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1. The Sephardi Connection The sephardi Connection, About this Community Welcome to the sephardi Connection. We are a very The sephardi Connection 19972000. http://sephardiconnect.com/ | |
2. North West London Sephardi Minyan North West London sephardi Minyan A friendly minyan with Gibraltarian customs.. Pls click to continue if you cannot view Intro above. http://www.geocities.com/nwl_sephmin/ | |
3. American Sephardic Federation With Sephardic House American sephardi Federation. (Library, Genealogy, Arab Lands. Membership, Scholarship). sephardic House. © 2004 American sephardi Federation with sephardic House. http://www.asfonline.org/ | |
4. Etsi - Sephardi Genealogical And Historical Society sephardi Genealogical and Historical Society, Association de Genealogie et d Histoire Sefarades. sephardi Genealogical and Historical Society. http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/1321/ | |
5. Sephardi Orientation in Judaism. Article in the Encyclopaedia of the Orient The language of the sephardi was Ladino, a language no longer in any vernacular use The rituals of the sephardi were of the http://i-cias.com/e.o/jud_seph.htm | |
6. BENVENISTE'S HOME PAGE Articles dealing with the history of sephardic Jews, with a special interest in Crypto Jews. http://home.earthlink.net/~benven/ | |
7. Sephardic Studies Caucus The central aim of the sephardi/Mizrahi Studies Caucus is to promote the integration of sephardi and Mizrahi Studies into general Jewish Studies, both in http://www.princeton.edu/~rsimon/ssc.htm | |
8. Hanukkah Hanukkah. Hanukkah Halakhot sephardicFrom the Judaic Studies Seminar. Hanukkah From the Midrash Ben Ish Hai sephardic-Iraqi tradition. http://sephardiconnect.com/hanukkah.htm | |
9. Sephardi sephardi is a term also used to distinguish between the two major divisions (actually the differences are quite However, to a "sephardi", there is a difference based on countries of http://www.jewishwebindex.com/Sephardi.htm | |
10. The Sephardi Connection sephardic Cultural center in Cyberspace, fifteen interactive forums, library database, news, and many other features. not familiar with the term sephardi. sephardi Tahor. Who is an Arab Jew? http://www.sephardiconnect.com/ | |
11. American Sephardic Federation Portal American sephardi Federation At the Center for Jewish History 15 West 16 Street, New York, NY 10011 Tel(212)2948350 Fax (212) 294-8348 E-Mail jmintzroth@asf http://www.asfonline.org/portal/ | |
12. Song Of Songs Chant: Sephardi A Biblical chant in the sephardic tradition, with audio files by cantor Solomon Amzallay of Morocco. http://philae.sas.upenn.edu/~jtreat/song/sephardi/ | |
13. Merriam-Webster Online MerriamWebster provides a free online dictionary, thesaurus, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, word games, and other English language resources. One entry found for sephardi. Main Entry Se·phar·di Get the Top 10 Search Results for "sephardi" For More Information on "sephardi" go to Britannica.com http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=sephardi |
14. Kleyne Lider Jewish folk songs from the Yiddish and Ladino/sephardi heritage, performed by a group based in Stuttgart. With member profiles, release information, and links. http://hometown.aol.com/kleynelider/ | |
15. Welcome To Torah Scrolls Kosher Sepher Torahs, sephardi and Askenazi, available for personal use, Bible exhibition or congregations. http://www.scrolls.tv | |
16. Jewish And Israeli Web Directory And Search Engine: Synagogues And Movements/Sep Top Links ». Online Jewish Dating ». SomethingJewish ». JewishReunion. Search the Jewish Web. the entire directory. only this category . Add A Link New Links - Cool Links - Random Link Home http://www.jewish.net/links/Synagogues_and_Movements/Sephardi/index.shtml | |
17. Song Of Songs Chant: Sephardi Song of Songs Chant. sephardic Tradition. This is a sample of how the Song of Songs is sung in the sephardic tradition. The sample http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~jtreat/song/sephardi/ | |
18. Hanukkah Halakha, observances, and recipes. (From The sephardi Connection.) http://www.sephardiconnect.com/hanukkah.htm | |
19. Judaism And Jewish Resources - Andrew Tannenbaum Judaism and Jewish resources in a popular and wellorganized index, carefully monitored to ensure that all links are active. On the web since 1993. Yiddish. Hebrew. sephardi. Arts. Museums and Exhibitions the American Jewish Historical Society, American sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum http://www.shamash.org/trb/judaism.html | |
20. Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel History of the sephardi in Los Angeles. http://www.home.earthlink.net/~benven/STTI.htm | |
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