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Scientology: more books (114) | ||||||||||
21. Scientology's Crimes scientology s Crimes. General Information on scientology s Crimes. What Judges Say About scientology scientology is evil socially harmful http://www.scientology-lies.com/crimesindex.html | |
22. Secrets Of Scientology mafia of religions The Secrets of scientology. monetary donations. In return, scientology promises its adherents total freedom . The http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Secrets/ | |
23. The Daily Rotten The search engine Google is censoring the Internet's leading critic of the Church of scientology, Operation Clambake. Daily Rotten http://www.dailyrotten.com/articles/archive/290725.html | |
24. The Secret Library Of Scientology The Secret Library of scientology. A library for the critical study of scientology what L. Ron Hubbard would not want you to read! Pardon the bare walls. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library/ | |
25. The Relgious Nature Of Scientology Dr. Parrinder, Methodist Minister and Professor of the Comparative Study of Religions University of London, on the controversy as to whether scientology is a religion. http://www.religiousapartheid.org/critiques/ENG/ThreeExpertises/ba7.htm | |
26. Scientology Theology Reference. Theology Practice Of A Contemporary scientology presents a clearly defined and workable route to spiritual awareness and self improvement. Including articles about the beliefs and practices of the scientology religion. A Reference http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://theology.scientology.org/&y=022A42F6 |
27. Scientology Vs The Internet scientology versus the Internet. March 21, 2002 Google, scientology + Censorship. Priority Telecom disconnects Xtended Internet over antiscientology website. http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/scinternet.htm?FACTNet |
28. De Hulpgids - Dianetics En Scientology Portal Informatie over Dianetics, scientology, L. Ron Hubbard en de scientology Kerk in Amsterdam. Bevat beschrijvingen, een overzicht van boeken, een FAQ, een gratis persoonlijkheidstest en een agenda. http://www.dianeticsscientology.nl/ |
29. Secrets Of Scientology The Secrets of scientology. The Church of scientology is a rich and vengeful religious cult, or as one critic puts it, "a cross between the Moonies and the Mafia." scientology Scientologie scientology Cienciologia Cientologia Ron freedom, scientology books, scientology procedures, scientology history, scientology auditing, scientology http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Secrets | |
30. Scientology Kills scientology Celebrities MoreSpreading Entheta Since 1997. In fact, in scientology, thinking is a pretty lowlevel activity. Former Scientologist. http://www.scientology-kills.org/ | |
31. Nederlands Overheidsrapport Over Scientology (1984) Rapport van de subcommissie sekten van de Tweede Kamer Commissie volksgezondheid, pag. 120160. http://www.xs4all.nl/~kspaink/cos/essays/tk84_rapport.html | |
32. -- Beliefnet.com COMMUNITY Add your views to the scientology message boards, including Learn About scientology The Next Life What s in Store for Us? http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10042.html | |
33. Scientology: Das Glaubensbekenntnis Der Scientology Kirche Weltanschauliche Grunds¤tze der scientology. Originaltext. Gilt f¼r alle Scientologen, innerhalb wie auerhalb der scientologyKirche. http://www.scientology.org/WORLD/Worldger/CORP/creed.htm | |
34. AGSD - AufklärungsGemeinschaft über Scientology Und Dianetik - AGSD Informiert ¼ber scientology, Dianetik und deren Unter und Tarnorganisationen. http://www.agsd.ch |
35. Una Breve Storia Di Scientology Dalla pubblicazione del primo libro di Hubbard fino alla fondazione ed espansione della Chiesa di scientology in tutto il mondo. http://italian.authenticscientology.net/ | |
36. Church Of Scientology, Los Angeles Organization The Church of scientology in Los Angeles was the very first scientology Church in the world, founded in February 18, 1954 by several Los Angeles area http://www.theta.com/csla/ | |
37. Google Pulls, Replaces Web Page Critical Of Scientology Article with comments from a Google spokesperson, a scientology lawyer, and a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. By Elinor Mills Abreu. Reuters http://www.namibian.com.na/2002/March/techtalk/024EC99109.html | |
38. Scientology V. The Internet scientology v. the INTERNET Free Speech Copyright Infringement on the Information SuperHighway. The alt.religion.scientology Newsgroup. http://www.skeptic.com/03.3.jl-jj-scientology.html | |
39. Decide If Scientology Is A Religion? Dr. Alan W. Black examines scientology against seven dimensions of religion and finds all to be present in it. http://www.neuereligion.de/ENG/Black/index.htm | |
40. "Scientology" As A Search Phrase Analyzed By The VisIT Software The Church of scientology s Supremacy over the search term scientology on Google. Fig 1. Search term scientology using only Google. http://www.operatingthetan.com/google/ | |
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