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61. BMH Books - Brethren River in schwarzenau, Germany, for a baptismal service. From that rather inauspiciousbeginning, a movement began to which a number of brethren groups today http://www.bmhbooks.com/brethren.htm | |
62. Brethren Origin, History Of The Meyersdale COB schwarzenau is located in one of the most beautiful parts of the Etter Valley and,according to tradition, was the home of those who became the first brethren. http://www.meyersdale.org/churches/cob/origin.html | |
63. The History | 125th Ashland University In 1720, Alexander Mack led the schwarzenau group to Surhuisterveen in West occasionedboth by continuing governmental pressure on the brethren and economic http://history.ashland.edu/history.asp?page=1 |
64. OpinionJournal - Taste Founded in the German village of schwarzenau in 1708, the brethren began as a smallband of Pietists hoping to recreate the primitive faith of the early church http://www.opinionjournal.com/taste/?id=95000916 |
65. Brethren :: Need Essays :: Free Essays, Free Term Papers, Free Book Reports And influenced by both Pietism and Anabaptism, organized the first congregation in thetown of schwarzenau, Germany in 1708. Though the early brethren shared many http://www.needessays.com/essay/002796.html | |
66. Who Are The Anabaptists, Mennonites, Amish And Brethren? of these people led by Alexander Mack formed a church in schwarzenau, Germany in asthe Deutch Taufer or German Baptists and later the German Baptist brethren. http://www.jdweaver.com/anabhist.html | |
67. Alexander Mack, 1679-1735, Brethren Movement A Short Biography Of Alexander Mack Mack (16791735) is considered the founder of the brethren Movement, oftentimes In1708, at schwarzenau, Germany, with seven other likeminded persons, he http://www.believersweb.org/view.cfm?ID=44 |
68. The People Known As Brethren The brethren movement had definite pietistic influences and origins Alexander Mackas their leader, went to the Eder River in schwarzenau, Wittgenstein, Germany http://www.saintjamesbrethrenchurch.org/history/known_as_brethren.htm | |
69. New Catholic Dictionary: Church Of Brethren; Dunkards (German tunken, to dip) Formerly Conservative German Baptist brethren Church,a Protestant sect established as a separate church at schwarzenau, 1708, by http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd02028.htm | |
70. The Brethren Encyclopedia A fourth brethren World Assembly is being planned for 2008 at schwarzenau, Germany,commemorating the tricentennial of the beginning of the brethren movement. http://www.brethrenencyclopedia.org/conferences.html | |
71. The Brethren Encyclopedia Pages 232. Status In Stock. Overview The brethren movement beginning in 1708in schwarzenau, Germany, has produced a diverse assemblage of believers. http://www.brethrenencyclopedia.org/book-details.asp?ProductID=3 |
72. Covington Church Of The Brethren - About Us , The Church of the brethren was formed in schwarzenau,Germany in 1708 withthe baptism of the original 8 members which included Alexander Mack. http://www.covington-cob.org/About-Us.html | |
73. Listing Information: Church Of The Brethren (Official) - ReligiousResources.org , This is the homepage of six Church of the brethren (CoB) organizations.The CoB was founded at schwarzenau, Germany in 1708 and now counts over...... http://www.religiousresources.org/directory/listing.php?listing_id=2183 |
74. 10/14/1999: Church Of The Brethren Mack and six others, inspired by the followers of Menno Simon (Mennonites) beganwhat became the brethren in a baptismal ceremony in 1708 at schwarzenau. http://www.mrcranky.com/movies/wizardofoz/18.html | |
75. I92: William Steele BROWN (4 Sep 1846 - 20 Mar 1909) Westphalia) Germany. The church they belonged to, the Church of The brethren,was founded in schwarzenau in 1708. The original brethren http://www.dsolar.com/myfamily/d0000/g0000022.html | |
76. The Germans Come To North America The German Baptist brethren practiced believer s baptism. In 1708 Mack and his followersbaptized each other by immersion in the river near schwarzenau, Germany http://www.anabaptists.org/history/ss8001.html | |
77. KHB 07.01 Heimatverein Schwarzenau E.V. Translate this page der Beziehungen zur Kirche der Brüder (Church of the brethren) in den VereinigtenStaaten von Amerika, die im Jahre 1708 in schwarzenau gegründet wurde http://www.siwikultur.de/khb/7/1/629.htm | |
78. Brethren Advertisement. The Church of the brethren is an AnabaptistPietist Christian denomination.It originated in 1708 in schwarzenau, Germany, in the Palatinate. http://www.fastload.org/br/Brethren.html | |
79. What Is A GBC? Grace brethren churches are selfgoverned and owned As the new church began in schwarzenau,Germany, Mack and his followers were determined to follow their own http://www.gbcfred.org/beliefs/wiagbc.htm | |
80. Wfn.org | Church Of The Brethren 2. 1708 in schwarzenau, Germany. 3. Five the brethren Church, Grace brethren,Old German Baptist brethren, the Dunkard brethren, and Ekklesiyar Yanuwa a http://www.wfn.org/1998/08/msg00018.html | |
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