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1. The Religious Society Of Friends The Religious society of friends. The society of friends in Victorian Britain; Anglicans, Puritans, and Quakers in SeventeenthCentury Newfoundland; http://www.quaker.org/ | |
2. Facts About Friends This leaflet provides a brief introduction to the Religious society of friends and we hope it will stimulate requests for further information which is http://www.quaker.org/friends.html | |
3. Friends General Conference (FGC): Quakers In The Unprogrammed Tradition Friends General Conference. of the Religious society of friends (Quakers) out to seekers and to other religious bodies inside and outside the wider Religious society of friends. http://www.fgcquaker.org/ | |
4. THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) AND HOMOSEXUALITY Excerpts taken from statements on the topics of homosexuality and bisexuality, and related resources. http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_quak.htm | |
5. Society Of Friends Group formed by George Fox and originally known as the Friends of Truth. Central dogma was that of the inner light, communicated directly to the individual soul by Christ. Eventually became known as Quakers. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REquakers.htm | |
6. PMachine to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious society of friends. This site includes information Betsy) Balderston, former executive secretary of the Friends Committee on Aging http://www.pym.org/ |
7. Quakers (Society Of Friends) Quakers society of friends in Illinois The Plainfield Quakers The society of friends in Fulton County, Illinois http://www.outfitters.com/illinois/history/family/quakers/quakers1.html | |
8. Friends United Meeting - Quaker - Christian Ministry, Publications, Outreach And Friends United Meeting online describes Quakers, Religious society of friends, and the programs of Friends United Meeting. Friends United Meeting is an international association of Friends http://www.fum.org/ | |
9. Religious Movements Homepage: The Religious Society Of Friends - Quakers This society of friends Page is your gateway to accessing comprehensiveweb based as well as print resources about the society of friends (AKA Quakers). Aspart of the New Religious Movements Name http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/quak.html | |
10. Humanist Society Of Friends An organization with Quaker roots which may legally ordain humanist ministers to perform similar services to theistic religions. http://www.hsof.org/ |
11. Quakers In Britain - BYM Main Page This is the Home page of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) the organisation representing the Religious society of friends (Quakers) in Great Britain. http://www.quaker.org.uk/ | |
12. Untitled Document THE RELIGIOUS society of friends (QUAKERS) IN AUSTRALIA. QUAKERS IN AUSTRALIA. Their Faith and Practice AustraliaWide Quaker Fellowship. QUAKERS AND PEACE. http://www.quakers.org.au/ | |
13. Quaker Café Notes on discussions over coffee of social science related subjects by people connected with the Religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.web.net/~peaceweb/cafmain.html |
14. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) RELIGIOUS society of friends. (QUAKERS). Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. The Religious society of friends is near the opposite end of the religious spectrum. http://www.religioustolerance.org/quaker.htm | |
15. Canadian Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) The Religious society of friends (Quakers) is a historic peace church with Meetings from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island. Canadian http://www.quaker.ca/ | |
16. Friends Of The People Whig Party. However, by November eightyseven branches of the society of friends had been established in Britain. On 30th April http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRfriends.htm | |
17. 57th Street Meeting Of Friends Hyde Park society of friends (Quaker) Meeting. Provides information on Quaker House Chicago, meeting times, articles on faith and practice, and contact details. http://www.57thstreetmeeting.org/ | |
18. Soc.religion.quaker Answers To Frequently Asked Questions Marc Mengel mengel.nospam@users.sourceforge.net Summary Assorted answers to questions frequently asked about the Religious society of friends (aka Quakers http://www.faqs.org/faqs/Quaker-faq/ | |
19. Quakers-Society Of Friends The Quakerssociety of friends. Please choose a topic History of the Quakers; The Doctrine; Organizational Structure; Bibliography; Quaker WWW Links. Comments? http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/~wking/blair/friends.htm | |
20. Friends Media Project- Faithful Witness This site supports spirit lead creative work in mass media (video, film, radio, Internet) about, for or by Quakers, The Religious society of friends. http://www.friendsmedia.org | |
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