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61. Home -- Oregon Conference Of SDA Covers western and central Oregon and a portion of southwest Washington, with headquarters in Clackamas. http://www.oregonconference.org/ | |
62. General Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists: Religion Collections In Libraries General Conference of seventhday adventists Archives. Bibliography. Guide to the Holdings of the Archives of the General Conference of seventh-day adventists. http://www.loc.gov/rr/main/religion/sevadv2.html | |
63. General Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists: Rebok Memorial Library: Religion C General Conference of seventhday adventists Rebok Memorial Library. Subject Headings. seventh-day adventists; White, Ellen Gould Harmon, 1827-1915. http://www.loc.gov/rr/main/religion/sevadv.html | |
64. Welcome To The All-Nations African Church Of Seventh-Day Adventists Providing a positive, spiritual and culturally sensitive environment for the African community residing in Southern California. San Bernandino, CA http://www.tagnet.org/africanchurch/ |
65. Upper Columbia Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists Seventhday Adventist headquarters in the Inland Northwest. Covers eastern Washington, the northern half of Idaho, and a portion of northeastern Oregon. http://www.uccsda.org/ | |
66. Washington Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denominations/Seventhday_Adventists/Denominational_Organization/North_American_Division_-_NAD http://www.techline.com/~waconf/ | |
67. 3 Secret Reasons Why Seventh-day Adventists Keep The Sabbath The 3 REAL REASONS why seventhday adventists keep the Sabbath. Adventists are unaware that their founder, made a trip to heaven http://www.bible.ca/7-White-halo.htm | |
68. Oklahoma Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denominations/Seventhday_Adventists/Denominational_Organization/North_American_Division_-_NAD http://www.tagnet.org/oksda/ | |
69. Official Creed Of Seventh-day Adventist Church seventhday adventists. Sabbath Keepers refuted website. 27 Fundamental beliefs of seventh-day adventists. Go to Seventh-day Adventist Offical Baptismal Vows. http://www.bible.ca/cr-SDA.htm | |
70. Beliefnet.com Home Community Discussions seventhday adventists Learn About seventh-day adventists. Learn About seventh-day adventists, http://www.beliefnet.com/boards/discussion_list.asp?boardID=31531 |
71. Northern Asia-Pacific Division Of Seventh-day Adventists Includes Japan Union Conference, Korean Union Conference, and South China Island Union Mission http://www.tagnet.org/brc/sdansd.html |
72. Beliefnet.com Home Community Discussions seventhday adventists. seventh-day adventists, Beliefnet welcomes seventh-day adventists! This discussion http://www.beliefnet.com/boards/boards_main.AllCategories.asp?Category=117 |
73. CHUM Provides the beliefs and history of Adventism in China. Lists Chinese language Seventhday Adventist churches worldwide. Connects to hospitals and universities directed by the Chinese Union Mission. http://www.chumsda.org/index_en.htm |
74. Christianity - Seventh-day Adventists Top Links seventhday adventists Web Site Links. General Conference of seventh-day adventists - Official site of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church. http://christianity-links.com/Denominations_Seventhday_Adventists.html | |
75. Indiana Conference Teaching people to become His disciples and responsible members of the Church. Representing Adventist church members in the State of Indiana. Carmel, IN http://www.indianaadventist.org/ | |
76. Walla Walla College About seventhday adventists. The group members also accepted the teaching of the Seventh-day Sabbath and eventually became known as seventh-day adventists. http://www.wwc.edu/about-us/sda.html | |
77. Minnesota Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denominations/Seventhday_Adventists/Denominational_Organization/North_American_Division_-_NAD/Mid-America_Union http://www.tagnet.org/minnesota/index.html |
78. Welcome To The Home Page Of The Dakota Conference Of SDA Headquarters site for the North and South Dakota churches, Schools, Academy, and Youth Camps of the Seventhday Adventist church. http://www.dakotasda.org/ | |
79. History Of Vegetarianism - Ellen G. White (1827 - 1915) History of Vegetarianism. Seventh Day Adventists Ellen G. White (18271915). The seventh-day adventists are strong promoters of good health. http://www.ivu.org/history/adventists/white.html | |
80. Probe Answers Our E-Mail: Seventh-Day Adventists Are seventhday adventists Christians or a Cult? . I have met some folks who are seventh-day adventists. Are seventh-day adventists Christian? http://www.probe.org/docs/e-7th.html | |
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