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21. Brethren Groups Names schwarzenau brethren, NeuTäufer, German Baptist Brethren, Church ofthe Brethren, Progressive Brethren, The Brethren Church, Dunkard Brethren http://www.peninsulagrace.org/gracebrethren/cob/groups.htm | |
22. Pietism within the Lutheran churches, but by the beginning of the eighteenth century, somegroups began to separate, starting with the schwarzenau brethren, now known http://www.deusvitae.com/faith/denominations/pietismpage.html | |
23. Lancaster Bible College schwarzenau brethren rank 473 Home Encylopedia Directory eShowcase Sitemap PrivacyContact Us Enyclopedia Home See live article schwarzenau brethren The http://www.tvnc.ca/college/Lancaster Bible College | |
24. Grace Bible College The Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches is a theologically conservative fellowshipof Brethren churches descended from the schwarzenau brethren movement of http://www.tvnc.ca/college/Grace Bible College | |
25. Encyclopedia: Schwarzenau Brethren Church of the Brethren Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia holy kiss. The Church of the Brethren represents the largest bodydescending from Mack s schwarzenau brethren church. The German http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Schwarzenau-Brethren | |
26. List Of Christian Denominations - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia United Zion Church. schwarzenau brethren Church of the Brethren; ConservativeGrace Brethren Churches, International; Dunkard Brethren; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_denominations | |
27. > New Age > Breatharianism Honors to Alexander Mack Detail Interpretation of the life and thought of AlexanderMack, founder of the schwarzenau brethren (Church of the Brethren). http://www.conscious.be/browse.php?cat=137 |
28. Honors To Alexander Mack Guide , Interpretation of the life and thought of Alexander Mack,founder of the schwarzenau brethren (Church of the Brethren)....... http://www.conscious.be/detail.php?id=1022 |
29. Christian Fundamentalism At Yephiah.com ... A Grace Brethren Perspective leader of the Plymouth Brethren in England) for their beliefs and identity as theydo to Alexander Mack, the original founder of the schwarzenau brethren. . http://yephiah.com/fundamentalism.html | |
30. The Way Of Life Of Our Ancestors Page This page has quick explanations with more links to these groups, most of whichare of German origin Moravian Brethren, schwarzenau brethren, Church of http://members.aol.com/ntgen/hrtg/wol2.html | |
31. Nordrhein-Westfalen America. The Wittgenstein district is said to be the place wherethe Church of the schwarzenau brethren originated. Today, many http://www.routes.de/linksammlung/004NW.htm | |
32. Culp Family Genealogy the Brethren. In 1708, the schwarzenau brethren were formed by AlexanderMack (16791735) of Schwarzenau, Germany. Known as the http://www.culp.ws/genealogy.htm | |
33. Frequently Asked Questions For Alt.religion.christian.anabaptist. a) Topics related to Anabaptism, Pietism, or the six Christian denominations thattrace back to the schwarzenau brethren Church of the Brethren, Brethren http://www.primitivechristian.info/articles/arcabFAQ.txt |
34. Syllabus For German Immigrant Culture In America: Lesson 2 Many of those belonged to nonconformist sects such as the Mennonites,Amish, Moravians, and schwarzenau brethren, known also as Dunkers. http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/kade/merrill/lesson2.html | |
35. Ephrata Cloister Definition Meaning Information Explanation The Ephrata Cloister or Ephrata Community was a religious community which descendedfrom the pietistic schwarzenau brethren movement of Alexander Mack of http://www.free-definition.com/Ephrata-Cloister.html | |
36. SmartPedia.com - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books. Schwann cell, Schwansen, Schwartz. Schwartz distribution, Schwartz set,Schwartzbard. Schwarz Stein, schwarzenau brethren, Schwarzian derivative. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Schmidt_Island | |
37. SLCentral Directory - Society - Religion And Spirituality - S S T U V W X Y Z . Salvation Army@ (81); Santeria@ (29);Satanism@ (423); schwarzenau brethren@ (11); Scientology@ (576); http://www.slcentral.com/directory/index.php/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/S | |
38. History Timeline Of The CoB Hochmann, sells property seeking refuge from religious persecution, organizes aGemeinde or congregation of believers, the schwarzenau brethren (NeuTäufer http://churchofthebrethren.org/History Timeline of the Cob.htm | |
39. Church Of The Brethren The Church of the Brethren represents the largest body descending fromMack s schwarzenau brethren church. The German Baptist Brethren http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/C/Church-of-the-Brethren.htm | |
40. Anabaptism In 16th Century Europe its grassroots origin, Anabaptism would heavily influence religious thought farbeyond the century of its birth, including the schwarzenau brethren who would http://www.reformedreader.org/history/anabaptism16thcentury.htm | |
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