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121. Scientology New Religions scientology. An Introduction to scientology (from a critical perspective) http//www.modemac.com/cos/ Available in English, French, Spanish. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/rel/n-sology.htm | |
122. Grande Mostra Di Scientology Descrizione dettagliata e itinerario europeo con le date di apertura di un'esposizione, inaugurata a Milano, sulla religione e sul suo impegno sociale . http://esposizione.scientologia.it/ | |
123. Scientology - Science Or New Age Cult? scientology. Science or New Age Cult?*. More Detail on scientologys Wide Array of Front Groups and Financial Scams (Source 5/6/91, Time Magazine) http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Cults/scientol.htm | |
124. The Church Of Scientology The Church of scientology. Extract from the book The Church of scientology by J. Gordon Melton The Organization of scientology The Structure of the Church. http://www.americanreligion.org/books/scientology.html | |
125. Scientology Kerk Amsterdam Over de filosofie, overzicht van boeken en links naar de Amerikaanse moederorganisatie. http://www.scientology-amsterdam.org/ | |
126. Church Of Scientology - The Foundation For Religious Freedom scientology. (THE CHURCH OF scientology). scientology potential. In 1954, the first Church of scientology was established in Los Angeles, California. http://www.forf.org/news/2004/scientology.html | |
127. Nu.nl/internet | Priority Sluit Provider Af Wegens Scientology-site Nieuwsbericht. http://nu.nl/document?n=54218&___cookie2__=S41017102028976692 |
128. Church Of Scientology Of Pasadena What is scientology ® applied religious philosophy? Gail Carroll Executive Director. Church of scientology of Pasadena 1277 East Colorado Blvd. http://www.citycent.com/scientology/ | |
129. Scientology E Dianetics: Una Minaccia Per La Società, Per La Salute E Per Le Fi Fornisce informazioni critiche su scientology e Dianetics. Pubblica documentazioni e testimonianze da tutto il mondo. http://www.snafu.de/~tilman/scientology_italiano.html | |
130. Scientology: The Thriving Cult Of Greed And Power scientology poses as a religion but really is a ruthless global scam and aiming for the mainstream. scientology makes its presence felt in Europe and Canada. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Secrets/Fishman/time-behar.html | |
131. News & Opinion: Conversion Course (The Boston Phoenix . 02-02-98) Review of the scientology film Orientation. http://weeklywire.com/ww/02-02-98/boston_feature_1.html | |
132. Scientology Theology Reference. Theology & Practice Of A Contemporary Religion: scientology presents a clearly defined and workable route to spiritual awareness and self improvement. The Church of scientology was established in 1954. http://theology.scientology.org/ | |
133. New Church Of Scientology Building In Clearwater, Florida Laying the foundation for the construction of the new building for the Church of scientology in Clearwater, Florida. http://clearwater-scientology.theflaglandbase.org | |
134. A.r.scientology Acronym/Terminology FAQ V3.5 ar.scientology Acronym/Terminology FAQ v3.5. There are reader questions on this topic! Help One of many scientology frontgroups. The http://www.faqs.org/faqs/scientology/dictionary/ | |
135. Scientologi: En Nutidig Religions Teologi Og Praksis Generel info om religionen Scientologi. http://danish.theology.scientology.org | |
136. Anti $cientology Links Uman international is a well known front for scientology, using scientology tech scantily dressed up as human resources management and testing . http://www.algonet.se/~flax/scientology.html | |
137. VNN - Europe Coverage of testimony about intolerance in Europe. Witnesses included Church of scientology members John Travolta and Chick Corea. http://www.vnn.org/europe/970920-1045/ | |
138. Net Archive Silences Scientology Critic | CNET News.com Net archive silences scientology critic Buckling under pressure from the Church of scientology, the Internet Archive wipes out links to all the archival http://news.com.com/2100-1023-959236.html | |
139. Floridian: Real Problems With A Fictional Movie Discussion of The Profit and the Church of scientology, with pictures from the movie. http://www.sptimes.com/News/082401/Floridian/Real_problems_with_a_.shtml | |
140. Google Pulls Anti-Scientology Links | CNET News.com Google pulls antiscientology links The popular search service removes links to pages that hold material copyrighted by the Church of scientology http://news.com.com/2100-1023-865936.html | |
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