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         Set Temple Of:     more books (107)
  1. DragonLance: The New Adventures (8 Volume Set): Temple of the Dragonslayer/The Dying Kingdom/The Dragon Well/Return of the Sorceress/Dragon Sword/Dragon Day/Dragon Knight/Dragon Spell by Tim Waggoner, Stephen D. Sullivan, et all 2003
  2. Inferno , Purgatorio , Paradiso & the Vita Nuova and Canzoniere of Dante Alighieri : Four Volume Set (Temple Classics) by DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1924
  3. The Poetical Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes - Two Vol.Set (The Temple Library - 100 Copies for America, W/o number) by Thomas Beddoes, 1890
  4. THE WORKS OF SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE, BART., 4 VOL. SET by Sir William, Bart. Temple, 1770
  5. Phil Temple's Magic Set Collector's Newsletter Vol. 1 No.1 November 1995 by Phil Temple, 1995
  6. Psalm 150. Praise the Lord who dwells in his Temple. Set with antiphons for choir and congregation with organ by Timothy Baxter, 1967
  7. Black Tower: James Severson: Priest of the Temple of Set Arjuna on the Battlefield Volume One by James Severson, 1998
  8. Psalm 150. Praise the Lord who dwells in his Temple. Set with two antiphons for choir and congegation with organ by Timothy Baxter, 1968
  9. Tabernacle Temple Poster Set: 96 Pages
  10. Set in Stone, Fixed in Glass: The Great Mormon Temple and Its Photographers by Nelson B. Wadsworth, 1992-09
  11. Siberian Huskies (Dogs Set III) by Bob Temple, 2001-01
  12. Jack Russell Terriers (Dogs Set III) by Bob Temple, 2001-01
  13. Chihuahuas (Dogs Set III) by Bob Temple, 2001-01
  14. Scottish Terriers (Dogs Set III) by Bob Temple, 2001-01

A Russian continuation of Lord of the Rings set 300 years later.
"RING OF DARKNESS" by Nick Perumov A Russian continuation of J.R.R.Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" Middle-Earth 300 years later. Last Updated: Nov. 23, 2002 - yes! I'm alive! And I've resumed working on these. I have moved my site to , and that is where the translations shall now reside. I have permission from the author to continue, and I will put up the existing chapters and continue with the translations on the new website. This will remain, but will not longer be updated. Oh, and disregard the old email links throughout this site here, that email no longer exists, please mail me at "The West and East will shudder - The Power is in the Hand. Nine stars – a blue flower, A blue flower upon the blade." This book, written by Nick Perumov and published by "Severo-Zapad" ("North-West") in St-Petersburg, Russia in 1993, is a continuation of the book we have all come to love - J.R.R Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings". It deals with a hobbit, Folco Brandybuck, his dwarf friends Thorin and 'Kiddy' (the nickname of a dwarf named Strori), and their duty to stop the newest reincarnation of evil in Middle-Earth in the Fourth Age. This book consists of two volumes - "The Elven Blade" and "The Black Spear", which make up the "Ring of Darkness". (there is aso a third book called "Adamant (Diamond) of Henna", which I also hope to summarize - once I finish this project)

42. Internet Book Of Shadows: Temple Of Set (Lillith Aquino)
The temple of set, Is it Satanic? By Lilith no. The temple of set practices a completely nonChristianized, positive high Satanism . To

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43. Balanone's Temple Of Set FAQ
Balanone s temple of set FAQ. This member has demonstrated abilities in working with and representing set and the temple of set.
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Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ Newsgroups: alt.satanism alt.pagan alt.magick , alt.magick.order, alt.magick.tyagi Subject: Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ Summary: This posting describes the Temple of Set, answering questions frequently asked on newsgroups, mailing lists, and elsewhere. Date: 17 Apr 2004 11:27:52 GMT Archive-name: religions/temple-of-set Title: Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ Posting-Frequency: monthly, quarterly to soc.religion.paganism Last-modified: 2001/12/29 Version: 1.2.6 URL: . IMO the HTML version of this FAQ is much more readable; it can be found at This FAQ's answers are intentionally brief and concise, sometimes excessively so, to keep this document's size down. More detailed information is available in the companion document, "Balanone's Temple of Set REF." That REF can be obtained from

44. Order Of Leviathan Home
An Order of the temple of set
Order of Leviathan Home This is the home page of the Order of Leviathan, an initiatory Order within the Temple of Set , dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge in its myriad forms, especially as related to the immortalization of the individual psyche. From this page you can access articles which briefly introduce core concepts and philosophies of the Order of Leviathan, and find out what we are really all about. New articles and information will be added periodically, also information of Order publications or articles which may, in the future, be made publicly available. Membership in the Order of Leviathan is open only to Recognized Adepts of the Temple of Set ; literature relating to the Temple is available via the following address:
The Temple of Set
P.O. Box
San Francisco CA USA
The Order of Leviathan
Contact (E-Mail)
The Order of Leviathan

45. Satanism Today
temple of set Satanism with Egyptian roots. temple of set has recognizable Egyptian appearance initiated names of the followers are also distinctly Egyptian.
Temple of Set
Satanism with Egyptian roots
Temple of Set was founded in 1975 by Michael Aquino, former La Vey's follower who left the Church of Satan due to a difference in opinion.
Just as the name says -this Satanic denomination worships Set.
Set was a god in Ancient Egypt, also known as Setegh and Suteh.
He was god of weapons, darkness, desert wind, and disasters, protector of foreigners.
Center of his cult was in Ombos, in upper Egypt. According to Egyptian myth, Set killed his brother, god Osiris, and was later defeated by Horus, son of Osiris.
In the 10 century BC, during XXII dynasty, his cult was persecuted. Set is usually represented as a man with a head of some animal with long ears. Most common interpretations are that it represents hyena or wild donkey.
Later on, word Set evolved into Shatan (Hebrew), Satan (xtian), and later into Sheitan (Arabic).
Temple of Set has recognizable Egyptian appearance - initiated names of the followers are also distinctly Egyptian.
This is an excerpt from General Information Letter of Temple of Set.

46. The Temple Of St. Vincent
Memento Mori Promise dreamer15 Keeper of the Paper Hearts FireCat Keeper of the Sacred Pusher tape Amy High Priestess of the temple of Modell; no other
"You are one damn fine-looking man." Eddie VanBlundht, "Small Potatoes," written by UberVince CLICK HERE for some background music approved by our Saint Himself (he listened to it over and over while writing "Bad Blood"). Known to some as St. Vince, UberVince, The Man, or The Anti-Chris [Carter], the unutterably adorable Vince Gilligan is one of The X-Files 's most successful writers. His episodes are some of the fans' favorites, and "Small Potatoes" was chosen by TV Guide as one of the 100 greatest episodes of ANYTHING of all time. The episodes he has written or co-written have had depth and sensitivity, often showing sides of our two favorite characters we had not seen before. That picture's about 8 years old... here's another more recent one, of him and his XF cronies at a reception for 1997 Emmy nominees sponsored by the Writers Guild of America: He's the one on the right. The others are Frank "I can't button my shirt!" Spotnitz and John "GoatSucker" Schiban, neither of whom have half the track record St. Vince does. Hehehehe. Here's one of the Three Stooges (Vince, Frank, and John) at the L.A X-Files eXpo:

47. Kriminalportal - Thema: Okkultistisch-traditioneller Satanismus-Temple Of Set
temple of set des Dr. Michael A. Aquino.
Okkultistisch-traditioneller Satanismus-Temple of Set
Der okkultistisch-traditonelle Satanismus akzeptiert das Welt- und Geschichtsverständnis der Bibel. Für ihn ist Gott eine nicht zu leugnende Tatsache. Satan, der Gegenspieler Gottes, ist der Herrscher dieser Welt. Seine Power wird sich durchsetzen und insofern ist das Christentum ein Auslaufmodell. Wir finden bei den Organisationen, Logen, Orden und Gruppen dieses Typos einen ausgeprägten Dualismus (Schwarz-Weiss-Denken) vor. Außerdem wird anhand von Indizes versucht, dieses Welt- und Glaubensbild zu stützen. Dazu dienen die vielen Kriege in der Welt mit ihren Greueltaten, menschliche Gemeinheiten und gesellschaftliche Brutalitäten als Beweise. Ein typischer Vertreter dieser Gattung ist der "Temple of Set" des Dr. Michael A. Aquino. Durch die Anrufung des "Fürsten der Finsternis" suchte Aquino eine höhere Legitimation für die Neugründung seiner Organisation.
1975 fand die große Spaltung statt, aus dem der "Temple of Set" als wichtigste Gruppierung hervorging. mit dem Vorwurf an die Adresse LaVey's, er würde "satanistische Priesterweihen" verkaufen. Die Mehrheit der Anhänger der "Church of Satan" in den USA, vermutlich über 500 Priester, wechselten in das Lager von Aquinos "Temple of Set" Heute die dürfte die "Church of Satan" dank der Zunahme von "Unterabteilungen" weltweit durchaus wieder eine Rolle spielen. Zu ihr zählen sich u.a. "Order of the Evil Eye". Auch hier, ähnlich wie bei Crowley, bekommt der Visionär Kontakt mit einer "dunklen Gottheit", die sich als "Set" aus der ägyptischen Mythologie identifizieren läßt und ihm durch Diktat das "Buch des Lebens", das spätere zentrale Werk des Temple, offenbart. 1975 wird der "Temple of Set" in den USA als gemeinnützige Kirche mit einhergehender Steuerbefreiung staatlicherseits anerkannt.

48. What Is The Temple Of Yehwe
priests and Protestant pastors of the many Christian denominations have set up the the decision has been made to name the new Corporation The temple of Yehwe.

Register here

The Temple of Yehwe
is an offshoot of Le Péristyle de Mariani which was founded in 1974 in Mariani, Haiti by Max-G. Beauvoir . Both institutions have been dedicated to the understanding and to the promotion of Vodoun as the Religion and the Culture of the Haitian people. Vodoun, is the popular system of belief and the religious practice of the overwhelming majority of the population of Haiti. Its moral precepts, generally admitted as unfailing, embrace all the many aspects of life. May them be in the political, the social or the economics' domains, may them be in the foreign affairs, or else, may them be in the public, domestic or individual fields of activity, the fundamental tendency is to consider all vital issues from a Vodoun standpoint. Family's disagreements, discords between employer and employee, disputes concerning land ownership, differences of opinion and of point of views, problems created by birth, education, health, work, death...find their solutions in Vodoun, for that system of belief is the interpersonal as well as the collective conflicts mediator of the Haitian people. For, implicitly enfolded in the entire Vodoun system, is a "Code of Ethics" which accurately fits the socio-cultural, historical, political and economic realities of the community and serves as an instrument of peace and harmony for everyone.

49. The Order Of Setne Khamuast
An Order of the temple of set dedicated to the reviving of the great Tradition through a mixture of scholarship and magical practice for the purpose of Xeper.

"Ten measures of magic have come into the world. Egypt received nine of these, the rest of the world one measure." Talmud, b. Quid. 49b
Setne Khamuast wun 'wy nw(t) pet per m kerh r irt merr(t) -f nbt tp-ta m-m 'nkaw. Set-is-Beautiful, a Power manifests in Thebes, who opens the doors of the sky, shall come forth by Night to do all he wishes upon the world among the living.
The Order of Setne Khamuast is an Order of the Temple of Set dedicated to the reviving of the great Tradition through a mixture of scholarship and magical practice for the purpose of Xeper, or willed self-development. It is open to members of the II*+ members of the Temple of Set who have been Recognized to the Degree of Adept. Setne Khamuast was the fourth son of Ramses II. As a soldier he distinguished himself in the campaigns in Israel and the Sudan. He is perhaps the author of the famed lost papyrus, "Scroll of Producing Terror and Respect" mentioned in the story of Ramses III. As an Egyptologist he began a careful series of diggings to claim back from the sand the monuments that were lost, and more importantly he created a magical library, the Ramuessum, to serve as the mortuary chapel of his father. The gathering of scrolls in a centralized place for study was a first and changed Egyptian and eventually world magical practice. Because of his interest in magical literature, the Greeks called him "King of the Magicians" and a story circulated about him a thousand years after his death as to how he had found the "Book of Toth."

50. | Temple Of Set Reading List
temple of set Reading List. temple It is available within the temple of set and to legitimate research academic institutions only. For

Webmasters Make $$$
About Community Bad Ideas ... ABOUT
Temple of Set Reading List
"Temple of Set Reading List:
Category 6 - Satanism" (6/1/88CE)
Weirdbase file version by TS permission
by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set
Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041
Satanism is the "Blackest" of the Black Arts and until the North Solstice X
encompassed the most advanced - and the most dangerous - school of religion
and magical knowledge Because its doctrines are intensely personal, hence
asocial, conventional societies have tended to regard it as a threat to the
docile, cooperative obedience of the citizenry. This bias against Satanism as something "necessarily criminal" will be evident in some of the following accounts, and it frequently resulted in persecution that drove Satanists even farther from the social mainstream. In 1966 CE (the year I of the ~on of Set) Anton Szandor LaVey founded the Church of Satan, an institution designed to translate the philosophy of Satanism into a socially- acceptable form. In X A.S. the Church of Satan evolved into the Temple of Set, at which

51. Temple Of Set
Personal web site of the Grand Master of the Order of Xnum, intended to provide accurate information, essays, contacts, links, and resources about the temple of set.

52. | Temple Of Set Reading List
temple of set Reading List. temple In general it follows the same kind of plan as that of the rest of the temple of set Reading List. The

Webmasters Make $$$
About Community Bad Ideas ... ABOUT
Temple of Set Reading List
"Temple of Set Reading List:
Category 24 - Runic Arts and Sciences" (4/1/90CE)
Weirdbase file version by TS permission
by Michael A. Aquino, Ipsissimus VI* Temple of Set
Electronic mail: MCI-Mail 278-4041
The significance of this category of the reading list goes far beyond its
specific subject material. It involves, quite bluntly, a major re-writing of
the history of western European civilization. Until now, the "history of
Europe" surveys taught in most universities have addressed the history of
Christian Europe: the feudal states and nations which emerged following the decline of the Roman Empire Pre-Christian [or later non-Christian] Europe was considered "uncivilized", hence good for little other than a few anecdotes of marauding Goths, Vikings, Picts, and the like The so-called "neo-pagan" or "Wiccan" religion invented by post-World War II enthusiasts has further confused the situation by representing a rag-bag of medieval and modern fables and superstitions as a quasi-unified, Hippie-type

53. Public Archdaimon InfernusPylon Gateway To The Temple Of Set
Los Angeles, Southern California Pylon of the temple of set.
Temple of Set Correspondence and Los Angeles Membership ArchDaimon Infurnace Pylon Information: (c) 2001 - 2004 Temple of Set

54. Esoteric - Temple Of Set Top Links
temple of set Web Site Links. Order of the Trapezoid The most culturally diverse order in the temple of set. The temple of set Is it Satanic?

Esoteric and Occult
Sub-Categories Archives of Past Documents
Temple of Set Web Site Links Order of the Trapezoid - The most culturally diverse order in the Temple of Set.
Black Phoenix Pylon
- Gateway to the Fane of the Black Flame on the Texas Gulf Coast
Order of Leviathan
- An Order of the Temple of Set
Book of Thoughts
- Personal homepage by S. Lohmeier. [English and German]
Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ
- FAQ concerning the Temple of Set The Temple of Set is probably best described as an initiatory magical order of the Left Hand Path.
Ankokumon Pylon
- Temple of Set Pylon located in Japan, for members living in Japan.
Aquino, Dr. Michael A., VI*
- Fictional works: The DaRk SIDe, Secret of the Lost Ark, and Grail Mission
Balanone's Temple of Set Information Site
- Information site concerning the Temple of Set created by Balanone, long-time member of the Temple
- Official website of the Temple of Set in North Europe
Order of Setne Khamuast
- An Order of the Temple of Set dedicated to the reviving of the great Tradition through a mixture of scholarship and magical practice for the purpose of Xeper. Magister Pridgen - Personal web site of the Grand Master of the Order of Xnum, intended to provide accurate information, essays, contacts, links, and resources about the Temple of Set.

55. The Order Of The White Wolf - Temple Of Set - Main Page
temple Of set. Post Office Box 470307 San Francisco, CA 94147 USA MCIMail 314-3953 Internet Telex 6503143953. temple Of set Documents
Temple Of Set Post Office Box 470307
San Francisco, CA 94147
MCI-Mail: 314-3953
Telex: 6503143953 Back To Main Satanism Page Temple Of Set Documents:
General Information and Admissions Policies The Crystal Table of Set The Law of One Set in Egyption Theology

(c) 1986-1994CE Temple of Set
- Updated May 24, 1994 CE - The Temple of Set is an institution unlike any you have previously encountered. Before you can make an informed decision concerning possible affiliation, it is necessary for you to consider the history of the Temple, its basic tenets, its current design and programs, and the benefits and obligations incurred by each Setian. HISTORY OF THE TEMPLE While the Temple of Set as an organization was formally incorporated in 1975 CE, its magical and philosophical roots are prehistoric, originating in mankind's first apprehension that there is "something different" about the human race - a sense of *self-consciousness* that places humanity apart from and above all other known forms of life. Ancient religions - of which those of Egypt are generally acknowledged the eldest - either exalted or feared this self- consciousness. Those which exalted it took the position that the human psyche is capable of opposition to and domination of the forces of nature. Those fearing it warned man that such a presumption of independence would be sinful and dangerous. Therefore, they said, such "will to power" should be concealed, sublimated - and if necessary punished and exterminated - that mankind might return to an Eden-like "state of nature" untroubled by the burdens of having to take responsibility for decisions, judgments, and actions based upon an essentially personal determination of "good" and "evil".

56. The Gates Of Hell
Designed to be used by those Initiates of the temple of set who are either geographically distant from one another or who prefer to work in an isolated environment.
The Gates of Hell
This is the official website of the Gates of Hell Pylon. Statements on this pylon website are expressions of the members of the pylon, and do not represent the official policies of the Temple of Set.

57. Esoteric And Occult: Temple Of Set
Esoteric and Occult temple of set. Ankokumon Pylon. temple of set Pylon located in Japan, for members living in Japan. Aquino, Dr. Michael A., VI*.
Esoteric and Occult: Temple of Set
Home Society Religion and Spirituality Esoteric and Occult : Temple of Set Archives of Past Documents google_ad_client = 'pub-3272565765518472';google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;google_ad_format = '336x280_as';google_color_border = 'FFFFFF';google_color_bg = 'FFFFFF';google_ad_channel ='7485447737';google_alternate_color = 'FFFFFF';google_color_link = '0000FF';google_color_url = '008000';google_color_text = '000000';
Standard Listings
Ankokumon Pylon
Temple of Set Pylon located in Japan, for members living in Japan.
Aquino, Dr. Michael A., VI*
Fictional works: The DaRk SIDe, Secret of the Lost Ark, and Grail Mission.
Archdaimon Infernus Pylon
Los Angeles, Southern California Pylon of the Temple of Set.
Balanone's Temple of Set FAQ
Handy FAQ concerning the Temple of Set The Temple of Set is probably best described as an initiatory magical order of the Left Hand Path.
Balanone's Temple of Set Information Site
Information site concerning the Temple of Set created by Balanone, long-time member of the Temple
Black Phoenix Pylon
Gateway to the Fane of the Black Flame on the Texas Gulf Coast
Official website of the Temple of Set in North Europe
Magister Pridgen
Personal web site of the Grand Master of the Order of Xnum, intended to provide accurate information, essays, contacts, links, and resources about...

58. Enter The Living Temple
The philosophy department of the temple of set. Its focus is the practice of philosophy as an initiatory discipline.
"I am Xnum, your maker! My arms are around you, to steady your body, to safeguard your limbs. I bestow on you stones upon stones; since former times nobody ever worked with them to build the temples of the gods. For I am the master who makes, I am he who makes himself exalted in Nun, who first came forth, Hapy who hurries at will; fashioner of everybody, guide of each man." The Dream of Zoser, Col. 18-20 of the Famine Stele
The Order of Xnum is the philosophy department of the Temple of Set. Its focus is the practice of philosophy as an initiatory discipline. Philosophy has been translated from the Greek as "passion for wisdom." Initiates of the Order of Xnum will demonstrate this passion through the active pursuit and gradual embodiment of wisdom. Xnum is the personification par excellence of that which guides and informs the philosopher's path. By Hellenistic times the cult of Xnum had been absorbed into the cult of agathodaimon because Xnum, as is quoted above, was understood to be the "fashioner of everybody, guide of each man." As this dovetails rather nicely with the Socratic tradition of the daimon and the Platonic principle of the agathon it's not surprising that such a synthesis occurred.

59. Vampire Strategy Guide - IGNguides
London temple of set Upon Behind those are steps that will lead to the brothel, where you will gain access to the temple of set. Inside
London: Temple of Set Upon exiting the Society of Leopold, Christoph will encounter a mugger who has no idea who he just approached. After confronting the criminal in an alleyway, Christoph will be dressed in modern day gear. Explore London a little, and feed on anyone in the shadows if you absolutely must, but be very careful of police patrolling the area. Meeting Pink... And exploring London with him. Locate Club Tenebrae, and go inside to meet Pink. During the conversation, you will be presenting with a choice, then say: Milord Pink, thou art honorable. I accept thy kindly offer." After that, Pink will become the first modern day member of your coterie. Upon exiting the club, you will have another conversation choice, and I choose: "They are marvels indeed." Soon you will get another choice: "The Lord completed the world in six days. And that means that faith has not died in these eight hundred years." He will also inform you of a weapons shop where you can buy and sell armor and modern weapons to prepare for the battle ahead. He to the place he tells you to, and equip both characters, also buy an extra set of armor and an extra weapon as you will be gaining a new coterie member soon. Finding the brothel...

60. Hollyfeld Esoteric Archives (directory: /Usenet/Satanism/Tos)
A directory of various documents concerning the temple of set and setian philosophy and activity, from a variety of sources.
Hollyfeld Esoteric Archives (directory: /Usenet/Satanism/Tos)
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