.htm | |
50. Information On Quakerism - Online Resources On The Religious Society Of Friends Articles, news and other resources related to the Religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.quakerinfo.com/ | |
51. George Fox Explains how he formed the society of friends and subsequently founded the American Quaker Colony of Pennsylvania. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REfox.htm | |
52. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF, the name adopted by a body of Christians, who, in law and general usage, are commonly called QUAKERS. society of friends. http://65.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FR/FRIENDS_SOCIETY_OF.htm | |
53. Religous Society Of Friends, Ojai CA This site has moved to http//homepage.mac.com/deweyval/OjaiFriends/index.html. Last modified May 2, 2004. http://home.earthlink.net/~vals/OjaiFriends/ | |
54. Friendly Bible Study Popular Bible study method originally published in pamphlet form by Quakers (members of the Religious society of friends) Joanne and Larry Spears. http://www.read-the-bible.org/FriendlyBibleStudy.htm | |
55. The Society Of Friends (Quakers) The Peel Web. The society of friends (Quakers). The society of friends owes its being to the personality of George Fox, who was born in 1624 in a Puritan home. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/terrace/adw03/peel/religion/quakers.htm | |
56. Joseph Lancaster Was a member of the society of friends. Opened a small school and introduced the monitorial system. As a Quaker he was unwilling to inflict physical pain on his pupils. In 1803 he published his first pamphlet, Improvements in Education, which explained the teaching methods that he used at the school. (17781838) http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RElancaster.htm | |
57. New England Yearly Meeting Of Friends George Fox, one of the early founders of the society of friends in seventeenth century England, had as a youth suffered great anguish as he sought an answer to http://www.neym.org/ | |
58. Quaker Joint Statement In Response To Threat Of War With Iraq wars and strife were . George Fox, Founder of the Religious society of friends (Quakers), 1651. The United States government stands http://www.ncccusa.org/iraq/quakers.html | |
59. Quaker Information Center Information about the Religious society of friends Quaker beliefs practices, history, organizations, literature, activities, and events; volunteer service opportunities; and some employment listings. http://www.quakerinfo.org/ | |
60. Membership In The Society Of Friends Maryland. It offers some queries for those who are considering membership in the Religious society of friends. Inquirers should http://www.qis.net/~daruma/member-q.html | |
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